I can totally understand what you mean, Marty. That's why I think I would be absolutely horrendous at it! And I'm sorry you're frustrated. But I think it's so terrific that you keep persisting at it! It's so great of you to do that.
You know something I've noticed? Is that if you listen to the track, but distract yourself with something else at the same time so you are listening to it but not giving it your full attention, things pop out at you so suddenly. I've noticed when I do that, I can understand dialogue better and the interpretations I have are almost always correct when I do that! Maybe that would help you a little bit if you gave that a shot some time? Just a random suggestion, hehe.
Absolutely. Our 1500+ posts sure have been fun to do, and the many, many more we'll have will be even more fun!
And I'm so glad that it can help make your experiment here even more worth it, too!
Awesome! Thank you for confirming that you can definitely hear that fer sure. That is certainly set in stone!