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Under the Mistletoe


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Chapter 15: They'll make each other happy

Lonnie sighed as she she tried to zip her dress up. After Piggy had invited her to be one of the brides maids, the clothes designer stressed over her size and measurings. The brown silk dress was off the shoulder type look with a tight fitting bodice and an open skirt. To tie it off (literally) was a pink satin bow around the waist. Finally getting the zipper up, Lonnie turned to look at herself in the floor length mirror. Not bad, she thought to herself.
"Bawk be-gawk." Camilla clucked kindly. Lonnie only gave her a blank stare.
"She says you look beautiful and Scooter is a lucky man." a raspy voice sounded behind Lonnie. Looking around, she found Gonzo standing in the door way looking sheepish. Camilla went over and pecked him on the cheek. Lonnie smiled warmly at the senior muppet. Janice, FooFoo, and Anni-Sue all gathered around the mirror fixing their makeup and hair/fur.
"Like, has anyone seen the main pig yet? Fur sure she'll be late at this rate, man." Janice asked sugarly. Lonnie also noticed that the person who was responsible for them all being here, was indeed missing.
"I'll go see if I can find her." Lonnie offered. Slipping out from the cramped room, she found Rizzo and Pepe sneeking a look into the ladies room.
"Looking for something, boys?" she asked mildly.
"Yeah, have you seen a ticket around here? Because you got fine written all over you!" Rizzo answered, looking at Lonnie's body appreciatvely. Lonnie squirmed, uncomfortable with the attention her dress brought her.
"Just move it along before FooFoo finds out."
Find out what?" a warm voice asked. Lonnie turned to find the white poodle herself in the doorway. As FooFoo's eyes fell on the two critter's tucked by the doorway, her eyes narrowed.
"You two better run because I'm in the mood for fishing and hunting some rat's and shrimp." Baring her teeth for effect helped. Both muppets turned tail and ran in the other direction.
"Hi am a King Prawn, hokay?" pepe called saucily over his shoulder.
"Shuddup, will you man?!" Rizzo snapped. Rolling her eyes, FooFoo barked effectively at the two scurrying figures. Running up the stairs in the opposite direction, Lonnie headed for Miss Piggy's room. As she neared the room, she heared muffled yells(Mostly from Piggy) coming from the room.
"Moi dosen't need you anymore! Vous can go play and fiddle with other girl's hearts and emotions, but not Moi's!"
"I came here to tell you I'm sorry. This is what I get for apologizing? Great treatement you people serve here!" Lonnie didn't recognise this male's voice as he ranted at the pig. Creeping closer, Lonnie saw a tall blond haired man facing away from her.
"What?! Well let me tell you! It's the same treatment you gave me! So-so go back to your little farm and perfect life! I will never love you! Never! I have a frog! Someone who actually cares for me and loves me for me!" Lonnie saw Piggy in a bath robe breathing heavily, her face was streaked with tear marks.
"So if vous will excuse moi," Piggy snapped pushing the man towards the door. "Moi has a wedding to prepare for!" Heaving the door open, Piggy saw Lonnie, who looked horrified at being caught eavesdropping, who then looked at Royce, who tipped his head at Lonnie and walked slowly down the hall. He stopped at the top of the stair case. Turning around, he looked squarely at Piggy.
"If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." His voice was bitter and sad, but his eyes remained hopeful. Piggy only snorted and turned around.
"Fat chance of that!" she said shrilly. Royce looked heart broken and slumped over, heading down the stairs. Lonnie turned to find a tearful Piggy also sitting slumped on the bed. Walking cautiously over to the pig, Lonnie sat down and gently placed her hand on Piggy's shoulder.
"Miss Piggy?" she started. Piggy barely glanced at the young muppet. "I don't know anything about your past, or-or who that young man was, but what I do know is that it's time to put on makeup, it's time to light the lights. It's time to get ready, for your Christmas wedding tonight." Lonnie smiled softly at her lame joke, but even Piggy smiled a little. Carefully wlking towards her closet, she turned and looked at the young woman sitting on her bed.
"Will you help me get ready?" Piggy asked. There was no false joy, or snideness in her voice. Only innocence and expectancy. Smiling, Lonnie also stood up.
"Of course." she said readily. After Piggy washed and dressed in her under clothing, Lonnie helped her with the dress. After that, Lonnie then brought out Piggy's multiple hair and makeup boxes and kits. Some of the makeup she had never seen before, Piggy laughed at her child like curiosity and wonder at the different colors and shades of the lipstick and eye shadows. in the end, Piggy did most of her own makeup and hair, even re-doing Lonnie's own simple work on herself. Finally finished, both woman turned to Piggy's mirror and looked appreciatively at the themselves. Lonnie was starstruck at the way the different hairstyle and makeup made her look older and more... exotic! Heading towards the door, both woman walked down the stairs. Noticing the action, FooFoo whistled at the other bridesmaids to hurry and finish. Piling into the limo parked outside, all six women and Gonzo sat in the spacious car. Slowly, Piggy's hand started to shake, FooFoo wrapped her own paw around Piggy's gloved hand. She could connect with having wedding jitters. As they pulled up to the chapel, Piggy started to worry her lip, biting it hard. Stop it! She commanded silently. This is just like any other stage performance. You know your lines, you know the outcome, Vous is an actress! Although her face was replaced by a mask of calm, Piggy's knees still shook when thinking about what was to happen next. Rowlf took FooFoo's hand as they walked first, followed by Janice and Floyd, Link and Annie, Camilla and Gonzo, and lastly, Scooter and Lonnie. Giving Piggy a reasuring smile, Lonnie walked in time to the music with Scooter next to her.
"Mind if I give you away?" Royce's voice shook Piggy to the core. She opened her mouth to retort, but Royce's voice silenced her first.
"Missy, I know I wronged you, but in order for both of us to move on, I need to make sure that you are moving into good arms." He smiled warmly. "Besides," he said teasingly, his hand gesturing towards the open doors of the chapel. "Your audience awaits you." He offered his elbow, which Piggy took carefully. Though she would like to deny it, both Pig and man knew she needed the support. Finally standing at the altar, Piggy turned and gave Royce a long look. Nodding slightly, he in turn bent and kissed Piigy's cheek and hand. Nodding to a confused Kermit, he turned and sat down. Facing the preacher, both pig and frog gulped, it was time.
"Do you, Kermit, take Miss Piggy to be your lawfully wedded wife? To hold and charish through out life, as long as you both shall live?" The Preacher's voice held a heavy Australian accent. Looking at the Pastor and finally at Piggy, Kermit said his vows.
I Kermit, take you Miss Piggy, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness."
Kermit smiled, his eyes brimming with love and joy.
"Do you, Piggy, take Mr. Kermit the Frog, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love and care for, as long as you both shall live?" The Pastor's voice shook Piggy out of her dream state.
"I, Miss Piggy, take you Kermit, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness." Piggy had practiced these lines over and over in front of her mirror at home. Now that they were out Piggy felt at peace.
"May I please have the ring?" The pastor asked solemnly. Robin stepped forward, both Kermit's and Piggy's ring sat untouched on the green velvet pillow. Taking both wedding bands into his hands, the pastor showed both to the crowd. Taking Piggy's, he put it into Kermit's hand, then reaching over, he placed Kermit's into Piggy's satined gloved hand. Turning to Piggy, Kermit inhaled deeply and gave Piggy a lopsided smile. Turning to the crowd, he chuckled.
"Guess I better give her the ring." The audience laughed good naturedly. Piggy just shook her head amusedly. Taking her left hand, Kermit placed the ring on her hand. Piggy gasped. The band was gold with a gold rose on top. In the center of the rose was a mildly large diamond.
"Oh Kermie." She whispered delightedly. Lifting his own ring, she placed his wedding band on his finger. She noticed that etchedin the metal were the words: Forever and Always. Smiling, she looked deep into Kermit's bulbous eyes, his own were glistening with the same feeling.
"By the power vested in me, " The voice shook both Piggy and Kermit out of their moment. "I now pronounce you Husband and Wife!" Looking at the two happy muppets, the pastor smiled.
"You may now kiss the bride." Looking at Piggy, Kermit felt weightless. Leaning in slowly, he winked towards the audience. Smiling mischievously at Piggy, he swept her off her feet and kissed her passionately for a long time. The crowd erupted into cheers and clapping, even some good natured dog whistling could be heard. Finally breaking apart, both Piggy and Kermit stared at each other.
"Talk about sealed with a kiss." Danny joked to Lucy, Robin only made a face.
"All I know is I am never gonna kiss a girl like that!" Robin exclaimed to his parents. They only laughed.
Piggy and Kermit piled into a different car after both the wedding and reception.​
"Ready for our honeymoon?" Kermit asked as they pulled away from cheering friends and family. Piggy smiled and looked at her husband.​
"Yes, but who says we have to wait 'till the honeymoon to start?" She said cheekily, launching herself at ther newly wed frog.​

Well the end has come my friends! I had a lot of fun writing this, and if I get atleast 4 reviews for this chapter, I'll add a special New Years epilogue! So do this tired Fig a favor, Review?​

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Goody-goody-gumdrops! I wanna go through this last chapter of goodness piece-by-piece like the experts do, but since I'm very tired...I'll just say I love it! (How original, right?) But so true! A few touches: Me knowing nothing about makeup. Dang, how true that is. Seeing Foofoo's not annoying yappy dog side for once. I can get used to either one! And her and Rowlf...never thought about that. I guess he'd argue a lot with Floyd about it but, you know, can't live with em', can't live without...you know the rest. :wink: And hey, Pepe and Rizzo? HHII-YAAH!!! Nuf' said. Royce and Piggy? Unexpected and unsettling, I like! I had a little inkling of an idea about a fan-fic concerning a certain pig and her beginnings...maybe more of a short story, we'll see. Anyway, hold that juicy thought! The wedding...and her and Kermie....well, for now we'll just leave it at: SSQQQQUUUUUEEEEEEE!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Let's here it for frog-pig snuggling on the honeymoon! Glad the wedding went off with a hitch! (Quick--hide me from the Pun Police. I've been in the wittiness protection program for several months now, but they keep finding me....)

I was a little disconcerted by the appearance of an old love interest, but I couldn't believe for one minute that Piggy would even KNOW there were other men on the planet on a day when she marries her frog. I liked the vows they said--especially the pledging faithfulness. Trust and fidelity are so important in a relationship.

And after watching the goofy, happy, lovey-dovey goings-on in Muppet Family Christmas, I'm happy to know that Kermit and Piggy still have a loving relationship.
Take a bow, dear. Kudos.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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oh goodie!!! Two reviews already! yes, I'm bowing, aunty Ru! As for the love interest, well, what better villian than an old love stalker?:wink: And Wigie? let me Squeeeeee! Along with you! Now only two more reviews till I can add another chapter/epilogue!! *Pokes with review nagging stick* So hopefull Miss Kermie and newsmanfan will show their lovely faces soon.:big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'm still behind, Figgums dear, but I am gradually catching up! You should know that yesterday, your imagery of a pregnant Annie Sue Pig totally brought about a long conversation between Ryan and I about what a mind-blowingly brilliant image and idea that is.

I mean, I can actually totally picture her pregnant and still as naive as ever, showing up on a new tv series of the Muppet Show to either A. accidentally make Piggy incredibly jealous, or B. spark an interesting storyline if she has no idea that she's pregnant but its otherwise totally obvious. I wasn't so sure whether Annie would ever settle down with Link (he'd be more likely to settle down with a mirror, in my opinion! lol) but its a strong pairing!

The concept, also, that Piggy is worrying about possible children but is told that love itself will solve the problem made me happy inside.

Stick in there, and I will sooner or later get to the end of the fic and give more reviewness!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Nice little package for Xmas, Figgie!

I agree with Ru: the very idea of this sudden appearance of an old love on Piggy's big day (er...HOW did he even get into the building?) is a little strange, as is his wanting to gove her away in the ceremony -- unless they were more brother/sister or longtime-relationship than your story indicates. But good for her for having left the cad without a backward look way back when a traveling frog came to town. :smile:

Fozzie's Xmas jokes were almost to much to bear... :wink:

I like the idea of Lonnie being accepted into the Muppet family; although she and Scooter have only been dating a short time, I can believe the others would welcome her in, especially if Scooter wished it so. They have always been remarkably supportive of one another and of anyone in need they encounter!

Very nice first go. I look forward to more stories from you. :news:


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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:news:Yes, I agree with you newsmanfan. Due to lack of time, I wasn't even able to scratch the surface of Piggy's earliar love, nor how most of these people even have access to her house, bridesmaids aside, ofcourse. So this story is 75 % good of me, and 25% not so great, but as time wears on, I swear to do my best!! Thank you for reviewing, both newsmanfan and Beauregaurd! And I can also see Annie as pregnant, don't ask me why, I have no idea!:wink: For some reason I could always see Annie and Link as a couple,but just between you and me, Beau, the mirror is Link's second love. LOL!:smile: So now I only need one more review for this story, then I can do the epilogue which I am really proud of, so R.E.V.I.E.W!!! please?:embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Okay, I admit it, I'm a dumb blond, no offense to blondes, it's just me. I counted the reviews: There are 4. So excuse me a moment while I eat my own words....Bleh! Taste like vinegar! Any hoo....

Epilgue: Cue the Fig

Even though Piggy and kermit would have liked to stay on their vacation for more than just five days, the head honchos at the studios needed Kermit back to talk about a new movie in production. The honeymoon had succesful to both Kermit and Piggy(although Mrs. the Frog had made sure it would not be anywhere near the swamp) and both felt content and relaxed. As soon as they were home, Kermit kissed his new wife and headed back to the studios. Piggy sighed joyfully, everything felt.....perfect.
Lonnie sat exhaustedly on her couch in the living room. The Wedding and Christmas had taken it's toll on the female muppet, and she had intended to take a nap. Closing her eyes, Lonnie snuggled deep into the couch, seeking warmth.​
"Sissy?" a small voice asked. Lonnie cracked an eye open to peek at her younger sister Sally.​
"Yeah?" Lonnie asked drowsily, her eyes starting to drift down again.​
"Um, there's this weird looking boy at the door, and he's asking for you." The little toddler replied anxiously. Lonnie thought for a moment, who did she know who was wei-? Scooter!! Jumping up from the couch fully awake, Lonnie ran to the nearest mirror. Trying very hard to brush her hair down with her hands, Lonnie rushed back to the door. There, standing in the doorway, was Scooter. His own hair was ruffled and he seemed tired as well, but also happy. Lonnie was tempted to reach up and stroke his hair down some more.​
"Hi." She said sheepishly.​
"Hi yourself!" Scooter grinned lopsidedly. Feeling a small tug on her pants, Lonnie looked down.​
"See?" Sally whispered loudly, "I told you there was a weird guy at the door." Lonnie was mortified that her sister had said that, edpecially when Scooter could hear her! But to both their suprise, Scooter only laughed good naturedly. Kneeling down he looked Sally right in the eye.​
"Well don't you find your sister wierd too?" Sally scooted behind an embarrassed Lonnie and nodded slowly.​
"Well then we weird people have to make friends at some point, so we find other weird people to hang out with. That's how we know each other." Scooter smiled warmly at the little girl, who in turn, smiled shyly back. Standing back up Scooter looked at Lonnie's tired eyes and frowned.​
"Maybe you should sleep and I can come back later." Scooter implied tenderly. Lonnie almost insisted she was fine, but loud footsteps interrupted her. Trisha, the second oldest daughter tromped, into the living room. Taking a look at the group huddled by the door, she rolled her eyes and headed down the hallway yelling,​
"Dad! Lonnie's dating weird boys again!" Lonnie did a comical palm slap to her face and prayed the floor would open up and swallow her blushing form. Scooter, on the other hand, was trying his hardest not to crack up at his girlfriend's face.​
"Erm, as I was trying to say, I'm fine and I'm just a little sleepy." Lonnie started. Scooter only frowned and put a finger to her mouth to silence her.
"Oh no you don't, you are marching straight to your bed and getting some shut eye." Scooter said seriously. Placing his hands on Lonnie's shoulders, he turned around and sarted pushing her towards the hallway. After a few seconds he stopped and looked at the different rooms.​
"Er, which ones yours?" he asked sheepishly. Lonnie giggled and pointed to a door on the left.​
"When I spend holidays and weekends with my family, I generally sleep here." Lonnie said quietly. Opening the door, both muppets walked into a small room. The walls were dark brown and in the center was a small bed. A dresser was to the left, while a closet sat tucked into the corner.​
"This is...nice." Scooter said slowly, and he meant it. Lonnie only blushed in response and settled into her bed, pulling her covers up to her chin she closed her eyes. Hearing a raspy wooden sound, she opened an eye to find Scooter pulling a chair up to her bed. Settling into his chair, he stared intently at Lonnie. Lonnie gaped and sat up.​
"Well I can't very well go to sleep with someone satring at me!" She said sarcastically. Scooter looked mildly amused and softened his gaze. Suddenly he looked at something on Lonnie's dresser. Following his gaze, Lonnie saw the music box. It's mahogany wood gleamed in the faint sunlight. Painted on its top were flowers and ivy.​
"Was that...hers?" Scooter implied to Lonnie, who only nodded sadly.​
"When I was little and had a hard time falling asleep, my mother would open it and sing a soft lullaby. She used to call it Lonnie's Lullaby. Before she died, she had recorded her voice and added it to the music box so every time I opened it, I'd here her voice. I haven't listened to it in a long time." Lonnie stated sadly. Slowly, Scooter stood up and carefully opened the box. As he did so, beautiful notes and melodies drifted out of the box. A soft voice sang along with the melody.​

Good night, my angel. Fly to the skies;
Look to heaven and close your eyes.
Play your harp of melodies;
Sing of the wind blowing through the trees.

Stars are shining in your eyes,
Sorrow fills your heart with goodbyes.
Don't let the words shake your faith,
Think of the sun through out your day.

Good night my angel, think of me;
For through forever I will think of thee.
Watch the bird sing long and free;
And the fish as they swim through the sea.

Stars are shining in your eyes,
Sorrow fills your heart with goodbyes.
Don't let the words shake your faith,
Think of the sun through out your day.
Scooter's eyes began to fill with tears as he thought about his parents and his long lost friend, Richard.​

Good night my angel, sleep well;
Forget your troubles and do not dwell.
In the morning you shall rise,
And spread your wings to the sky.
The last notes of the song dwindled sorrowfully in the silent room. The emptyness was only broken by a voice from the music box.​
"Lonnie, sleep well and do not be sad. I love you and I will always be there for you, please remember me. I love you." Sooter wiped at his eyes and closed the lid. Turning around, he found Lonnie fast asleep. Stepping closer he found tears sliding down her damp cheeks. Wiping them gently away, he pulled the covers up closer around Lonnie's shoulders and kissed her gently on the forhead.​
"Good night...Lonnie." He whispered.​
As Piggy walked upstairs, she felt a wave of nausea rush over her. Running to the bathroom, she gagged into the sink. As soon as the sickness came it left. Gasping, Piggy walked shakily over to the bed and sat down. Strange, she thought to herself. She wondered if Kermit had said anything about feeling sick, though PIggy couldn't recall him making any such announcements. he had eaten the same things as Piggy. As Piggy sat down, she thought of all the things that could have caused her sickness, all of which didn't add up...except for one.... Rushing yet again to the bathroom, Piggy looked for the thing she needed. Testing her blood, Piggy waited for the results. Finally recieving them, she turned pale. I'm-I'm pregnant?! Piggy thought, aghast. Running to the phone, she quickly dialed Kermit's number.​
"Come on, pick up already, frog!" She half growled, half begged. While she waited, Piggy didn't know if she was happy or scared, a little bit of both she guessed.​
"Hi ho, Piggy!" Kermit said cheerfully. "How a-" Kermit was suddenly interrupted by Piggy's own voice.​
"Kermie? I need you to come home. Now." On the other end of the line, Kermit's heart stopped.​
"Why? Piggy, are you all right? What's wrong?!" His voice started to rise with hysteria. Willing her own self to remain calm, she spoke again.​
"Kermie? Just drag your green but over here or Moi is going to drag it for vous." She said falsely polite. Kermit gulped, after years of experience he knew when to listen.​
"Yes ma'am." He said frightened. Hearing the click on the other end, he also hung up. Suddenly his heart started to race and he rushed towards the door, fearing the worst. Driving home, he gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. It took all his will power not to start going over the speed limit and run pedestrians over. As he pulled into the driveway, Kermit quickly parked his truck and rushed into the house and ran the stairs five at a time. With natural high hopping in his blood, it was easy for Kermit to do. Charging into the room he found Piggy sitting mutely on the bed, one hand was placed on her stomach.​
"P-Piggy?" Kermit whispered, worried that a burglar had frightened his wife, or something worse. Piggy looked up and smiled tearfully at the confused frog.​
"Kermie, I'm-moi is...pregnant!" Kermit doubled over as if hit in the gut. No sound escaped his mouth, only silence. Piggy began worry her lip, afraid she might have been to forward.​
"Kermie?" She asked softly placing a gloved hand on his shoulder. Meeting Piggy's gaze, Kermit smiled. Pulling Piggy close, he whispered lovingly int her pink ears.​
"That's fantastic Piggy, I'm so proud of you." He whispered, his own eyes tearing up.​
"No." Piggy said determinedly. "We're so proud of us." Kermit only smiled.​

And so this is only part one because I'm tired. So please review!!:embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Wow--that was rather, um, efficient of them. And poor Kermit--driving home in a near-hysterical state just to get good news! I hope Piggy gets her sense of drama under control or Kermit is going to have a heart attack before she makes it to the second trimester. Kermit's line about being proud of her was entertaining--I assume he was there when she did her best work?

And bless the newly-wedded couple who will not have any time just to enjoy "couplehood" before being blessed with bouncing baby, well, you know. Gosh--to go from happily wedded bliss to throwing up and mood swings seems quite a bait-and-switch on Kermit, who waited so long to finally get Piggy to himself....

Ah, well--it's your story, but spare a little compassion on the frog and pig, please and let them enjoy each other before they start bundling their joy.

Auntie Ru
(Who enjoyed being a "single couple" a long time before having kids, and enjoyed having kids more than anything else she has ever done--even write!)

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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Ok Figgie....thanks for making my sister's think of me as crazy, while the the year old sat on my lap playing with my hair and I cracked up at the you wrote her...and the 'other older sister', SO Ruby, it's a little scary. More than a little. I'm scared. And then, moments, later I'm clutching my new Kermit doll very, very hard. Oh...I hug you again Figgie, and again, and again, and again. And then I'm going to be hugging Scooter...as long as Dad doesn't find him in my room, chair or no chair, that will be messy. :wink::wink: Now, as for Piggy and her little green man...since Ru the review--er has already mentioned their troubles, I will say CONGRATS! And that I can't wait for the bouncingbaby...oh, you know! ...and wait, there's a part two?!?! Just read that. >jumps for joy< Goody!!!!