Ask Ken at Palisades


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Thanks for the info grail!
Silly me, I just read the Palisades Faq and learnt a few things. Although I have to say that I would rather see Fraggle figures before The Dark Crystal figures. Fraggles would blend in more better with the Muppets than say those scary vulture looking things from the Dark Crystal(skeksi's - not sure of spelling). I am saddened to hear that the Muppet Hour isn't on the agenda, but one can hope. Oh I am not that tall either, but not quite as short as a Fraggle! hehehe! I appreciate everyones answers as well as Ken's. Heck I am in my late 20's and already the Muppets are hazy in my mind. All info from everyone is great - I feel like I am just catching up to you guys! LOL
I would one day like to see the "dog" from Fraggle Rock made if Fraggle Rock is ever made. (not sure of spelling, "Sprocket" ? You guys know what I mean. hehehe!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Re: Re: a couple things...

Originally posted by Walker Boh
Which would people prefer ... Muppet Henson or human Henson? I vote Muppet Henson.
I would guess there is pretty much no chance whatsoever of a 'human' Henson figure seeing as JHC themselves do not have the authority to grant this anymore. It'd have to be done independantly of the Henson Company through his kids .... and well, i'm doubting they'd want an action figure of their dad - even if it is a fantastic looking one. A Muppet 'Jim' could be done through the Henson Company but i'm guessing they are holding back for the same reasons. On paper, Jim Henson being made into an action figure sounds kinda tacky and disrespectful - i don't think we've reached that line yet. Jim himself was never keen on merchandising so him actually becoming merchandise is probably a big no no. I agree it would be cool to see though from a fan point of view.

Getting the agreement to do a Muppets/Star Wars wave would be ultra cool and sell through the roof, but i guess Lucas know this too - they are very shrewd and would seek to get something out of it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2002
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Originally posted by ResidentLilly
[BThere's always a chance...Series 4 actually showed up in my office today, all painted. I was a little shocked at the purpleness of the PIS outfits based on the PMS specs. Anybody have any thoughts on this? Anybody have any thoughts of what their pants and boots look like?
Wish I still had it but when I was little, my sister had a plush Miss Piggy that I always thought was a PIS Piggy... It had the purple metallic top and the purple metallic pants. She had purple heels. I'd personally think silver heels for piggy and the Spaceman Spiff-like rounded boots for the other two.

It seemed to me that the suits might not have been so metallic purple but almost metallic pink-like in some episodes?????


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Okay, this confuses me a bit. A while back, someone mentioned "Dirth Nader" and Piggy with hair ala Leia. Ken said that that's highly unlikely, because it would conflict with Lucas film. However, They are making a celebrity Simpson line with Mark Hamil dressed up Like Luke Skywalker, But Fox could get away with it, because they distributed the film, so I don't know what to think.

BTW, Be sure to look for this Celebrity Line, as it will have Jay Sherman, The Critic in it. (No Fooling. Pick up the Issue of Toy Fare with Bart's brother Hugo on the front!) Sorry if I'm taking the Heat off of the Palisades line, Ken, but I had to say it.

I do like the fact that the Rowlf Figure has a slightly lighter shade of Brown in the face than the rest of him, stearing away from the Fisher Price figure.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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um...i hate to break it to you, but you might want to go back and re-read the article. those are ones that the Toyfare guys made and want to see produced. they are NOT being made...except for the last one. that one really is being made. i'm not gonna say who it is because probably not everyone's read it...but i was shocked.

needless to say, Hamil as Skywalker and Jay Sherman are not actually being made...i wish they were though...


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2002
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I think those are custom figures actually. If you read the headline, it says: custom figures done by:......... The only one I actually think they're working on is the last one...

But a custom Leia shouldn't be too challenging. Take the series 1 Piggy, paint the dress white, and then some sort of sculpy and round it into buns...? I'm going to try it out.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Originally posted by grail
um...i hate to break it to you, but you might want to go back and re-read the article. those are ones that the Toyfare guys made and want to see produced. they are NOT being made...except for the last one. that one really is being made. i'm not gonna say who it is because probably not everyone's read it...but i was shocked.

needless to say, Hamil as Skywalker and Jay Sherman are not actually being made...i wish they were though...
excuse me.....

@$%^%^$#%@^&^%##%@%^#$&!!!!!!!! #@$%$%^#$%@$%^!!!

(SWEATY, AND P.O'D) Disreguard what I said!!!!!!! JUst FREAKIN' Forget it!!!! In fact, forget the whole $#%^%$&^%$^& Simpson Line!!!!!!! Muppets all the way!! Muppets Muppets Muppets!!!!!!


If I confused anyone, I do not appologize. The @#$% Magazine confused me, too!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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no worries dude...i had to read it twice to make sure myself...they really did an excellent job with the ones they had made.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2002
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In regards to Star Wars, at what point does parody fair-use cross into copyright violation? I thought as long as something is done as a parody it is not held by the same copyright laws. I could understand still preferring to get permission and keeping parties involved happy, but let's say for argument sake that Henson said yes and Lucas said no, is it still possible to make Gonzo Vader or Piggy Leia and call them parodies to get by licensing issues?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I propose we break into the Toy Fare headquarters and steal the mock ups they made. I reel like Tantilous, forever going Hungry and Thirsty, waist deep in water with fruit trees all over.

I think they should have printed a BIIIIIG BIIIIIG, Full Page Blistering advisory that these are increadably fake, and there is no way in Heck that they'll ever make a Jay Sherman Figure at all!!! They'll make a million more stupid Homer figures in different costumes using the same #$$%% Head before they consider any of that!!!!

If I subscribed to toyfare, I'd cancell my subscription and send them that issue torn up covered in red ink in a dirty little envelope!!!!!!

Sorry, I have had enough crap happen to me in my life, the littlest things push me over board!!!