Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Lol, um, we'd talk about Happy Wandering pigs and evil goats knocking them off of a mountain, of course. Man, what a weird conversation that must be! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Especially when we talk about what if they were woman piggies.

That has been by far my favourite quirky subject of all. :wink:

Still the discovery of the audience responses is a very close second. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Actually there isn't much to say regarding that dialogue during the last piggy's verse so I'll share it now.

When he sings Oh may I go a-wandering until the day I die during the pause before the second half of the verse there is very short and faint. "As if he had a choice."

Then during the first part of the chorus there is something that's partially obscured by his singing but it would seem to be either "Praying wouldn't help him in this case" or more probably I think "Praying wouldn't help him to escape." Or maybe it's "Praying wouldn't help him avoid his fate."

Then that's practically it. It's virtually impossible to decipher the lines when the first piggy is "killed" unfortunately. But everything else of significance seems to be in place including the line"Haha! He's being squashed by those large rocks!"

I hope you have all found this as amusing as amusing as I have.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Aw, the quirks in this thread are part of its charm! :big_grin:

Yay Marty, I'm glad you were ok with finishing this up right now! I can see that there isn't too much, but it is pretty cute. That "As if he had a choice" is really interesting, lol. And I do agree, I think that "Praying wouldn't help him to escape" is probably what the line would be. I think it makes the most sense.

As you've mentioned, the fun noise of the sketch blocks out the audience's "responses," but at least we have what we do, which is awesome! It's so great that you shared all this with us, it definitely is something fun and unique to have included in the thread! Thanks, Marty! Amusing it is, indeed! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Thanks a bunch Caroline.

Here's a little postscript. I forgot to mention that at the same time as the line regarding Praying there seem to be two short words of a single syllable each. Listening carefully I think they sound like "You're next."
How naturally appropriate is that huh? :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Hehe, "You're next," that's great! Definitely appropriate! Actually, I really love how very appropriate so many of the "audience's" comments are! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Yes Caroline it is fun indeed. The fast mode is truly priceless as you say but I definitely favour the slow mode. So much is surprisingly highlighted when slowed down.
For another example you can follow how nervous they were at heart even though they were reasonably so cool and calm after the first one fell.
The inflections in the way they said Uh-oh, and even the seriousness in the way the leader said "Watch your step." It probably would have sounded more realistically dramatic if the middle piggy had responded with the "I will! I will!" line. Or maybe even "Yeah, you too."
But they really were very good shaken up reactions although too strictly speaking calm, were they not?
It doesn't really surprise me because The Muppet's always progressively get shaken up with the more things that go wrong. LOL!

Actually I think the Muppeteers were just playing around with the beginning of the sketch having fun of their own.

Logically speaking all three piggies should have been acting like they were having such a happy time singing and hiking. The most the one on the end should have felt was shock and horror when something suddenly hit him hard in the back of the legs sending him falling to his death with a scream while he was enjoying himself. Therefore only the other two should have had the time to suffer the nervousness involved with the rest of the sketch.

But using a bit of implausible poetic licence they chose to show the first piggy in a nervous image very slightly, perhaps intending to subtily lay a hint to the audience as to what might be going to happen when watching the sketch for the first time.

Does this sound like a good theory to you Caroline?
They could have just have decided to have one with an off personality of the other. Like was mentioned before, they could have just talked him in to it. But see as people feel different about doing the some things in real life, maybe that's what they were trying to get across here. Maybe there is a sorry behind this where he has a history of bad luck of something. Or it could have been that bad things had been happening and going wrong all through that episode and hes was afraid this might be another one of them. Or perhaps after going through all this in rehearsal, he know of what was to come and he just didn't want to have to go through all that over again. Just some thoughts here, people.

Oh yes thank you Michelle. And wow. Am I excited about discovering this.:excited:

I slowly realized while listening to my mp3 track in slow mode that there is dialogue mixed in with the laughing of the canned laughter track. No kidding.

Even though some of it is still unlegible since they speak really really quickly to begin with still I have carefully listened to it through my headphones and worked it out as best I can.

I thought when the first piggy fell you could hear "The last one. He's falling off the mountain." though now I'm not so sure anymore. I can't tell whether the first bit I hear at the same time as the sound effects of him striking the bottom really are the words "The last one." or just simple Haaa-ha-ha!
And the second bit no longer sounds like the sentence I assumed it was. It seems to be just two words of a single syllable each. I am 90% positive now that they are "Oink. Oink."
Even though I would have preferred it to be what I originally thought still it is kinda cute.

I know during the Watch your step part you can hear "Hear what he said?"
There's also someone else saying something that seems like "That'll do it." but I cannot tell. He does seem to be saying "Watch your step" while simultaneously laughing about it however.
That is really awesome, Marty! Wow! This show really is so detailed and so well done. Their really is so much to discover about it after all theses years. I figure that the audience is so used to things going wrong or bad for the poor Muppet troop, that they are used to the bad luck and laughing at their misery. And just expecting things to go wrong right on schedule. LOL!

And here is our 1500th post

:excited: HOORAY FOR OUR THREAD!:big_grin:
Yea! That's so awesome, Marty! Congratulations!