What's left for us to eat, pure nutrients?
They'll find something wrong with that too.
All I know is the smug ultravegan milk truthers just got some sort of pleasure (and we all know which one, though I can't say here) with the actual results. I swear, most of them had to be kids who were all ticked off that mommy and daddy wouldn't let them have Mountain Dew Code Red every night for dinner. And what percent are we talking about? That said, milk isn't exactly the most digestible thing there is, and everyone is a level of lactose intolerant.
Seriously. You can't drink soda because it's bad for you. Diet soda is
worse for you somehow (unless you're very diabetic). Juice is just as bad as soda as far as sugar content goes, and few of it actually has vitamins and health benefits to it (apple especially, since it's just sugar). Now Milk. What are you supposed to drink. AND DON'T SAY WATER! Water is not refreshing unless it's blisteringly hot out. It's not something to drink for pleasure, it's something to drink for survival. And it takes the unpleasant taste of any container that holds it and that you drink out of. To quote Henry Winkler in The Waterboy "Water sucks. It really, really sucks."
Then again, we all should know the Popeye story. The fact that a weird, poorly written and or typo filled entry in something promoted spinach's health benefits that it didn't really have. And by all means, you can get the same nutrients (the very small amount it has) through certain pleasant tasting fruits. Now, I don't hate spinach, but it's something that when cooked
wrong tastes
terrible, as well as having a horrid texture. And kids were pretty much forced to eat it because of the inflated health benefits.