Your Thoughts: Sesame Street Season 35


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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Yes. Season 25. I was AMAZED when they just used it!

Anyway, glidir, if you come across that problem again, there are most likely 2 (or 3) other PBS stations available where you live (if you have cable). WGBH does that with their schedule sometimes, like when they aired those Season 32 shows last months. But all the others air the nationwide shows.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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The episode today was Natalie. I didn't get to see first because something else was on so it record that so the part I started w/ was Where Baby Bear and Big Bird are in Hoopers w/ Natalie. Thats where they strated w/ today's episode. I hope tomorrow is better. It was pretty cool to see Hoots in there. Hope there's more clips like that or new stories w/ other characters like Hoots, Forgetful Jones,Sherlock Hemlock and Pelagan. Can't spell his name.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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gildir said:
I'm pleasantly surprised that no one has been whining about a line in today's episode that I thought would be very controversial with adult fans. Reacting to Natalie filling in for Alan, Baby Bear said, "Alan is iwweplaceable!" Yes, we old-timers know that Alan is the fourth character to run Hooper's Store, but to three-year-olds watching the show now, Alan is irreplaceable, every bit as much as we thought Mr. Hooper and David were.
Since Mr. Hooper and David were irreplaceable from the beginning, the issue of whether Alan could be replaced now really doesn't concern me much.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Hoots appears on the "What's the name of that Song?" DVD in the parenting section.

I wouldn't hold out for Forgetful Jones or Hemlock, though!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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My thoughts on Episode 4061: Cinderella's Back.

1 The celebrity memory spotlighting the character of Linda. She's one of the characters that I hold with highest regard.
2 Seeing Cookie Monster get his duds changed by Zoe and Baby Bear when going to the Cookie Ball.
3 Seeing the song of Kingston Livingston III again. Guess they're trying to establish that Kevin Clash does indeed perform other characters than just Elmo.
4 Letter of the Day E Cookie segment was new. The old one was where Cookie Monster eventually eats the E cookie to hide it from a lion, bear, and tiger. This new one had Prairie Dawn presenting the letter E and Cookie pretending that the actual letter was a cookie. He ended up eating the letter E anyway.
5 Global Grover: Sasketchewan saw the return of Fred the Wonder Horse, voiced by Jerry Nelson.
Kind of OK/cliche they were using the old sneeze joke with the name of Saskatchewan.
6 Not sure if the Number 5 segment was new, but the five bats came out at the end to have a piece of cake.

Cons, I can hear the grumbling over this now.
1 They reaired the JTE Nursery Rhymes segment from the premiere.
2 They reused the Hero Guy segment with the Big Hands.
3 Elmo's World, not sure why I keep thinking of this piece as a con to the episode. The E-mail with Super Grover falling from the sky with his super bicycle was funny, and there was a nice quote where Elmo won the Tour of Chance.
Hope this helps, and have a good weekend.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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GeeBee said:
Since Mr. Hooper and David were irreplaceable from the beginning, the issue of whether Alan could be replaced now really doesn't concern me much.
I do agree they're irreplaceable as characters, but since both are long since passed, they needed someone to run the store, and I think Alan is one of the best humans still on the show, right up there with gordon and Bob!

I really am starting to like this season, with the exceptions of reused footage (the count segment was reused, Count... but what a one to use! Bats! I love it!). The street stories are much better than last season's, which were all lacking in comedy, except for Oscar moving out of his trash can.

Plus seeing how Cookie Monster really was comfortable wearing a dress... now that was just great!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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loved it! It was pretty cool seeing Kingston again. I hope maybe they'll use him and Hoots in some Street segments. I hope. Loved seeing Cookie in a dress. Now that was funny. Couldn't stop laughing and the reuse of Big Bird's Mistake song. Loved that the Fairy Godmother was played by the same person doing voices for cartoon characters in Elmo's World. Thats cool.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Be yourself. I think. Its the same song thats on Sesame Platinum Too.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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My thoughts on Episode 4062, the Furry Red Monster Parade.

1 JTE was new. Funny to see the dominoes fall down at the beginning. Ernie hid in the land of where "One of These Things is Not Like the Others".
2 Classic Bert and Ernie song: "I Like You".
3 The Number of the Day segment was new. It was a segment for the number 6.
a. It was great hearing the Count's classic musical theme again.
b. Was nice to see the Count in the homely setting of his castle with his bats.
c. Drtooth's gonna like this one, it was a parody of HBO's hit show Six Feet Under, with the gag being that the characters on the TV screen the Count was watching were eating dinner and their feet were under the table for the Count to count. There were mentions of other shows with numbers in their titles also like 3's Company and 60 Minutes.
d. There was a new song for the number 6 sung by Jerry Nelson as the Count about six kids having fun on the beach.
4 Elmo's World was new, featuring feet.

1 Letter of the Day for the Letter F was the same one as before. Though it's funny to see Cookie Monster eat the drawing of the letter F after eating the cookie itself.
2 The story of the episode. All I can think is another blown opportunity like the history recap from the premiere. Based on a brief glimpse from another forum member, I was thinking that other little furry red monsters besides Elmo would come to Elmo's parade.

Oh well, at least I still have the rest of the season and the episode with the number 35 to look forward to.