My favorite Sesame Street Muppets would totally be...
Oscar the Grouch: If I had to pick one favorite, it probably would have be a Oscar, I think he's the most complex character on Sesame Street, people sometimes label him as the bad guy or the evil one on SS, which he's not, he actually has a heart of gold. Plus people also like to label him as the homeless one or whatever, when in actually, he would much rather live in a trash can than some million dollar mansion,

Cookie Monster: He's just a fun character, how could one not love Cookie,

The Count: I love pretty much any of Jerry Nelson's muppets, he's awesome,
Bert and Ernie: Okay, I know I'm doing five, but I count Bert and Ernie as a pair, you can't have one without the other, lol. Two best friends and possibly the best example of Frank Oz and Jim Henson's chemistry,