Hey. Old timer here. Not looking to make a come back; just happened to poke my head in to re-read an old story someone posted that was on my mind.
Everyone has said, and I'll reiterate: life happens, and it tends to interfere with things, and fanfic just doesn't get to be the highest priority all the time.
But I especially want to reiterate something that Gorgon Heap touched on. When I first started writing and posting fanfic, I would practically babysit the thread, eagerly awaiting every response, and it was never much of a wait. By the time I STOPPED posting... Well, I'll be honest, I never quite lost the habit of sitting and staring and WAITING for responses... and they just stopped coming.
In the early days, it was INCREDIBLE: we were a whole little community, sitting around pointing out EVERY good thing in EVERY update, singing each other's praises. And sure, I look back at some of the things I wrote back then and I think it's rubbish, but that's okay. MC was a safe place to stretch the writing legs, to try things, to figure out for ourselves what worked and what didn't. If you want to get and keep people writing good stories here, you have to celebrate them. Don't just hit the "like" button and move on. Say what you like and why you like it. And yes, gently give a little constructive criticism sometimes, give suggestions on how to improve. Give writers a reason to post, and believe me, readers will have a reason to read.
Those of you who aren't posting because you're not sure about your writing abilities: IT'S OKAY. Take a risk! You won't get it perfect, least of all your first time out, but THAT'S OKAY. Write SOMETHING. And then keep writing. You'll get better. And yes, at some point, you will look back at the first things you posted and you will think, "Wow, that was lousy." But you will ALSO think, "Wow, I'm glad I did that. Look how far I've come!" And if you REALLY can't stand what you wrote or how you wrote it, then RE-WRITE IT. (Trust me. I'll be brave and mention my Flippersteps series, which was going to be six parts, of which I partially wrote ONE. And then on my computer, I also have "Re-Flippersteps," "Re-re-Flippersteps," "Flip," "Re-Flip"... and those are just the versions that kept some semblance of the same name!)
My point is, I'm proud and confident in my abilities as a writer today, and that's mostly because of the experience I had as a fanfic writer here... 14 years ago. (FOURTEEN YEARS? How did THAT happen?) That can happen here again, but you have to take some risks, and you have to take care of each other.
Anyway, that's my two cents.