Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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The note that there weren't "too many" definitely indicates at least one is missing.
With that being the case, looks like some guides unfortunately will forever have “image not available” listed on their scene sections once said episodes come around via the scripts. 😕

Blue Frackle

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2015
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We finally have complete episode guides for every season premiere.

The adults begin to believe that Snuffy is real....

There's a scene in this one that's probably my favorite of any we've discovered so far — VIDEO....

That green screen is classic.

"You know, we're standing here talking to a 10-foot yellow bird, but refuse to believe he's friends with a furry brown elephant... that's just too far out there for us"

1:13 - Maria staring at Big Bird like he killed her son or something.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Didn't you notice the quotation marks around the word?
Yes. Not sure if that means some episodes are really lost, or if it would be something else (like the scripts being lost, or they didn't digitize but have them - and who knows why that would be the case?), or maybe some are not broadcast-quality. Or maybe some episodes are missing from the vaults but somebody had recorded most of them.

Scott said he'd talk about those soon, hopefully soon will come soon enough.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Watching that clip again..Anybody notice, in the beginning of the scene, Maria has her arm around David...

At the end of the scene, Luis, has his arms around Maria? :frown:

Wondering if the writers were already having plans on making Maria and Luis a couple by this time
They appeared as a couple in a few early segments (though it's hard to tell if they're supposed to be the characters or playing other characters), such as season 16's Hola and season 18's Sing Your Synonyms.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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At least in Sing Your Synonyms, i'm fairly certain everyone is playing different characters.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Episode 881.


Is this the first guide made for an episode that has all three parts of Ernie and Bert: Banana in Ear (I know, a first is cited, but that page hasn't been guided yet)? I'm so glad to finally find an episode to include all three parts. For a while, I was wondering if maybe this was one of those segments that aired internationally but never in English on the main domestic Sesame Street, though I'm not sure how likely it'd be to have a segment produced for the show in the 1970s never be broadcast here but broadcast elsewhere (and dubbed in other languages).

Didn't realize that the alligator he saw was in reference to a previous segment (did the foreign dubs change what translates so it seems he saw the alligator on Sesame Street?). I guess that might explain why it's been so scarce here, it'd have to be shown after a film or animation segment with an alligator (though it doesn't really seem that limited - just show an alligator film and then show it). Might also explain why Sesame Workshop has never released it online - not even in the recent YouTube upload of the first two segments. On the other hand, Sesame Workshop has officially released some segments that remark on the previous segment (without the previous segment being attached in the video upload), so I don't think it would be that big a deal.

Blue Frackle

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2015
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It's pretty crazy how they were willing to show season 1 E&B and season 7 E&B just a couple skits apart from each other back in the day.