Weinstein rolls with Fraggle Rock movie


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Has anyone heard who will be doing the voices for the upcoming Fraggle Rock movie? Will it be the original puppeteers if they're available?
From the exchange between Karen and the writer it sounds like they've either contracted the original puppeteers/voices or they are planning to try to. I would expect most voices to be the same but it may not be guaranteed they'll get everyone. It wouldn't be the same without the major people involved tho, perhaps Henson investigated if there was a possibility of getting people back again before they commisioned it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Weird Question...

Has anyone heard who will be doing the voices for the upcoming Fraggle Rock movie? Will it be the original puppeteers if they're available?

I ask because as I was watching some Fraggle episodes the other day, it dawned on me how important the character's voice is to their personality in Fraggle Rock and throughout the Muppet world. After watching the original episodes, I popped in my Where It All Began DVD and watched the animated episodes on there and the voices just didn't seem right on some of them.
Well, there's no doubt we'll see Karen, Steve, Dave Golez, and maybe some of the Canadian puppeteers. Jerry Nelson is probably willing to at least loop dialogue. The ones that need to be recast are any characters plaied by Jim and Richard (and Jim doesn't have a bunch of recurring regulars that were on every episode, but they may try to put them in the script anyway). And maybe Katheryn Mullen, who went missing while doing that puppet show in Afganistan. But I think that Pam Arciago (sp?) can perform Mokey, as she did Leona from Between the Lions.

From the exchange between Karen and the writer it sounds like they've either contracted the original puppeteers/voices or they are planning to try to. I would expect most voices to be the same but it may not be guaranteed they'll get everyone. It wouldn't be the same without the major people involved tho, perhaps Henson investigated if there was a possibility of getting people back again before they commisioned it.

Seems like she just found out about the news, and posted on the blog. It gets me excited, since she clearly is achin' to play Red again. I mean, they did get her to voice a game for one of the DVD's.

Remember how the Muppet performers themselves were shocked to hear about Segal/Stoller's film when asked about it (thorough their puppets, that is)?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Woah...wait a minute...Mullen went MISSING? I'm sorry, what?


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I see, from a search, that Michael Frith and Mullen went to Afganistan in 2002 (link here: http://www.muppetcentral.com/news/2002/101402.shtml) but are you saying she dissapeared? Is this something series? When/where/how did the rest of us miss this news? I'm really concerned...
Didn't she provide some recent interview on the last Fraggle Rock DVD release? That would have and seems to have been taped in the last couple of years. I don't think she's missing. A missing Muppeteer would have made the papers. :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Missing... I guess I over esimated. She's probably retired or something. I haven't heard anything about her in a while.

If they can get her, no doubt we'd see her. But even recent BTL episodes sound like Pam's still perfoming Leona.

So to tell the truth, I have no idea what her story is.