Weinstein rolls with Fraggle Rock movie

Traveling Matt

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Apr 14, 2002
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I'd like to know why the author feels the principle performers, minus Jerry Nelson, wouldn't all return.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2004
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I'm starting to worry again =/ And it's saddening to me that it's possible only Red's voice would be returning - not very good.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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If they didn't want to put in gorgs (or at least their garden or shadow) or Mokey (How hard is it to have an artistic fraggle comment on outer space? I think of all of them she would have the most to say and be hardest to get to stop talking. At least that is how I've always pictured it.), or Wembley being himself (which is even easy for me to write and I don't think I am very good) they really should have thought twice about making a Fraggle Rock movie IMHO :sympathy:. Not that I'm saying that it will be bad, I don't think that but...it is like making a big pretty garden plot only to plant two carrots to me...
I hope this update is is just a review before they change things more :3.

I wonder how old the grown grandson is going to be....

Traveling Matt

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I'm starting to worry again =/ And it's saddening to me that it's possible only Red's voice would be returning - not very good.
Anything is possible, because nothing's happened yet. Everyone could return or no one could return.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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(pokes in because there are no customers in the store)

Tough Pigs' Joe Hennes wrote a very thoughtful overview of his peek at the Fraggle script. I can't wait for his view of Segel's Muppet Movie. Boober's cap off to Tough Pigs Joe! :excited:

Anyway, I can't imagine Steve and Dave sitting out this Fraggle film. It makes little sense to me so I'll just attribute the information to contract negotiations. :coy:

No Gorgs? I'd at least want to see some Junior in the opening credits and maybe somewhere at the end (maybe even after the end credits role). He needs to be represented period.

Other than that I think the idea seems solid and exciting. The Matt bits especially. Wembley's cellphone pet is priceless. It's very Fraggley and Edwards at the same time. No wonder the green guy is his favorite.

I think the personalities of the Fraggles will be fleshed out by their original performers so it doesn't concern me much unless they are written entirely out of character. The lack of Mokey doesn't much bother me either. I must admit she is not my favorite Fraggle and the fact that she's represented in the film, at least sometimes with the other cast, is enough for me. (ducks as Fraggle pebbles are thrown)

The main thing I have to say to Edwards is...Junior Gorg. Put the lovable lug somewhere for a few seconds of screentime. Credits will do.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Yeah, having the Fraggles come upon even just Junior at the very end of the reel would be a nice thing ... to set up something more ... :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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There's an update about the film written on the Toughpigs website. It's definately not a spoiler, but it gives a little hint as to what we can expect within the upcoming film. The only thing that I don't agree on with the article is that Karen Prell will probably be the only original performer in the film, since other members like Steve, Kathy, and Dave would want to do those characters again (they said so at the Muppetfest convention years ago). Jerry Nelson, on the other hand, might be a bit of a long shot.

Let me say reading that post before the script review almost made me depressed.... I really think that everyone who is available can and will perform their characters... don't know why the author mentioned that one. I'd tend to think they'd want to reprise those roles.... Only thing that would get in the way, maybe, is the new Muppet movie... and I'd think they could alternate. I mean, Steve plays a lot of characters in the TMS catellogue... Kermit, Rizzo and Beaker especially... and as for Sesame Street, he performs mostly Ernie, and there haven't been many new Ernie segments this season... Dave works almost exclusively with TMS characters.... even though he's very crucial to the Fraggle project... Boober and Uncle Matt especially.

Only thing I can think of is someone's gonna have to be recast as Philo....

As for the Gorgs, it would be a shame if they didn't at least have a short cameo in the film... but I guess there's some production dealy behind it... those Gorgs are expensive to make. I can see the reason why they wouldn't be in the plot... but I really think a Junior cameo during the opening or closing (similar to either Oscar's Grouch anthem or Sweetum's breaking through the movie screen, respecitvely) could be worked in, if they have the budget and room to do so.

Other than that, sounds promising. Very promising... especially the inclusion of Doc and Sprocket. I really hope they can get Gerry, even if it's a brief cameo


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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It was Gunge that was Richard Hunt, I thought....


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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I still say Mokey isn't that hard to write or put into things :\.
It shouldn't be a matter of 'this one is my favorite and the rest can sit over there' for the writer (speaking of sitting I wonder how Boober is going to do, since he is hardly talked about) since all of the five balance each other out and are in a way like parts of a single person... Although, I guess if everyone is going to be less flawed there would be less of that balance and someone would get overlooked...