I recently made a video tribute to my dead dog Rooster and used a certain Reckless Kelly song I hadn't heard in years. The only downside to that, I forgot how freaking catchy it was
That is such a good song that I can't believe I ever forgot about. The Abbey Road joke in that video still cracks me up to this day. When I found that Beagles picture I just had to include it. Speaking of jokes in the video, in that thumbnail I can't help but think it's a little hypocritical of Giggles to get upset at Cuddles for dating another girl. She's dated more guys than any other fictional character I can think of, that girl's got room to talk on that subject lol. The reason I put a lot of humor in this one is to keep myself from crying every time I see it due to the footage of my beloved Rooster being used. Sometimes comedy is the best medicine and this video proves it (none of the jokes are at his expense though, because that would be a bit disrespectful to put in a tribute to anyone even an animal). Also, I included a whole Muppet section in this video for the first time. I've referenced Muppets on several occasions but this is the first time I've ever dedicated an entire section of my video to one character:Kermit