Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Ahh, the "Look! Another pig has fallen down!" does make a lot of sense as well! For the "You'd better be oh real careful," I imagined it being sung a little quickly as well, so it's really interesting that it's actually drawn out. That's a cool thing to imagine hearing.

Yeah, the "Another one..." line could be said either way. It definitely does get the message across, no matter which way they said it. And I do really like the "We're enjoying this" as well. I really like the audience's joy that's so apparent throughout their "responses"!

Aww, ok. Take as much time as you need off from this, Marty. I know we love what you've done and what you've posted so far! And of course we look forward to more, but only when you're ready. :smile:

Lol, "Now for the last pig"... they sure know what's coming! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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For the "You'd better be oh real careful," I imagined it being sung a little quickly as well, so it's really interesting that it's actually drawn out. That's a cool thing to imagine hearing.
Well fersure it's not way drawn out but it is sung just at enough of a slower pace for me to be able to clearly make it out. The third line begins as the word careful is being crooned.
It's drawn out enough to hear it but at the same time quick enough to be gotten neatly inbetween the other responses if you know what I mean.:smile:

And it is a cool thing to imagine hearing. You're right about that.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Ahh, the "Look! Another pig has fallen down!" does make a lot of sense as well!

Lol, "Now for the last pig"... they sure know what's coming! :wink:
Putting myself in the Audience's shoes I realize that when the first piggy fell they would have been completely surprised because like you said earlier they would not be expecting that to happen.

When the second piggy falls they may have been marginally surprised because they may not have specifically expected another falling off because the piggies were supposedly watching their step very closely. Though they probably expected something else to happen maybe towards the end of the number as a final funny touch to the song number.

And they sure know what's coming though they may possibly be surprised once more when the last pig doesn't actually fall at the last chorus. Leaving them briefly wondering how the sketch is going to end precisely. Until the final surprise.:wink:

Hope you like the bonus thoughts I've shared for now and I will try to listen for some more lines later on in the next week.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Oh yes, I didn't think the "You'd better be oh real careful" was insanely slow, I did figure it was just slower than the other responses. But I guess I'm just imagining everything in the "reactions" being really, really fast, heh. It's perfect that it being that way makes it easier for you to understand it! :smile:

Right, I know just what you mean that after the second piggy fell, they probably expected something else to happen to the last piggy by the end of the number, just as we probably expected something to happen as well.

The way you set it up is exactly how I was feeling when I first saw the sketch... expecting something to happen and expecting him to fall, and then being very surprised when the boulders came. It certainly is an interesting surprise! :big_grin:

I like them very much, thank you for sharing these thoughts of yours. And we look forward to more within the next week!

crazed gonzo fa

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2006
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Awesome job on making 1500 posts everyone! I had a bit to catch up on so, I hope you don't mind, but I skipped over most of the posts on this page. Congrats! God Bless You All! And this is post 1515!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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BTW I think I may have actually figured out what the first lines really are despite the difficulty.

I have carefully listened to it as hard as I can and I've come to the conclusion that the immediate line is "Now there're two." The reason it's hard is that they laugh ha ha first then speak rather quickly so that the Now and the there're sound like one single syllable. It appears to sound like Nartoo. Plus the first piggy's crash adds to the difficulty.

As for the other bit I've come to the final conclusion that it's "A pig's fallen off." I also realized that afterwards before the exchange between the remaining piggies there is a "Wah Wah Wah" This sounds like somebody making a mock expression of distress. This has made perfect sense to me.

So it goes "Now there're two." and "A pig's fallen off." and finally a sarcastic "Wah Wah Wah" in reaction to the realized dark humour that's presented in the sketch.

I shall have to post a full complete final conclusive listing of these "audience responses" at the end of our current discussion won't I?
haha! That's awesome, Marty! I actually don't have the DVD of the John Denver episode, but I *do* 'ave the video, d'ya think I'll still be able to here it? Btw, so far the pictures are going perty good! But I have been quite busy lately. But I'll be around to 'em. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I doubt very much that you could hear it Katie. It's very faint and most of it is spoken really fast. I never would have picked it up myself. I only discovered it while listening to the audio mp3 at slow speed and even then some of it is difficult to understand. If I could slow it down even further it may possibly make it easier but at least I'm doing my best to interpret it.
It was a big surprise and it has helped to keep the thread running strong hasn't it?

And take your time with the pictures. It'll be so cool to have links to them posted in this thread. Something else for our piggy fans to anticipate. :big_grin: