Under the Mistletoe


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Also, I won't be able to write more till tonight when my parent's go on their weekly Friday date. So I promise to write at least 2 chappies tonight then I can finish this. And maybe if I get enough reviews, I'll throw in a good Epilogue too. *Bribes temptingly*:wink:


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Chapter 14: My Big, Fat, Christmas Wedding

Piggy opened her eyes slightly, the clock read 8 a.m. I slept in, she thought groggily. "I slept in?!" she screeched. Rushing to make sure it was the day. There, circled by a pink heart, December 24: WEDDING! Piggy had made sure to bold the letters, even though it was impossible for Piggy to forget. She sat down on the bed, a dazed look in her eye. "It's finally happening." she whispered. For the first time in Muppet history, Miss Piggy let out a girlish squeal and jumped around the room.
"Well someone's excited." the voice chilled Piggy to the bone, slowly turning around she faced the man she'd never thought she'd see again.
"Hello, Royce..." Piggy spoke softly, her eyes which had been bright before, now darkened with a rising storm.
Kermit stared at the mirror, his eyes were puffy and tired. Note to self, he thought amusedly to himself, Never let Rizzo, Pepe, and Clifford plan a bachelor party ever again. Filling the sink with water, Kermit splashed his face, trying to revive his senses to no avail. Sighing he jumped in the shower and tried to wash away his nauseous feeling. Today's the day, he thought mildly to himself. Rinsing off, he hopped out and towelled off. He made his bed and placed the nicely pressed suit on the bed. Carefully placing it on the bed, he noticed a slip of paper poking out through a pocket. Starting to wonder who could possibly be slipping paper into his laundry, Kermit flipped open the note. His face cracked into a sad smile, his other thoughts and aches forgotten.​

Dear Kermit,
The past years of my life have been filled laughter and friends. You were my first real friend when I started working with you and the beginning muppets. I realize my health has been going down hill for the past year now. If I should pass away, I wanted to write out my thoughts first. I remember the times when I had wanted to make people happy in this world. As a young boy, it seemed impossible at the time. The war raging across the sea made things difficult at the time. As you know, things changed as the always do and as they will continue to do so. I went to college and we started to work together, I can still remember how you were still uncomfortable with being filmed. *Laughs* Then we both got used to it as The Muppet Show and Sesame Street both bloomed into production. Frank Oz soon joined with Miss Piggy and Fozzie. I think that's what I'll miss most about this place. Our growing family. I hope everything works out with you and Piggy, you both need each other, even though at the time it may not seem so. I give you both my blessing, and my love and appreciation. Tell Frank to not be upset, he and I had good times together. It was a good life, but it wasn't meant to last. He should allow both himself and the muppets to grow and change with the times. I can't always be with you. If I could I would, believe me. There was so much more I wanted to bring to this world, but maybe what I leave behind will be enough... Never forget me, Kermit, or the memories. Never forget the path we walked, a path you must now take alone. I hope you can look back down that road and see, with pride, how far you've come.
With Love,
Jim Henson.

Long ago, Jim sat at his worn desk. Finishing his letter, he placed it in an envelope and sealed it. Looking out his window he thought of his dear friends. All around him were photos, old and new. Picking up one of him and Kermit, he smiled and wiped away the dust.​
Change. He thought quietly.​

Present day: Kermit stared at the letter with an aching heart. When Jim had passed on, Kermit had never had the chance to tell Jim how much he had cared.​
"He wanted me to give that to you." a voice behind Kermit said softly, almost distant. Turning around, Kermit turned to look at his old friend.​
"Hello Frank." Padding over to the retired puppeteer, he hugged Frank Oz tightly.​
"I just had to see my friends on their wedding day." Frank joked. "Piggy's always been a good friend to me, so you don't mistreat her, ya hear?" Frank prodded Kermit with a stern gave.​
"Wouldn't dream of it." Kermit exclaimed. He looked down at the note in his hand.​
"I can't believe it's been 21 years." He murmered thoughtfully. Frank looked away nodding. Kermit and Piggy both agreed that Frank had taken Jim's passing the hardest. Looking at the note once more, he placed into Frank's open hand.​
"There's something he wanted you to read." Kermit said softly. Frank looked at the paper and nodded slowly. Hugging Kermit one last time, Frank walked out of the bedroom, looking thoughtful. Closing his door, Kermit looked at his Mirror. He dressed into his Tuxedo. Turning once again, he faced the mirror and found a handsomely dressed frog. The vest was rich brown with a pink rose. The shirt was stark white while his jacket was black as was his slacks. Smiling, he headed downstairs where he could here his guy friends dressing and eating, preparing for the wedding. Smiling, he thought, Change.​

Reviews would be a lovely gift for moi. *Hint hint* :wink: Please give me your thoughts so I can finish this tonight...:laugh:

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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Oh my good gravy, there is just sssooo much to love in this chapter:

Note to self, he thought amusedly to himself, Never let Rizzo, Pepe, and Clifford plan a bachelor party ever again
Yeah, they are the wild ones, aren't they? Add Gonzo and some exotic chicken dancers and you have a real mess. :big_grin:

Dear Kermit,
Oh boy. Let the waterworks begin. SSSOOO beautiful Figgie.

"Hello Frank." Padding over to the retired puppeteer, he hugged Frank Oz tightly.​
"I just had to see my friends on their wedding day." Frank joked. "Piggy's always been a good friend to me, so you don't mistreat her, ya hear?" Frank prodded Kermit with a stern gave.​
OK--that's pure awesomeness. Lol.
That's all I got tonighters sooo....thanks for the joe!! This is SUCH a great story, can't wait for the finale!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Just so you know, I have been and will continue to be also reading this Christmas/Wedding fic (a. because I've grown to love weddings since lots of my friends are getting married these days, and b. because I just LOVE Christmas and the feelings that brings out in Muppets!) but I've been rushed and not had a chance to fully catch up with it yet!!! I do, however, love LOVE love LOVE love that Piggy's first act was to make FooFoo her Maid of Honor.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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*Faints in delight* Beauregard is reading my Fic. Thank you Beau! Just for tha I'll add a short chapter!

Chapter 13: What happens on the Farm, stays on the Farm..

Piggy and Royce stared at each other for a while, sizing the other up.
"I see you haven't changed a bit." Royce murmered, his clear green eyes sparkling. Piggy tried hard not to notice.
"Moi tries. I see you're still a coniving twit and heart-breaker." Piggy hissed back. Her hidden memories resurfacing. It seemed only yesterday....

A young Piggy marched towards the small cottage that was tucked between to oak trees. She loved being in the clean open air, it was better than the ham shop in town. Piggy winced, not wanting to think of all mechanical gear and stuffiness. Water sloshed down the front of her overalls, and Piggy cursed, remembering she was bringing in water.
"Need help, Missy?" A warm voice sounded behind Piggy. She turned to find Royce standing behind her, also carrying two full buckets of milk. Piggy blushed as she noticed his rolled up sleeves revealing well toned arms.
"Um, no I'm fine." Piggy grimaced, she hated how her voice sounded childish and small. Royce's green eyes gleamed with amusement as Piggy once again struggled to hold the bucket without falling. Placing his own buckets down, Royce took one from Piggy's hand and retrieved his own buckets. Heading back towards the cottage, Royce called back over his shoulder, "Don't worry, it takes a while to get used to... City Girl!" Flashing Piggy a cheeky smile, he turned around and walked towards the house a little faster. Piggy gaped at him. City Girl?! Who does he think he is? After that comment, Piggy worked harder in hopes of proving she wasn't a dumb city girl. I've never even been to the city. Piggy thought coolly to herself. But, oh how she'd dreamt of it! her name up in lights, thousands of fans calling her name! Piggy sighed. Like that'd ever happen to a pig, Piggy thought sadly to herself. Finished scrubbing the wooden floors, Piggy sat and looked around at the spotless cottage, pride swelling in her chest. Throwing out the water, she walked to her little corner of the home and sat down on her bed. She noticed a small boquete of wild daisies and a note.

I'm sorry about what I'd said earlier. You really are a great gal! There is a beauty pageant next spring, I think you have a shot at winning.

Piggy read the note twice, just to be sure. He-he thinks I could win? Piggy was still for a moment. Standing she walked to her floor length mirror. Sure, she had long golden hair, she could stand to lose a few pounds, but her figure wasn't half bad. Maybe it was worth a chance after all.
Piggy had won the Pageant Show! And she'd met a handsome green man as well. After Kermit asked her to come with them, she immediately ran off to find Royce and tell him. Piggy searched all through the fair grounds, but could see neither hide nor hair of him. Sighing, she headed back to the dressing rooms to pack and write a letter explaining everything to Royce. As she opened the curtain to the small tent, her heart broke, as did her rage. There, sitting on Royce's lap, was another girl! Kissing and hugging him. Piggy grabbed her bag and whopped Royce off the chair with the girl.​
"Eat dirt, chub face!" Piggy screeched. Grabbing her baggage, she marched smartly out of the dressing room. Leaving Royce looking shocked and helpless. She walked away from him forever or so she thought....​

Love you all!:smile: