Ask Ken at Palisades


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Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by GWGumby
In regards to Star Wars, at what point does parody fair-use cross into copyright violation? I thought as long as something is done as a parody it is not held by the same copyright laws. I could understand still preferring to get permission and keeping parties involved happy, but let's say for argument sake that Henson said yes and Lucas said no, is it still possible to make Gonzo Vader or Piggy Leia and call them parodies to get by licensing issues?
the problem with that is that they used the characters in conjunction with known Star Wars characters. they can no longer claim parody because of that. they would have to be sanctioned by Lucasfilm...which would COST...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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PIS Outfits

In some lighting, the suits looked more pink than purple. Purple works, so long as it is metallic and is a light purple.

I definitely think the boots should be silver (like the trim on the suits). I also think Piggy *must* be in boots-- boots with heels, but still boots. Link and Strangepork, of course, need pants, but I think Piggy had a skirt. Given what they were spoofing, and who Piggy is, I just can't see her in a duplicate of the men's suit.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2002
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Originally posted by ResidentLilly
There's always a chance...Series 4 actually showed up in my office today, all painted. I was a little shocked at the purpleness of the PIS outfits based on the PMS specs. Anybody have any thoughts on this? Anybody have any thoughts of what their pants and boots look like?
Perhaps if you showed us some pics of them we could give some constructive criticism? Hmmm?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Show of hands, who thinks that the "Celebrities, we'd like to see" article is a #$$% Tease?????


Active Member
May 20, 2002
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Since you have started down the Kubrick slope thought you maybe interested in this:

Star Wars Kubricks

I was able to get my wife to order some sets, first case ever of in-laws being useful :stick_out_tongue:

Now back to your Muppet Speak.

Purple Metallic Space suits would look good. Just purple would look meh.

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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There's always a chance...Series 4 actually showed up in my office today, all painted. I was a little shocked at the purpleness of the PIS outfits based on the PMS specs. Anybody have any thoughts on this? Anybody have any thoughts of what their pants and boots look like?


Piggy's outfit on the show is metallic purple, and the guys wear silver. However, the one time we saw Link's uniform below the waist (when he jumped into Miss Piggy's arms when they landed on Koozebane in the second PIS of the Elke Sommer ep.- it's in the tape I sent you) it showed that their pants are purple (and not metallic, more like purple tights). But the top halves of the suits should definitely be metallic silver, save for Piggy.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Grail, which figure will they actually make in the simpsons line? I'd read it myself, but I'm boycotting the magazine!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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>>>I think they should have printed a BIIIIIG BIIIIIG, Full Page Blistering advisory that these are increadably fake, and there is no way in Heck that they'll ever make a Jay Sherman Figure at all!!!<<<

The painjobs and sculpt screamed home made, as nice as some of them were. At first I to thought this was a legit prototype sneak peak, but then realized they were all custom made.

This is an ongoing column in Toy Fare called "WISH LIST".
they also made a Labyrinth Bowie figure a few issues back, and even figures from Fight Club.

It's good to see customs shown in newstand magazines, as Toy Fare quit showing customs fromt he fans.

As a side note, the Lucas gestapo has clamped down on virtually ALL custom made Star Wars figures. A shame. While some were just lame, some were guine works of art. I myself was thinking of making some Episode Two customs to sell on ebay. Then I realized virtually every character in Star Wars gets made into a figure eventually.


Aug 5, 2002
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Wow, I didn't expect people to be upset about that article, especially on a Muppets board. We often do these types of "we wanna see these figures" articles where we contract with toy customizers to do figures. We said at the start of the article these were customs and listed the guys who worked on them. (Incidentally, they were Joe Amaro, Michael Browne & Chris Gawrych.)

What happened here was after we contracted out with the customizers, we got word that Playmates actually was going to do a Stephen Hawking figure, so we added that into the article. Incidentally, we still show fan customs in the magazine in the homemade heroes section, it's just been cut down to one an issue.

(And I know this is OT, I just wanted to respond to the posts about the magazine.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2002
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Originally posted by DasGoot
What happened here was after we contracted out with the customizers, we got word that Playmates actually was going to do a Stephen Hawking figure, so we added that into the article. Incidentally, we still show fan customs in the magazine in the homemade heroes section, it's just been cut down to one an issue.
Sorry to continue digression, but I think what the problem was, that for someone who isn't familiar to the "Wish List" column, it appears as if these toys are actually going to be produced. Then after getting hopes up, it was realized that these are custom made...

It seemed like very small font size (in comparison to the headline) that stated that these were actually customs. I was fooled the first time I read it too but after looking at the pictures a while, you could tell they were custom made. Maybe have in larger (or something that stands out more) lettering showing that these were custom made.