Ken's Quest for Invisible Beaker
The ToyBiz invisible woman is pretty pricey on the secondary market (at least it used to be, haven't followed up on it lately). As for the McDonalds toy, let me check out if I have any extras. If I do, I'll send one off to you.
Here's what my unscientific mind has figured out about it. I don't think it was the plastic itself, I really think it was the paint. The PVC they used was liquid blue in color. It really was kind of a cool toy. I'll look into for ya.
Do you remember Zartan in G.I. Joe? How did they make him turn green in sunlight? Could it be the same type of thing?
(Man, here I go getting excited about a disappearing Beaker when I'm lecturing everyone else about being ugly if they can't get all the exclusives!) (Which reminds me, I still want the Muppets in their Alice in Wonderland costumes from the Brooke Sheilds episode!!!!!!)