As you can plainly see, I have no faith in Henson getting a single project off the ground. I mean, this thread alone is 3 years old! Weinstine sat on this script for forever, so I can't even blame Henson completely... but they just haven't been able to do squat with DC2, HappyTime Murders... and when they get something off the ground, unless it's a CGI kid's show, it lasts a good 5 episodes at BEST! Whatever happened to Late Night Liars? It just disappeared.Actually, I think we maintain the right to be excited about a failed potential future project that we all hope and pray will one day rise like a Phoenix from the ashes or a toe-tickler from a cave as a beautiful butterfly.
Frales F
Meanwhile, you look at all the progress Disney's had with Muppets. Sure, it was a rocky start with unfinished pilots and the basic ennui of the last head of the branch... but we have viral videos, a Christmas Special, and a MOVIE! Other than 2 TV specials that could never have happened anyway, they've been giving us stuff.
Henson? 2 flop TV shows, 2 Kid's CGI shows, a troupe of live puppet theater, and hundreds of unproduced scripts and movies. Happytime Murders SHOULD have gone forward. It would have been a nice small reminder they're still in the business, AND it had the potential to be a cult Midnight Movie following. I mean, how long has Dark Crystal 2 been in Preproduction? Almost 10 years. It's been one tiny step forward, 8 steps back, then they have to start over from the beginning for 10 whole years!
I WANT a Fraggle Movie! I want to see a reboot of an 80's franchise in film form that DOESN'T suck and reek of jaded poo jokes and various other grotesque things that idiot 50 year olds THINK kids like. But unless Henson finds a partner with vision that actually wants to take a risk on something, this isn't gonna happen.