Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
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No screenshots of the plot scenes right now, but here are the first 4 episodes involving Luis' broken arm:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I’ll have to look back at the editing history (from when the info came from a Japanese program guide). A lot of that is different from what I expected (and I’m sure some of the info from that odd guide was just omitted from the user).

I didn’t realize Hooper’s Store being in competition was a major plot point. I was thinking there was just one scene with Hooper being worried about the competition (and being reassured otherwise), and that the scene with Susan and Gordon came at the end (with them considering using the machine for once before changing their minds). I didn’t realize the Big Bird and Oscar scenes had Hooper calling to alert them that he has their favorite flavors. I thought the scenes just had them telling the ice cream man what they wanted, he’d give a double take (and maybe give a humorous line), and the scenes would end.

on a similar note, I remember reading the guides for one of the lost episodes, the one where Oscar set up a postal service, I mistakenly thought that the song Roosevelt Franklin Spells His Name was done on the street, with Roosevelt singing to Susan (and making a rare street appearance with the main cast). For a long time it made me think the clip of him telling his mother about how he used to be unable to spell must have been a different segment (and then since at least the days of trusted sources I found that that was indeed the song). Then I saw in the guide that Susan was simply introducing the segment.

Blue Frackle

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2015
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Was it ever elaborated why they got rid of the blind Muppet Aristotle?