Well, going back to the day care days way way back, I remember me being the momma's boy I was having fits when she dropped me off (one was actually pretty close to a place she used to work, which she occasionally brought me to and had a little daycare center there; I remember always sneaking out trying to look for her.

) The one close to work I remember more fondly, particularly watching "Sing Yourself Silly" once. I eventually was transferred to another closer to my house just because she didn't like the way it was run (and come to think of it, I think it's out of business now). What I liked about that one was the different colored rooms (red, green, blue, yellow, purple, etc). I remember being in the blue and purple ones. Place was okay but I remember I was kind of difficult to handle there.
My time at kindergarten wasn't that great. I was definitely very difficult to handle (like, I remember having to transfer rooms at one point) and I pretty much ended up having to repeat it at a school closer to my house. My 2nd year wasn't too bad. Could have been a little better, but it wasn't as bad.
Going into elementary was certainly a change. Getting homework, learning to do writing and math, etc. But I'll just give a general statement: my time in elementary school wasn't good at all. I was constantly bullied and had alot of trouble making friends. Pretty much by the time I got into 4th grade, I already had the reputation of being "the weird kid no one likes." I even recall having some embarrassing moments of crying in class for being humiliated (then again, I'm sure we've all been there). By the time I transitioned into middle school in fifth grade, my parents ended up taking me to a learning-disabled school that was pretty far from my hometown, but definitely saved my life, and I ended up giving the school a try for 2 weeks in the middle of 5th grade. But on the subject on my last year in public school, I was definitely on the urge of failing my first year of middle school (I think summer school pretty much prevented that from happening to me; it was also my first time taking it; definitely was a "blah" experience, but eh, helped I guess).
But going into the learning-disabled school starting in 6th grade did help alot. I felt more welcome there. Sadly though, for a few years I did have trouble making some friends (wasn't until like 8th or 9th when I became more social) and that was also the time my mind, becoming a teenager, started to change as well so I did end up becoming a bit of a trouble maker and got my first detention followed by 3 more. 7th grade though was probably my toughest year during my middle school time there because I got 16 detentions, one of which I ended up having to write an apology letter for. My last year in 8th grade was a little more smooth. My only regret though was writing some pretty racist/nasty stuff on the bathroom wall (which, for the record, I never actually meant; I was just bored and wanted an excuse to get out of class). It caught up though when the school had a meeting in the gym about what happened. I'm soooo glad I never got caught.
Coming into high school is where I feel like my mind began to develop, with some perks along the road of course. 9th grade I felt like was my worst year; had a very obsessive crush on a girl a grade ahead of me for a long, long time and by that point finally caught up to me that I was way too obsessed. She eventually found out from this one kid she's close friends with and distanced herself from me (which I can't say I blame her). Took me awhile to eventually move on from.
10th grade though was okay. I did start to really become more open which I liked. 11th grade was decent since I felt like by then I knew who I was and what I wanted to do with my life though at the same time, I did become a little more moody with my parents. I was in that phase of "what do YOU guys know?!" And was kind of a punk to them. 12th grade I had REALLY bad senioritus. By then, I was ready to be done with high school because I began to notice my school's true colors (while I get they are learning disabled, at the same time, I feel they're way too PC and need to chill down a bit), and it was then I also kind of felt like the world owed me everything and became even moodier with the people I didn't like around me (namely some of my teachers and also my parents).
Going into college though thankfully helped me shapen up and become ALOT more mature, much as to how I am today.