So a new study has been released, and guess what? Milk is apparently bad for you again. Why? Because it apparently contributes to weight gain, skin problems, and it kinks your digestive system.
You know what really irritates me? How all these so-called "studies" keep contradicting themselves all the time, saying something is good for you in one study, then saying it's bad for you the next, then saying it's good for you again, then saying it's bad for you again. You usually hear it mostly for meat and dairy, but other food groups get flack too: fruit is either good for you or bad for you, grains are your enemy because they have carbs . . . why is it vegetables never get any flack? Surely there must be something wrong with veggies if there's something wrong with every other food group.
But, ehh, I'm still drinking milk. You guys know I can't drink carbonation - milk and juice is just about all I can drink.