Well, some of them did. But see, that's another reason why it wasn't very popular. See, when Noggin first signed on in 1999, and when they were airing it religiously, very few people had Noggin. Practically no cable systems carried it, and it was only carried by the DISH Network. Then digital cable came into town, and we switched right away. But we were the first ones in town to get digital cable, and nobody knew. About 4 months later, more people started to get it. They knew that Noggin was one of the channels, but never knew they had old reruns of Sesame Street. Because even by then, it was only on during the wee hours. See, I was afraid for a long time that it was going to be going eventually. Usually, if the airing of a show like Sesame Street Unpaved keeps being decreased, AND they don't add anymore episodes (they just keep repeating the same ones), doesn't that mean that its on its way out?