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  1. Jeffrey Gray

    Bewitched Marathon

    I haven't really been watching this much, but I've been tuning in sometimes. I don't really like the show (I prefer Get Smart, myself), but I have noticed that they keep the old Screen Gems logo at the end of the episodes. That's kinda cool...
  2. Jeffrey Gray

    What is Next on Unpaved?

    Yes, it was. #1575. It also featured an appearance by Fred Rogers.
  3. Jeffrey Gray


    The sponsors were H, K, and 12.
  4. Jeffrey Gray

    Sesame Street Episodes

    Do we pretend that Jim Henson never existed, just because he died? No. Did the people on Sesame Street pretend that Mr. Hooper never existed, just because he died? No. Actually, this should be handled like the death of Mr. Hooper...let's just remember how good SSU was, and never forget. I...
  5. Jeffrey Gray

    Sesame Street Episodes

    Maybe. The fifth is definitely NOT the fifth aired episode, as it has no end credits. I dunno about the other 3...
  6. Jeffrey Gray

    Reading Rainbow in trouble

    They're still MAKING new episodes? Do they still have LeVar Burton on them, because if they don't, it's better off if they don't make any new ones...:)
  7. Jeffrey Gray


    The schedule extends to the end of June. No SSU is listed on the schedule from now until then.
  8. Jeffrey Gray

    How big was Kermit's role on Sesame Street?

    He was on street segments...sort of. He often participated in "One of These Things..." segments, which were set on the street. He also sometimes did interviews on the street. After "The Muppet Show" started, Kermit appeared on the street much less; possibly not at all.
  9. Jeffrey Gray


    No comment. I mean that, after yesterday, there is no more SSU listed on their schedule, on any currently listed day. And the schedule goes until the end of June.
  10. Jeffrey Gray


    My other source is (MTV Networks' official schedules). However, it is not available to the public; I have an account, so I can view the site. And the site says that there is no more SSU for the time being.
  11. Jeffrey Gray


    I did videotape this episode (#1575); good thing I checked my other source, because DirecTV listed 1-2-3 Sesame Street as coming on at that time! Alas, I have checked this other source again, and SSU is not airing 2 weeks from now. I think it's gone for the time being...
  12. Jeffrey Gray


    Actually, I checked DirecTV's schedule; it says that SSU is not on tomorrow; it's being replaced by more of The N. (Some original movie is airing tonight, and it takes up the first hour of Cable in the Classroom; the second hour is occupied by episodes of 24 Seven and Being Eve...:() However...
  13. Jeffrey Gray

    Sesame Street characters themes

    Re: Re: Sesame Street characters themes Actually, Northern Calloway was still alive when he left the show; thus, his character moved away. Calloway died about a year after he left the show, in 1990. (The SS Unpaved book says he died in 1989, so that's probably the source of this misconception)
  14. Jeffrey Gray


    As does mine. I'm taping it again.
  15. Jeffrey Gray

    What is Next on Unpaved?

    Well, since the last episode they aired was #1563, then the next one (the one airing next week) will be #1575, where Fred Rogers visits Sesame Street. The Mr. Hooper episode is #1839, and aired in 1983; we're still in 1981 right now, and I know there's at least 8 episodes left until
  16. Jeffrey Gray

    Which Unpaved was last week?

    No, they simply ran #1563. (Maria asks for a raise)
  17. Jeffrey Gray

    Creepy Muppet/Henson music

    TLSG always scared me...then again, both claymation/stop-motion and Paul/Sandra Fierlinger animation weirded me out as a kid...
  18. Jeffrey Gray

    Muppet Film and TV References

    This is a computer game reference, but what the hey: In Worms: Armageddon, at least for some of the voice banks, when you attack someone with Air Strike, one of the possible things your worm will say into the walkie-talkie to call in the air strike is "Come in, Big Bird!"
  19. Jeffrey Gray

    Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs...the movie!

    I loved this book. Mostly because I was, as a kid, obsessed with any book that so much as mentioned food. So you can tell I "ate it up", so to speak. But a movie? I dunno, would people see it? The book itself seemed a little too weird to be accessible...;) Anyway, glad it's gonna be a...
  20. Jeffrey Gray

    Any Fraggle DVD news?

    The Henson Co. people apparently do like the idea of Fraggle DVDs, and them getting their freedom back could mean that it could happen (and since it's not some company like Disney getting a hold of them, this could lead to something nonconventional for "kids' shows," like season sets)