Yesterday, i bought The Golden Girls season 5 , and then i also bought , the little woman mini series DVD Meridith Baxter from family ties plays Meg wow she did a wonderful Job i have been wanting to see this movie ever sense i read about it on the net , for the first time back in 03

from what i had read over the years about it that it stuck to the book more than any other version made and it did .
I bought Golden Girls season 5 because i have loved that show sense it was first on the air my mom and dad and i never missed a episode , i have been collecting the DVDs for the past 3 years because i had wait a while though going slow on buying them , because they had to get where i could affard them .
That happened this past month i was able to fiish my collection my mom bought me season 6 as a present and i got to buy seasons 5 and 7 and i am done .
That show is so great i will never get tired of it .
When i was in high school the reruns would come on the cable station liftime , as soon as i got home from school and i would watch it , and eat a snack and relax and i would be ready for my home work . LOL
Really funny show just love it now i have the complete series on dvd .
i did get to watch the syndaction epoides for a while when the show was still runing in it's last 2 years on my local abc sation late at night , sometimes , and those would be comeplete .
I hated how lifetime copped them up Grrrrrrrrrr but that is the break with sydacation now days thank Goodness for the these being complte so glad to have them
I also can not wait to watch Little woman again it is the mini seeries tha i have waited for eve plum from the the brady bunch played the perfect Beth .
i love the book so much that i just hated seeing how copped up they did it with other movies .
the 94 version was the worst even though the sets where great i watched it one day though to just hear that and the music that was a good fit but the writing yuck .