@BlakeConor14 I have OCD and when I was your age I had intrusive thoughts that I couldn't even handle (unrelated to sexuality). Meditate and get 8 hours of sleep I guess? I saw a psychologist/psychiatrist (one of the two) and they basically did nothing to help me which I knew would be the case. I was hoping to get drugs or something, but at the same time you don't want to become dependent on that.
But yeah, it's OCD, not sexuality; I can tell you're my breed. I went through the same ****. I've kinda come out through the other side and honestly have no idea what to tell you. Sometimes life just sucks and that's the way it is. I actually had to tell my parents to take me out of college because OCD was ruling my life... it was bad.
Very bad. I won't even go into the specifics because as you know, OCD and the intrusive thoughts that come with it are totally irrational (maybe not totally, but to some degree): unrelated to germs, unrelated to sexuality... intrusive thoughts/paralysis by analysis was my problem (and still kinda is to some degree) which is what it sounds like you're going through. All I try to do now is live in the moment and go with whatever flow the universe hands me. I try to keep a blank mental state whenever possible. This is learned through experience and time. I'm still on the journey to mental fulfillment myself, and now I feel like fuzzygobo preaching lol.
Edit: I can actually make a direct parallel to you: one of the things I was going through was intrusive thoughts over a fear of death by drowning because I didn't now how to swim, and I obsessed over this until (and I believe even after) I learned how to swim. My dad assumed it was aquaphobia but it was not: it was straight up OCD. That sounds like what you're going through, where everyone's assuming it's you battling your sexuality but in reality is probably OCD.
Thankfully now (some 8 years later) I'm totally removed from where I was mentally at that time, and have now moved on to obsessing over something equally as irrational.