Nope. I know hat they are as well. OK example the girls wear way too much make up, and the way the dress... well isnt nice... its too phonie and prissy. It's the sort of things that yeah... would get kids attention, but only if the're parents are willing to pay for the over priced merchandice.
Don't get me wrongI'im not trying to diss anyone beceause this is only a discussion nothing set in stone. I always had a sore spot for Disney for whatever reason. I just do'nt like the way they go about things.
I used to like Disney as a kid. Who didn't?

But when I got older and starting to read between the lines. It got me thinking. I dont like a show just for the charecters, but the way the creator is and the people who work with him.
Are you sure you're not confusing Disney with Bratz? The people I know who grew up with Disney are anything but "spoiled little brats who can get away with anything." Isn't this an unfair generalization?