That book... was just amazing. I was so pleasently surprised with the change in format from
Before You Leap because it worked so much better for Pepe's personality and "voice." Speaking of which... Pepe's voice was so beautifully captured in print throughout the
whole thing, and that's no easy task. Some of the words were pluralized when the didn't need to be--which is perfect Pepe. And the classic "okay" was included everywhere, showing that Pepe even
thinks in "okays" not just talks in 'em.
I loved all of the brief Muppet mentions (if you're wondering, Kermit, Piggy, Scooter, Johnny, Sal, Rizzo, and Fozzie are all mentioned), but if there's one thing I wish there was more of it would be mentioning other Muppets. But then again... this IS Pepe we're dealing with, so naturally it's all about him. Which is another thing--Pepe's advice to everyone makes it seem like he thinks
everyone who reads this is
exactly like him; which, of course, no one is, but, again, that's perfect Pepe.
The book is also extremely adult humor oriented. It never resorts to cheap jokes or toilet humor (except for one very,
very funny one, okay). A lot of Pepe's advice subtly deals with subjects like getting drunk at parties, going home with women, bringing women home, etc. I think this one is really, really aimed more for the college age person who needs a good laugh--especially because most of Pepe's college advice is great.
All in all, if you couldn't tell, this book is just fantastic. Like Dwayne said, I just wish it were longer, but what Pepe gave us was enough to make me love this prawn I already love even more. He's so clever, self-absorbed, and somewhat-caring when that's called for. Jim Lewis did a bang-up job with this one, and I cannot
wait for Miss Piggy's book (which Kermit hints about in his intro) to grace the shelves!