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Academy Awards


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Drtooth
Ughhhh.. I hate when people talk about fashion. So what if such and such wore such and such. It attracts more attention from the awards if you tune in to see celebrities wear clothes you'd never be able to aford, if you had every single dollar you ever had...:grouchy: :attitude:
It was a joke.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Drtooth
Ughhhh.. I hate when people talk about fashion. So what if such and such wore such and such. It attracts more attention from the awards if you tune in to see celebrities wear clothes you'd never be able to aford, if you had every single dollar you ever had...:grouchy: :attitude:
I agree with Don McLean when he says "I hate fashion / I hate it with a passion." I find those Awards Show Fashion Recaps soooo incredibly annoying. Who is that particular person, anyway, to say how another person should be dressed? I personally find the whole clothes thing very boring, and I don't understand why people are so captivated by it.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I wanted Queen Latifa to win too. She stole every scene she was in. Too bad they cut some big scenes. :frown:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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She will have a very long and vast career. She is amazing. Simply amazing.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by frogboy4
I wanted Queen Latifa to win too. She stole every scene she was in. Too bad they cut some big scenes. :frown:
We had a woman of Queen's stature and looks perform that song about Big Mama at Oscar Night America. There was a guy there who manages Memphis Grizzly's Shane Battier's restaurant and after a 2 minute spot, he hired her!!

Geez. Why can't folks like the Blues Brothers that much??

Good luck for her, though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Wolfy: Hmmm...well, I notice that over in the "Gulf war news" thread, people continue to quote one another and toss back and forth. Of course, when I do that, I'm "slandering" a "countless" number of people :rolleyes:

Maybe I'll be allowed to talk about what somebody else said about what happened at the Oscars on an Oscar thread. Is that okay?

Tell the Thought Police (:wink:) to pay close attention. Watch how I disagree without calling anyone stupid. It's called debate. Watch closely:

The most important thing is that Michael Moore has a RIGHT to speak his mind. As for timing, it is a decision. The invasion had begun, Moore was given an award, so he had no choice other than to speak or not. Moore didn't kill those soldiers; he didn't orchestrate the other events. The decision to begin the military action wasn't Moore's. He won with a film shot a year earlier, all about America's love of guns, and refusal to take their danger seriously. At one point in the film, he opens an account at a bank, and they give him a gun. That seems crazy to most other countries. It was a great moment in the film.

It was what the world needed at that time. Always with what "we" don't need, meaning America. Maybe America didn't WANT to hear it, but the rest of the Earth needed it.

"It was tactless and totally uncalled for"

Well, some people feel the invasion of Iraq was just that. What I find disturbing is that a nation allegedly "at war" is celebrating and having fun. The major cities of the country you are "at war" with are being bombed and shot at, while your major cities aren't suffering a single bullet, and one of them, a few days ago, was full of millionaires gving each other trophies, and then having parties afterward.

Pretty easy going for a country "at war."

Moore's comments injected a little reality. By doing so, he ruined his chances of ever winning again. You'll never have to see him on stage again.

What he did was brave and selfless.

Well, that's my opinion on her opinion. Did anybody read where I called Wolfy "stupid?" How about "slander," which means "an untuth?" Did I say Wolfy was a communist, which would be slander? Anybody want to help me out, here? Is this okay as it is, a differing opinion? Are there at least some adults here? Can we talk about issues as well as toys? I just wanna make sure. Apparently I haven't been banned from the forum, but I want to be sure I'm not slipping into my alleged bad habits again. If anybody finds me calling Wolfy a name, or slandering her, please call the Thought Police (:wink:), because this is my FIRST post since yesterday, and I want to be 100% informed by any and all if I called Wolfy "stupid" or slandered her. Maybe you all think this last paragraph is ridiculous, but that's what I've been accused of doing on a regular basis, and as such, I just wanna be really careful with my first post since yesterday. If anybody finds insults and slander in what I wrote, please let me know. Thank you:concern:


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2002
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Yeah, I didn't see any slander in those comments. They were all right on the mark. Micheal Moore had a lot of guts to go up and do what he did. The world is a much better place with him here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2002
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Well, geeze...

Considering that you should really get off that soap box long enough to read what I wrote and not put speeches into my mouth, I can't really answer your message other than to say this:

The noun "we" in the "it wasn't was 'we' needed" didn't mean Americans per se...it meant the viewers of the program around the world. The Academy Awards were being seen by special hookup in Iraq and around the world on the Armed Forces Radio and Television Services.

For this so-called "patriotic American," Michael Moore, to go onstage for winning an Oscar about "Bowling for Columbine," which yes, is about gun control AND the last day of the two students who went on a rampage in Columbine, killing a number of their fellow students and teachers and how they had gone BOWLING earlier that morning before doing so and the futility of all of it, which is what Moore was trying to get across to his viewing audience, yes, he deserved the Oscar. For his movie.

But he does NOT deserve any applause for his speech. And this is MY opinion, which I have every right and freedom as an American to have and to feel very strongly about, just as you have the right to feel stongly about your opinion.

However, you aren't me. You aren't Michael Moore. You are someone who has an opinion like everyone else, but you are trying to force YOUR opinion down our throats.

Do you honestly believe that we WANT this war? Seriously?

Do you honestly believe that we, the normal everyday working class people don't chafe at the thought that there are people in the world like the stars in Hollywood who make millions per movie and are awarded trophies for it?

Excuse me, don't they do things like that in Canada as well? And don't the Canadians get some of those awards when they make movies for companies here in America? Do ALL Canadians hate the stars and their ability to do this work for the kind of money they do as much as you seem to do?

I highly doubt it, just as I highly doubt that ALL Canadians and ALL Americans are either for or against this war, the Oscars, the price of sugar or whatever else there is in the world to discuss or nitpick about.

Michael Moore, as I stated in my first message DOES have every right to his opinions. He can speak out at almost any time.

However, a REAL man, a REAL human being, a REAL person with true feelings would NEVER have stated what he did on air, no matter HOW strongly they felt about this war, knowing that the families, friends and other people who knew and know those soldiers who were captured and killed, or who have sons, daughters, husbands, wives and other relatives or friends over in the war-zoned area, be they American, British, Canadian, Australian, French or whomever is working with us, INCLUDING those families of the innocent Iraqi civilians.

The man was tactless, the speech was tasteless and the timing for such was WRONG.

And considering that this is a man who is also a millionaire being honored by other millionaires with a trophy in a major city and having parties afterward, why it is wrong for others like him to do so and yet you are so slaverously vehement about Moore? What is he, your uncle or something?

Now, Phil, I am sorry about being on the soapbox myself, but this is the end of my writing about this matter.

The Academy Awards were fine. I enjoyed what I saw, barring the Moore speech.

As an bankrupt American in my heavily mortgaged home with my multi-doctor bills and numerous other problems that certain people who get free health don't give a rat's butt about but cry foul because we seem to "have it all" (hey, the grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side of the fence, pal), I will exit the arena.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2002
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No, it was the perfect timing to say what he said. Even better that it was broadcasted in Iraq. And for that reason alone deserves a big standing ovation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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"However, a REAL man, a REAL human being, a REAL person..."

What a thing to write. Why not call Moore a schmuck? Who cares? The only problem I had with Jamie calling Moore a "ball of gas" was that Jamie is the moderator, and should never throw an insult or take a side.

But as long as the person is OUTSIDE of the people in this forum, who cares? Call Moore a goof. But what you wrote...using capitals...

You don't consider Michael Moore to be a real human being. Madness.

That says it all

(note to the Thought Police (:wink:)...I didn't slander Wolfy, or say that Wolfy was "stupid." I do believe I said her opinion was "madness," which is different from saying, as an example, "Wolfy, you are insane," which she clearly is not)