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For some reason, I came here earlier and the site wasn't working. And now it is. Which is good, cause it's just in time for my next chapter!
Chapter VII
The New Year
The world managed to last from Thanksgiving to Christmas before welcoming the New Year on a bright sunny Friday morning. For most, the new year represented another year to change their ways, change their fortunes, and changing of their destinies for the better or at least until the next year where they would be doing the same dance all over again.
The new year also presented itself a new beginning as far as Scooter and Amanda were concerned. New beginnings and new stresses, that is to say. While they wouldn’t stop with their plans to get married in March, planning for a wedding was completely different from thinking or talking about planning for a wedding, especially when planning a wedding in as little as two months. While they had managed to get many things out of the way – the flowers, the food, the music, and the minister – they still had to find a venue in which to host both the wedding and the reception, as well as trying to find their perfect house before they actually said I do.
The latter was the thing they were having the most trouble with. Since the housing bubble burst, homes were still out of reach for many young couples or worse, not on the market for said young couple; Scooter was actually surprised to see construction of a newly built home on his way to and from the theater and towards his own townhome one day. The outside was a nice beige and it looked to be a two-story home, with a nice front yard and looked like an even bigger one in the back. He couldn’t help himself, pulling over to the curb and walking towards one of the workers to ask what they were building.
He hadn’t wanted to get his hopes up, but he had and they were dashed as soon as he discovered that the house was being built for someone because of course it was. He bet it even had an office. Disappointed as he was, he had at least an actual idea for what he wanted their house to be, an actual image that wasn’t just something they had in their heads. If he could find an identical house – one of the reasons he asked for a business card, in the hopes they would either be aware or be building another such house – then his housing issues would be solved.
It would probably take a few years of course, but they would be solved at least.
When Scooter wasn’t worried about his upcoming wedding, he was equally worried about their upcoming shows. Their last show had been a Christmas special, taking the whole hour, and literally taking most of their acts to cover it. They’d be coming back in April, as planned, which meant if Scooter chose to do so – and he was pretty sure the others would make him – he could enjoy a whole month of being a newlywed. Still, he wouldn’t be the stage manager if he wasn’t considering some of the different aspects of the show while he could, before the rest of his time would be taken up by wedding preparations.
Even their normal weekly meetings had been cancelled, with no plans for anyone to come back before his wedding and no one being back on the studio lot until at least the second week of April if they could help it.
While Scooter was trying to find anything work related to help relieve the stress of figuring out his wedding, Amanda was trying to scrounge up people to come to her wedding. As an only child, Mandy didn’t have any brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews to call up, though she did have a few relatives, thanks to her father. She hadn’t mentioned it to Scooter, but sometimes the family atmosphere that the Muppets presented left her, well…wanting. While Scooter may have been adopted into the group, they felt very much as though he was a kid brother and treated him as such at times.
And she knew they equally loved her, but maybe not as the little sister she may have liked, but as Scooter’s intended and future bride. And certainly, that was enough for her to live with, to know they had accepted her fully just as she had accepted them. But it meant that Scooter had no shortage of people coming to see them married, where as she…well…
Both of her parents had been only children as well and with her mother dead, it only left her and her father really. She vaguely remembered her grandparents, but they had passed on and she really only saw them during the yearly trip to visit their graves. There was a great uncle or two that she thought she remembered, but she would have to consult with her father to see if they were even still alive to invite.
She of course had friends, but many of them had gone to other parts of the states and the world and most were reachable by social media more often than not. Just as she beginning to fall deeper into despair, her face immediately lit up and she quickly grabbed her cell and started dialing a number.
“Well, look who it is! I was afraid my visit was the only time you would grace me with your presence again.”
“Never,” she laughed. “In fact, I can’t believe I was stupid enough not to think of calling you sooner.”
“Oh yeah?” asked the voice, humor turning to concern lacing the tone. “Something wrong, Mandy?”
“Oh my darling, no,” she sighed, happily. “I am probably the happiest woman in the world right now.”
“I see,” came the snigger. “I take it you and the yummy Scooter patched things up even before I left town. Don’t think I didn’t notice the looks the two of you were giving each other when you dropped me off at the airport. You know, if the two of you ever wanted to be adventurous…”
Amanda couldn’t help but laugh out, remembering a conversation not too long ago with Scooter on a similar topic. “Scottie Too Hottie, how I adore you.”
“Oh I know, sweetness,” Scott Coulter chuckled. “But I hardly think you called me up to tell me you and Scooter are uh…singing songs to the heavens…”
“Truthful,” the blonde countered. “So what do I have the pleasure?”
“I’m getting married!”
“Great balls of fire!”
“And after thinking for all of thirty minutes, there is no one else I want to be my maid of honor, but you.”
“Gay of honor,” Scottie corrected. “Or Man of Honor. I do say, I like that. Oh, does that mean I get to plan your bachelorette party? Because I know places I want to take you.”
“I take it the news is pleasing?”
“Oh honey,” Scottie purred. “The pleasure you’ve given. Now I know why Scooter wants to marry you.”
“Horrible,” she laughed.
“And you love it,” he retorted. “Tell me the date and I’ll be there weeks in advance, with bells on.”
The wedding was going to be small, at least that was how the two redheads intended it. With Amanda’s small enough as it was family, she didn’t feel right in just throwing a huge to-do when most of Scooter’s family and friends would be filling it, especially when all the group needed was an excuse to have a party. Scooter of course wanted to go whatever his bride wanted, even going as far as thinking perhaps eloping was a much better way to go.
“We are not eloping.”
“Sweetheart, think about it!” he persisted. “We’d only have to invite a few people with us, Vegas is only a few hours away if we drove, and we wouldn’t have to worry about some large and oversized wedding party. Or worse! Having our wedding get crashed!”
“Baby,” she said, taking his face in her hands. While most Muppets tended to go for the shaved face look, there were some who managed to get a moustache or full beard out of it. Scooter was not one of those people, though he could manage a little bit of scruff if he neglected to shave for a few weeks; he’s grown a bit of a beard with some of the others for Movember, making him look even more delectable than he was now. As she held his face now, she feel the prickles of hair, indicating he hadn’t shaved in a few days.
“Even if our wedding was made up of nothing but Muppets, I would still want something small.”
“But it’s your wedding day, Mandy,” he whispered. “It should be, you know…nice.”
“And it will be,” she said. “Because I’m marrying you. That’s the whole point of having a wedding in the first place, to combine my life with the person I love more than anything. Eloping is fine, but I want my family and friends to be there and there is something special about being able to stand up in front of them and say, ‘this is the man I plan on spending the rest of my life with.’ Does that make sense?”
He kissed her. Not only because her speech made perfect sense, but because it was what he wanted too. He was never so over the moon about getting married as he was now, finding the woman that he wanted to spend his life with and knowing that he did want everyone to see this day, to see that their little teenaged headache – as he had once been described and on more than one occasion – had grown up. Had grown up well.
“Now I know why Kermit gives you all those heartfelt speeches,” she grinned, rubbing her nose against his. “You think Piggy thanks him like this when he does?”
“I would rather not think of anything Piggy and Kermit do that is remotely close to whatever we’re doing,” he groused. “Young sensibilities and all that.”
“Hey Kermit, can I talk to you?”
He hadn’t meant to put this off, he didn’t, but even after his lunch with Piggy and her certainty that the frog would of course say yes to whatever it was that Scooter asked, the stage manager was still a bit hesitant at actually doing it. In any other case, he would have a brother or friend or something to stand by his side, but those were exactly who the Muppets were to him; he couldn’t ask for better best friends and Kermit was exactly that to him. Well, to be fair – and if he ever said it out loud – Kermit was far more than just Scooter’s friend; both he and Piggy were so much more than his friends. He had thought about asking Piggy to stand up for him – after all, it would completely within their antics to do whatever they could that defied convention – but Amanda had wanted to ask the diva to stand up with her, as one of her bridesmaids and Scooter didn’t want to take that from her.
So the redhead finally gathered his courage and went to find Kermit, not at all surprised when the frog was doing exactly what he told the others not to do – deep within paperwork in his office on Office Row.
“Hey Kermit,” he asked, poking his head through the door opening. “Can I talk to you?”
“Of course, Scooter,” the frog said, waving his assistant in. “What’s up?”
Scooter took a seat in the chair that sat in front of Kermit’s desk, something that was rarely used along with the office. Despite having private offices on the studio lot, most of the time they went unused, as no one hardly ever went in them; at least during show production. It wasn’t unheard of for them to use the offices during movie productions, if only to just have five minutes of peace before the chaos began or to find something to do when there wasn’t anything for you to do.
Scooter usually never had any issues with seeing Kermit in his office, both on the lot and within the theater, but for some reason, the redhead’s nerves seemed to be getting the best of him at the moment. This situation was eerily similar to his coming to Chase Cosgrove all those months ago in order to ask for his daughter’s hand and now, something as simple as asking if his friend, mentor, and father figure would so kindly stand up with him in front of hundreds of people as his best man seemed even more terrifying than asking to marry his intended.
“Um…” he began, scratching at an imaginary itch behind his ear. “So, I don’t know if you heard, but…I’m getting married in a few months.”
Kermit smiled slowly. “Yeah, I heard.”
“Awesome,” Scooter said, rushing the word out in a breath. Maybe if he just asked very quickly, he could get this over with and not feel so…so… “Anyway, in case you were wondering, I totally want you to be there, at the wedding I mean.”
“Were you not planning to invite me?”
“What!?” he exclaimed. “No! I mean yes! I mean, I’m totally inviting you to the wedding, Kermit!”
“Oh good.”
“Did you think I wasn’t?” Scooter asked, dismayed that his friend and leader would think he wouldn’t be going to the wedding. Of course he would come to the wedding! What kind of friend would he be not to invite him?
“Scooter, of course not…”
“Because you’re totally coming to my wedding!” the redhead charged on. “You are coming to my wedding, aren’t you?”
“Scooter, of course I am!”
“Good! Because I am totally inviting you to come. I mean, why would I not? You’re my friend, Kermit! Of course I would want you in my wedding! I mean, I don’t think there was ever a time that you wouldn’t have been included in my wedding. Not that I’ve sat around thinking about my wedding one day. Okay, there was that one time, but I totally blame Piggy for that…”
Kermit wasn’t sure if he should stop the ramblings or enjoy them for what they were. Of course he knew Scooter was going to ask him to be in the wedding, Piggy had told him as such, she just didn’t bother to tell him what he was actually going to do. That of course was besides the point and as he watched and listened to Scooter ramble on about…actually, he wasn’t really sure at the moment, as the assistant seemed to go off on a tangent about Piggy, robots, and ninjas – something he would have to put a pin in and investigate later – he had been well aware when the page had come in and sat down that there was something on his mind.
It did give him a chance to look, really look, at the man his assistant had turned into. Sometimes Kermit couldn’t believe how much time had passed from one moment to the next; one day, this pushy kid walks into his theater, stating that he’s the new gofer and the next, that same kid had grown up before his eyes and was getting married. It was the same feeling he got whenever he saw Robin, the little tadpole was very much a teenager now and in another year, would probably be taller than his uncle.
Time in a bottle, indeed.
Scooter’s ramblings were getting even more random – he was going to have another talk with Gonzo about an incident with the woman’s dressing room apparently – to the point where the frog had to take pity on him. It was obvious the kid was nervous, but about what? Of course he was planning on going to the wedding and whatever role Scooter wanted him for, he would be happy to perform, but if he let the redhead continue at this pace, he wouldn’t be able to figure out what it was he was supposed to do.
And that was all it took. Very few people actually used Scooter’s first name, in fact Kermit was sure that only about handful of people even knew his first name, and Kermit was not one of them. Oh, he knew it obviously – he did sign Scooter’s paychecks – but he never felt the need to really ever use it. Scooter was his name and that’s what he was to be called. There were times, however, that using one’s full name did tend to get their attention – Piggy certainly used it to get her point across, though he doubted very much the redhead ever truly minded that fact – but never did.
Or rather, he never needed to.
Kermit, despite his rather reluctant status as leader and hero to the masses, could easily hold an authoritative air when he needed. An outraged sigh, huff, or the way he said a person’s name was enough, usually, to get their attention. Kinda like now.
“I know you didn’t just come in here to invite me to your wedding,” Kermit began. “Though thank you for the formal invitation. I’m guessing her royal highness is invited too or can I use her as my plus one?”
“Do you wanna be my best man?”
“I know it’s a crazy thing to ask,” Scooter started up again. “But you’re…you’re…” One of my best friends, I love you, you’re like a father to me, the closest thing to a real father that I’ve ever had and I really want you to approve of how my life is going, if I’ve made the right choices, if I’m doing the right thing…
“Do you wanna?”
He’s going to say no. His face is totally saying no. Oh my God, why did I ask!? Stupid!
“I’d be honored.”
Of course I’d be your best man, I love you, you’re one of my boys, I couldn’t have raised a better son if you were my own, do you have any idea how proud you’ve made me? How proud you’ve made all of us? We’ll sign the adoption papers today if you want…
What's coming up next, WMG?
We'll fast forward to the month of March, where Kermit and company kidnap our friendly neighborhood groom for his bachelor party, while Scottie takes the girls to a floating prison and the Castro district.
If you're good boys and girls, I may even have that up for you later
Chapter VII
The New Year
The world managed to last from Thanksgiving to Christmas before welcoming the New Year on a bright sunny Friday morning. For most, the new year represented another year to change their ways, change their fortunes, and changing of their destinies for the better or at least until the next year where they would be doing the same dance all over again.
The new year also presented itself a new beginning as far as Scooter and Amanda were concerned. New beginnings and new stresses, that is to say. While they wouldn’t stop with their plans to get married in March, planning for a wedding was completely different from thinking or talking about planning for a wedding, especially when planning a wedding in as little as two months. While they had managed to get many things out of the way – the flowers, the food, the music, and the minister – they still had to find a venue in which to host both the wedding and the reception, as well as trying to find their perfect house before they actually said I do.
The latter was the thing they were having the most trouble with. Since the housing bubble burst, homes were still out of reach for many young couples or worse, not on the market for said young couple; Scooter was actually surprised to see construction of a newly built home on his way to and from the theater and towards his own townhome one day. The outside was a nice beige and it looked to be a two-story home, with a nice front yard and looked like an even bigger one in the back. He couldn’t help himself, pulling over to the curb and walking towards one of the workers to ask what they were building.
He hadn’t wanted to get his hopes up, but he had and they were dashed as soon as he discovered that the house was being built for someone because of course it was. He bet it even had an office. Disappointed as he was, he had at least an actual idea for what he wanted their house to be, an actual image that wasn’t just something they had in their heads. If he could find an identical house – one of the reasons he asked for a business card, in the hopes they would either be aware or be building another such house – then his housing issues would be solved.
It would probably take a few years of course, but they would be solved at least.
When Scooter wasn’t worried about his upcoming wedding, he was equally worried about their upcoming shows. Their last show had been a Christmas special, taking the whole hour, and literally taking most of their acts to cover it. They’d be coming back in April, as planned, which meant if Scooter chose to do so – and he was pretty sure the others would make him – he could enjoy a whole month of being a newlywed. Still, he wouldn’t be the stage manager if he wasn’t considering some of the different aspects of the show while he could, before the rest of his time would be taken up by wedding preparations.
Even their normal weekly meetings had been cancelled, with no plans for anyone to come back before his wedding and no one being back on the studio lot until at least the second week of April if they could help it.
While Scooter was trying to find anything work related to help relieve the stress of figuring out his wedding, Amanda was trying to scrounge up people to come to her wedding. As an only child, Mandy didn’t have any brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews to call up, though she did have a few relatives, thanks to her father. She hadn’t mentioned it to Scooter, but sometimes the family atmosphere that the Muppets presented left her, well…wanting. While Scooter may have been adopted into the group, they felt very much as though he was a kid brother and treated him as such at times.
And she knew they equally loved her, but maybe not as the little sister she may have liked, but as Scooter’s intended and future bride. And certainly, that was enough for her to live with, to know they had accepted her fully just as she had accepted them. But it meant that Scooter had no shortage of people coming to see them married, where as she…well…
Both of her parents had been only children as well and with her mother dead, it only left her and her father really. She vaguely remembered her grandparents, but they had passed on and she really only saw them during the yearly trip to visit their graves. There was a great uncle or two that she thought she remembered, but she would have to consult with her father to see if they were even still alive to invite.
She of course had friends, but many of them had gone to other parts of the states and the world and most were reachable by social media more often than not. Just as she beginning to fall deeper into despair, her face immediately lit up and she quickly grabbed her cell and started dialing a number.
“Well, look who it is! I was afraid my visit was the only time you would grace me with your presence again.”
“Never,” she laughed. “In fact, I can’t believe I was stupid enough not to think of calling you sooner.”
“Oh yeah?” asked the voice, humor turning to concern lacing the tone. “Something wrong, Mandy?”
“Oh my darling, no,” she sighed, happily. “I am probably the happiest woman in the world right now.”
“I see,” came the snigger. “I take it you and the yummy Scooter patched things up even before I left town. Don’t think I didn’t notice the looks the two of you were giving each other when you dropped me off at the airport. You know, if the two of you ever wanted to be adventurous…”
Amanda couldn’t help but laugh out, remembering a conversation not too long ago with Scooter on a similar topic. “Scottie Too Hottie, how I adore you.”
“Oh I know, sweetness,” Scott Coulter chuckled. “But I hardly think you called me up to tell me you and Scooter are uh…singing songs to the heavens…”
“Truthful,” the blonde countered. “So what do I have the pleasure?”
“I’m getting married!”
“Great balls of fire!”
“And after thinking for all of thirty minutes, there is no one else I want to be my maid of honor, but you.”
“Gay of honor,” Scottie corrected. “Or Man of Honor. I do say, I like that. Oh, does that mean I get to plan your bachelorette party? Because I know places I want to take you.”
“I take it the news is pleasing?”
“Oh honey,” Scottie purred. “The pleasure you’ve given. Now I know why Scooter wants to marry you.”
“Horrible,” she laughed.
“And you love it,” he retorted. “Tell me the date and I’ll be there weeks in advance, with bells on.”
The wedding was going to be small, at least that was how the two redheads intended it. With Amanda’s small enough as it was family, she didn’t feel right in just throwing a huge to-do when most of Scooter’s family and friends would be filling it, especially when all the group needed was an excuse to have a party. Scooter of course wanted to go whatever his bride wanted, even going as far as thinking perhaps eloping was a much better way to go.
“We are not eloping.”
“Sweetheart, think about it!” he persisted. “We’d only have to invite a few people with us, Vegas is only a few hours away if we drove, and we wouldn’t have to worry about some large and oversized wedding party. Or worse! Having our wedding get crashed!”
“Baby,” she said, taking his face in her hands. While most Muppets tended to go for the shaved face look, there were some who managed to get a moustache or full beard out of it. Scooter was not one of those people, though he could manage a little bit of scruff if he neglected to shave for a few weeks; he’s grown a bit of a beard with some of the others for Movember, making him look even more delectable than he was now. As she held his face now, she feel the prickles of hair, indicating he hadn’t shaved in a few days.
“Even if our wedding was made up of nothing but Muppets, I would still want something small.”
“But it’s your wedding day, Mandy,” he whispered. “It should be, you know…nice.”
“And it will be,” she said. “Because I’m marrying you. That’s the whole point of having a wedding in the first place, to combine my life with the person I love more than anything. Eloping is fine, but I want my family and friends to be there and there is something special about being able to stand up in front of them and say, ‘this is the man I plan on spending the rest of my life with.’ Does that make sense?”
He kissed her. Not only because her speech made perfect sense, but because it was what he wanted too. He was never so over the moon about getting married as he was now, finding the woman that he wanted to spend his life with and knowing that he did want everyone to see this day, to see that their little teenaged headache – as he had once been described and on more than one occasion – had grown up. Had grown up well.
“Now I know why Kermit gives you all those heartfelt speeches,” she grinned, rubbing her nose against his. “You think Piggy thanks him like this when he does?”
“I would rather not think of anything Piggy and Kermit do that is remotely close to whatever we’re doing,” he groused. “Young sensibilities and all that.”
“Hey Kermit, can I talk to you?”
He hadn’t meant to put this off, he didn’t, but even after his lunch with Piggy and her certainty that the frog would of course say yes to whatever it was that Scooter asked, the stage manager was still a bit hesitant at actually doing it. In any other case, he would have a brother or friend or something to stand by his side, but those were exactly who the Muppets were to him; he couldn’t ask for better best friends and Kermit was exactly that to him. Well, to be fair – and if he ever said it out loud – Kermit was far more than just Scooter’s friend; both he and Piggy were so much more than his friends. He had thought about asking Piggy to stand up for him – after all, it would completely within their antics to do whatever they could that defied convention – but Amanda had wanted to ask the diva to stand up with her, as one of her bridesmaids and Scooter didn’t want to take that from her.
So the redhead finally gathered his courage and went to find Kermit, not at all surprised when the frog was doing exactly what he told the others not to do – deep within paperwork in his office on Office Row.
“Hey Kermit,” he asked, poking his head through the door opening. “Can I talk to you?”
“Of course, Scooter,” the frog said, waving his assistant in. “What’s up?”
Scooter took a seat in the chair that sat in front of Kermit’s desk, something that was rarely used along with the office. Despite having private offices on the studio lot, most of the time they went unused, as no one hardly ever went in them; at least during show production. It wasn’t unheard of for them to use the offices during movie productions, if only to just have five minutes of peace before the chaos began or to find something to do when there wasn’t anything for you to do.
Scooter usually never had any issues with seeing Kermit in his office, both on the lot and within the theater, but for some reason, the redhead’s nerves seemed to be getting the best of him at the moment. This situation was eerily similar to his coming to Chase Cosgrove all those months ago in order to ask for his daughter’s hand and now, something as simple as asking if his friend, mentor, and father figure would so kindly stand up with him in front of hundreds of people as his best man seemed even more terrifying than asking to marry his intended.
“Um…” he began, scratching at an imaginary itch behind his ear. “So, I don’t know if you heard, but…I’m getting married in a few months.”
Kermit smiled slowly. “Yeah, I heard.”
“Awesome,” Scooter said, rushing the word out in a breath. Maybe if he just asked very quickly, he could get this over with and not feel so…so… “Anyway, in case you were wondering, I totally want you to be there, at the wedding I mean.”
“Were you not planning to invite me?”
“What!?” he exclaimed. “No! I mean yes! I mean, I’m totally inviting you to the wedding, Kermit!”
“Oh good.”
“Did you think I wasn’t?” Scooter asked, dismayed that his friend and leader would think he wouldn’t be going to the wedding. Of course he would come to the wedding! What kind of friend would he be not to invite him?
“Scooter, of course not…”
“Because you’re totally coming to my wedding!” the redhead charged on. “You are coming to my wedding, aren’t you?”
“Scooter, of course I am!”
“Good! Because I am totally inviting you to come. I mean, why would I not? You’re my friend, Kermit! Of course I would want you in my wedding! I mean, I don’t think there was ever a time that you wouldn’t have been included in my wedding. Not that I’ve sat around thinking about my wedding one day. Okay, there was that one time, but I totally blame Piggy for that…”
Kermit wasn’t sure if he should stop the ramblings or enjoy them for what they were. Of course he knew Scooter was going to ask him to be in the wedding, Piggy had told him as such, she just didn’t bother to tell him what he was actually going to do. That of course was besides the point and as he watched and listened to Scooter ramble on about…actually, he wasn’t really sure at the moment, as the assistant seemed to go off on a tangent about Piggy, robots, and ninjas – something he would have to put a pin in and investigate later – he had been well aware when the page had come in and sat down that there was something on his mind.
It did give him a chance to look, really look, at the man his assistant had turned into. Sometimes Kermit couldn’t believe how much time had passed from one moment to the next; one day, this pushy kid walks into his theater, stating that he’s the new gofer and the next, that same kid had grown up before his eyes and was getting married. It was the same feeling he got whenever he saw Robin, the little tadpole was very much a teenager now and in another year, would probably be taller than his uncle.
Time in a bottle, indeed.
Scooter’s ramblings were getting even more random – he was going to have another talk with Gonzo about an incident with the woman’s dressing room apparently – to the point where the frog had to take pity on him. It was obvious the kid was nervous, but about what? Of course he was planning on going to the wedding and whatever role Scooter wanted him for, he would be happy to perform, but if he let the redhead continue at this pace, he wouldn’t be able to figure out what it was he was supposed to do.
And that was all it took. Very few people actually used Scooter’s first name, in fact Kermit was sure that only about handful of people even knew his first name, and Kermit was not one of them. Oh, he knew it obviously – he did sign Scooter’s paychecks – but he never felt the need to really ever use it. Scooter was his name and that’s what he was to be called. There were times, however, that using one’s full name did tend to get their attention – Piggy certainly used it to get her point across, though he doubted very much the redhead ever truly minded that fact – but never did.
Or rather, he never needed to.
Kermit, despite his rather reluctant status as leader and hero to the masses, could easily hold an authoritative air when he needed. An outraged sigh, huff, or the way he said a person’s name was enough, usually, to get their attention. Kinda like now.
“I know you didn’t just come in here to invite me to your wedding,” Kermit began. “Though thank you for the formal invitation. I’m guessing her royal highness is invited too or can I use her as my plus one?”
“Do you wanna be my best man?”
“I know it’s a crazy thing to ask,” Scooter started up again. “But you’re…you’re…” One of my best friends, I love you, you’re like a father to me, the closest thing to a real father that I’ve ever had and I really want you to approve of how my life is going, if I’ve made the right choices, if I’m doing the right thing…
“Do you wanna?”
He’s going to say no. His face is totally saying no. Oh my God, why did I ask!? Stupid!
“I’d be honored.”
Of course I’d be your best man, I love you, you’re one of my boys, I couldn’t have raised a better son if you were my own, do you have any idea how proud you’ve made me? How proud you’ve made all of us? We’ll sign the adoption papers today if you want…
What's coming up next, WMG?
We'll fast forward to the month of March, where Kermit and company kidnap our friendly neighborhood groom for his bachelor party, while Scottie takes the girls to a floating prison and the Castro district.
If you're good boys and girls, I may even have that up for you later

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