Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


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Jun 5, 2006
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Yaaaaayyy!!! :excited: :excited:

How awesome!! And with such a fun conversation going, what a perfect time to hit such a cool milestone! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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This is a fun conversation so true but I am finding things a little rough.

You see just when I thought I had made up my mind at last about the first piece of "audience participation" I had another listen to the mp3 slow again only to find it sounding like first one thing and then another again. Groan:confused:

That's the trouble with not being able to hear things clearly. One minute you think you've heard it right and the next you realize you really don't know deep down which thought you interpreted was really true. Some of them are so faint they could virtually pass for anything if you can understand what I'm saying.

If only I knew a way to mute out all the other sound leaving only the laughtrack then I may have a better chance of turning it up loud enough to finally hear it clearly but I'm not upset or anything. Just lightly frustrated that's all.:smile:

But I am thrilled indeed to have passed 1500 posts. That certainly makes this little experiment worth it.:big_grin:
BTW I can confirm the "Wah. Wah." does stand out clearly for one thing at least.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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I can totally understand what you mean, Marty. That's why I think I would be absolutely horrendous at it! And I'm sorry you're frustrated. But I think it's so terrific that you keep persisting at it! It's so great of you to do that. :smile:

You know something I've noticed? Is that if you listen to the track, but distract yourself with something else at the same time so you are listening to it but not giving it your full attention, things pop out at you so suddenly. I've noticed when I do that, I can understand dialogue better and the interpretations I have are almost always correct when I do that! Maybe that would help you a little bit if you gave that a shot some time? Just a random suggestion, hehe.

Absolutely. Our 1500+ posts sure have been fun to do, and the many, many more we'll have will be even more fun! :big_grin: And I'm so glad that it can help make your experiment here even more worth it, too!
Awesome! Thank you for confirming that you can definitely hear that fer sure. That is certainly set in stone!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Thanks for the advice Caroline. I may give it a try sometime. :smile:

Anyway I'll finish up what I immediately have to say. In conclusion there is a question mark on the first part though like you said the reference to the mocking "Wah. Wah." is set in stone.

I had the rug pulled out from under me because the response to the Watch your step line suddenly no longer sounds like "Hear what he said?" and I had been so confident about it too. But after listening to the way it sounds I have come to the hypothesis that it is in response to how unbelievably calm the other two take their situation. I think the likely line is "I'd be shook up."
Even though I liked my first assumption as much as you did I'm sure you will agree that for a replacement that isn't too bad at all.:wink:

And I still can't think of any better theory for the second response to it. So at least this part is set in concrete though it may not necessarily be dried firmly solid.:wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Guess what? I've come about face in my interpretation of the above point.

I've realized that as soon as the leader says Watch your step a little bit of dialogue can be heard while his buddy is answering Yeah. Yeah. Just a brief bit followed by the rest of it when the pigs are quiet.

Now I've come to understand that the words seem to be. "Ooooh I hope you can stay up"
Naturally this would be uttered by an audience member in a funny frame of mind more than likely expecting that the other two will not be able to "stay up" :wink:

Or my first new thought was "All right. Had to come and say that."

Well I'm not allowing myself to get as frustrated as I was before because it's still fun to speculate isn't it?

I'll give myself a break for awhile and come back to this some other time. God bless you my friends and PIOL to brighten up your dreary days. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I just had to listen to that part a little bit more and I'm now 99.9% sure I have deciphered it correctly. I played fractions of a second over and over to test the words and they seem to sound plausible in part so they'd easily go together. I just love this one the most of all and knowing Muppeteers senses of humour I can bet this is what was truly said at this point fersure.

Get this the leader piggy says "Watch your step" And while the middle piggy is saying "Yeah. Yeah." someone in the audience is saying "Ooooo! It should have been sooner." Need I say more?:big_grin:

Isn't this the funniest thing of all so far Caroline?:wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I'm definitely 100% about this part now.

Every time I play the slow part of my mp3 in question it just seems to flow so naturally hilarious.

The First Piggy falls with a terrible crash.
Leader and Middle Piggies: Uh-oh!
Leader Piggy: Watch yer step! (the slow form does highlight the fact that he pronounces the your specifically as yer)
Middle Piggy: Yeah. Ya. (again his pronunciation of the second yeah is made abundantly clear)
Audience Member/s: Too late! Had it been sooner? :wink:

Definitely makes the implication of the darkness of the sketch even more darkly funny, don't you agree?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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And incidentally I realize now what the next response is that sounded something like "That he'll do".

It's so simple really. One audience member says "Too late!" then while he or she is saying "Had it been sooner?" another member is saying at the same moment "Little bit" thus agreeing that it is a little bit too late for the leader piggy to say "Watch your step" after one of his friends has already fallen off.
Then he laughs and says "Watch your step" himself while he's still laughing.

This all makes perfect sense don't you agree Caroline? :big_grin:

And isn't it great that we know have this whole segment firmly set in stone?:excited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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You're absolutely right, Marty! This is just something entertaining to do and it is really fun to speculate! It's so fun to try and think what they may have said and what they may have meant by it all. I'm really glad you decided to not let yourself get too frustrated with it. :smile:

Especially when we have such crazy things like this new thing you know is right! Lol, that is so great, I love it! Hehe, "Too late!" "Had it been sooner?" and "Little bit"... those are so great and so perfect with the dark humor of the sketch. That's awesome! :big_grin: I love how they did that!

Definitely a fun realization you had, Marty! I'm so glad you were able to hear that, and thank you for sharing it with us. Just keeps getting better and better. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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And just for the record you can add to the firmly stone setting everything that is said when the second piggy meets his fate.
It is hard since the first one speaks so quickly due to supposed excitement I guess. But I think the final words are "Look! Another pig has fallen down!" Even if those are not the exact words they have to be close enough obviously.

The sing-songy "You'd better be oh real careful" is drawn out more slowly so there's no question with that.

Finally there's either "Another one (of them) has fallen off the mountain." or the same without the words bracketed. No difference of course. And during this line definitely another saying "We're enjoying this."

I am taking a break from this just for a little while but you can also add after the leader has moaned and prepares to resume climbing by himself a very faint voice that says "Now for the last pig."