I was very curious to see so few posts on the Kermit posers. I got mine last week - am I the only other person who actually has his in his possession?
They are, for the price, quite good. The armature is excellent - better than the real Henson posers, in fact. The fleece is a very close match to the original, but it is softer and fluffier. I suspect that with use, it will pill fairly quickly. The color is perfect, though. Yes, it IS smaller than the real puppet, but not too much. The head seems a bit under-stuffed, but this may also be due to the fact that the real Kermit fleece is more robust, and probably holds its shape a bit better. The collar is odd - the points are cut a but thin, with a curve to them - the real deal has straight lines, making the points wider. The curved lines of the black flocked "pupils" seem a bit long - in fact, the pupils are a bit over-scale for the whites in general. And the eyes are a bit too close together - a common Kermit reproduction failing, even with the licensed toys. It makes him look a bit wall-eyed. Without a doubt, the most outstanding feature of this item is the stitching. The seams are nearly non-existant - I can't imagine how they did this with machine stitching! And the details of the hands, feet, and mouth edge - which appears hand glued (!) - are terrific. I defy anyone to make anything this close to the real deal for this price. A worthwhile investment for true Muppet fans.
PS - The Gonzo prototype does, indeed, look AMAZING, but I can't imagine that the exposed foam I see on it won't yellow and degrade incredibly quickly. It's one of the reasons Muppets have to be re-made so often - foam does not last long, especially when it's not covered and exposed to natural light. I see this as a major design problem.