It varies how much it might cost you to break the lease. For me, I had to put up a month’s rent for security and one month rent in advance.
The advance month you might not get back. The only way to get the security back, the apartment has to be exactly how you found it. So nail holes have to be filled in, the soundproofing in your closet has to be taken down, etc.
one thing that can work in your favor. If the landlord withholds any of your security deposit, he has to send you an itemized list of what expenses he had to pay- repairs, repainting, etc.
If he doesn’t, you may be entitled to triple your security.
There is a special court in each state for landlords/tenants. Landlords have strict guidelines they have to follow. If he has been negligent in fixing things, it could work out for you. Unfortunately there’s a long waiting list of people ahead of you, so it might be a while before your case comes up.
if you’re thinking of breaking the lease, and you’re looking for another place to live, LOOK NOW!!! DO NOT WAIT!!!
it’s just like if you have a job you hate, don’t quit until you have another one lined up. Not “U’ll quit then I’ll start looking”. No. Get a job lined up, have an official starting date, THEN quit your old job. That way you can leave with no strings attached.