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Two Ball Waltz

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Bumping this fic to the top so the authoress will find it and hopefully update soonish.
And again, the entire Thanksgiving chapter was one of her best, I know that kind of chaos, I live it with some degree of frequency. Heck, it happened just last week for Good Friday 2015.
Also, would like to know what species/characters Lyndsey and Mallory from Robin's circle of friends are. Post more when possible, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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*Bumping this fic to the top so the authoress will find it and hopefully update soonish.

Post more when possible, thanks.
It's funny you should mention this. So I've actually started the next chapter, but well new job has me busy, which is totally awesome! I'm hoping to work on it again today and tomorrow and the weekend.

This is gonna be long cause not only do you guys get a proposal, you're gonna get a wedding too!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Ok, so it took me much longer than I wanted to actually post this, especially when I was at the gosh dang end! Here is your obligatory summary - As they approach their one year anniversary, Scooter Grosse gets up the courage to ask girlfriend Amanda Cosgrove's hand in marriage.

When we last left our couple, the Muppets were throwing their annual Thanksgiving fare and it seems like a perfect chance, the perfect moment...

And now, here is your next chapter!!

Chapter V

Dinner began to wind down after dessert, however it didn’t mean that the party was over. There were still games being played on the TV, while some of the others decided it was time for the annual Monopoly of Death, where a simple game deteriorated into threats, insults, and several times, a few fist fights; others did what the Muppets usually did, gather around the piano and play outrageous songs that may or may not make sense, while others continued sitting around the table or went outside for lively conversation.

On this occasion, most people were still congratulating the newly engaged couple, clapping Scooter on the back and giving hugs to Amanda. The ring Piggy had helped the young red head pick out was the highlight of the evening, causing most of the women invited to ooh and ah, while the guys gave one armed hugs to the Muppet they still thought of as ‘the kid’. For Scooter, the anticipation on finally being able to ask had petered out, leaving him strangely calm when the time actually came propose and then leaving him oddly light headed after receiving a yes.

Despite being separated after dinner, the two still managed to make eyes at each other every few minutes before she got caught up in a musical discussion with Janice, Robin, Robin’s friend Rebecca, and Walter. “Hey buddy,” Kermit whispered, passing him a champagne flute while throwing his other arm around the boy’s shoulders. “Come step outside with me for a sec.” Nodding, Scooter took the offered drink and followed the frog outside to the patio.

He shouldn’t have been surprised to see Fozzie, Rowlf, and Gonzo already there, but he couldn’t help the blush that seemed to creep up on him. He knew they all still thought of him as the dorky teenager who managed to worm his way in to show business, but over the several decades that he had known all of them, they had gone from being mildly annoyed to being truly the only family Scooter had ever known. Not that his uncle didn’t care about him – he did, in his own way – but he hadn’t been like them; he hadn’t listened to Scooter’s concerns, dreams, thoughts…

His uncle had never sat with him as he cried over a broken heart, nor had he gone out of his way to make sure said girl knew that she had messed with the wrong Muppet. And while JP Grosse had shown he had been thinking about the welfare of his only living relative when he had made up his will and left everything to Scooter, the elder Grosse hadn’t been around for the aftermath or even during, when Scooter had been subjected to watching his uncle’s final moments.

“I hope this isn’t a group birds and bees talk,” he quipped, throwing a look at Kermit. “Cause I’ve been there and it’s something I would not like to relive.”

“Hardy har,” the frog grumbled, good-naturedly. Kermit raised his glass, causing the other three to do the same. “Gentlemen,” he began. “Our dear Andrew has become a man.”

“From what I’ve heard,” Gonzo joked. “That happened during a skinny dipping incident on a Mayhem tour.”

“That…” Scooter chuckled, nervously, throwing a look to Kermit. “Is not true and I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I refuse to let an unapproved Mayhem tour cloud my toast,” the frog muttered, looking at Gonzo. “As I was saying, Andrew here has taken the first steps towards matrimony, which I can say at least some of us are used to.”

“For some reason, I have a feeling he’s directing that at you,” Rowlf said, clapping Gonzo on the back.

“Coming from the pot,” the weirdo laughed.

“Scooter, we’re totally so proud of you!” Fozzie exclaimed.

“Well, Scooter, I had a very toast to give you…”

“I’m sure it was awesome, Kermit,” Scooter said, patting the frog on the shoulder. Looking at the others, he whispered, “Thanks guys.”

“Seriously,” Rowlf said, throwing an arm around the red head’s shoulders. “We’re all proud of you, Red. It’s not everyday someone you watched grow up decide they wanna spend their lives with someone else.”

Scooter smirked. “I know you’ve always wanted to grow old and sit on the porch with me, Rowlf, but I’m about to be a married man.”

“You kiss your girlfriend with that mouth?” Kermit asked.

“All the time,” came the retort. Taking a deep breath, he whispered. “And now I will for the rest of my life.”

“Is this everything you want?” Fozzie asked, honestly.

“Yeah,” he whispered, his face lighting up with just the thought of his new fiancée. “Yeah, it is.”


It was nearly ten o’clock, but the Thanksgiving feast at the Frogs was still going strong. It wasn’t as busy as it had been – at least a few groups had left, only leaving a couple of stragglers – but it was still a very long, but exciting day and Piggy just wanted to sit down and relax. She didn’t want to say anything, but she also wanted to just have some time for herself – Scooter’s proposal hadn’t exactly thrown her for a loop, but it had surprised her. Knowing he was going to propose and seeing him actually do it were two different things.

It wasn’t that she wasn’t happy for the redhead, she totally was! She loved him like a son, she couldn’t deny it, and like the mama diva she was, she wanted the very best for him; but she would be lying if she didn’t feel as though Andrew was…well replacing her with Amanda. She liked the girl, no doubt, but the red head was well…replacing her.

Rolling her eyes, she took a sip from her wine glass. She was positive she’d had too much to drink, that was the only reason she was out on the patio and stretched out in one of the lawn chairs; she wasn’t about to admit that, well…Scooter was grown and didn’t need her anymore. Because that was just downright silly.

“Hello darlin’.”

The familiar drawl caused her to open the eyes she hadn’t even been aware that she’d closed. She felt the glass being lifted from her hand, watching as the owner of the voice took a sip from it before grimacing. He hated red wine and yet, every year he stole a sip from her glass as though the decision was in error. “Can I help you?”

Handing back the glass, Kermit took a seat next to his love and gave her thigh a squeeze. “Alright?”

Raising a slim eyebrow, Piggy looked at him with layered eyelashes that may or may not have been affected by either sleep or drink. “Should I be asking you that?” she asked, watching as he laid down next to her. “Had too much to drink, did we?”

“Possibly,” he chuckled. “It was a night for celebration, yeah? Had a lot to be thankful for.”

Throwing her arm across him, she delivered a sloppy kiss to his cheek. “It was.”

The two were silent for only a moment before gave her thigh another squeeze. “Baby, you sure you okay?”

“Scooter’s all grown up,” she sniffed.

Kermit smirked. “Aren’t you the one always telling me that Scooter still needs us?” he asked. Dropping a kiss to her forehead, he murmured, “He loves you like no other. And if you weren’t ready for this, you wouldn’t have gone with him to get a ring.”

“Speaking of rings…”

“I don’t know anything about it.”

“Come on,” she cooed, nudging him slightly. “Did you really get me a ring?”

Kermit sighed, but managed to give her thigh a third squeeze, though it was a little higher this time. “Yes,” he finally said.

“Is it a pretty ring?”

“If I told you, it would ruin the surprise.”

Poking him in the shoulder, she said, “Oh come on!”

Sighing again, Kermit turned slightly to glance at her. “It’s a nice ring,” he said. “You’ll like it.”

“When can I get it?”

“Well,” he began. “I was gonna give it to you for Christmas, if you were good, but now…”

“I’ll be good!” she cried, looking at him with surprised blue eyes. Kermit knew how to get her – not only did Piggy love gifts, she loved getting gifts on Christmas, and she especially loved getting gifts from him on Christmas. “I’ll behave!”

The frog couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”

“Please?” she begged. “I’ll love you forever.”

“You already love me forever.”

Piggy shrugged a shoulder. “Eh…debatable.”

“Oh, that’s cute,” he replied, sarcastically, sending her a look. The look only managed to make Piggy deliver a kiss to his cheek. Sighing, he said, “I’ll think about it.”

They settled into a comfortable silence, listening to the hum of noise that was still going on in the house behind them. “Right hand or left?” she asked, after several peaceful moments.

“Left, of course.”


He shouldn’t have been hurt by the surprise in her voice, but he was. They had been doing this dance longer than even he had realized and he was completely ashamed at the fact that he had made it nearly a standard that he would never actually ask for her hand.

Sighing again, Kermit cuddled closer to her. “I’m sorry I made you wait,” he whispered against her forehead. “That I keep making you wait.”

“You’re worth it.”

And he was. For all the headaches they caused each other, for all the heartbreak they had heaped on one another, there could never be another for her. Kermit was it, as far as she was concerned; her soul mate, which was something she totally did not believe in one bit, thank you very much.

Once again, silence descended on them, though Piggy pulled away slightly to look at him, causing him to turn to face her. “This is the part where you say I’m worth the wait.”

“You already knew what I was gonna say,” he said, flinching when her fist hit his arm. “See? This is not behaving.”

“You exhaust me,” she grunted, none the less settling back down at his side.

“Thank you, sweet pea,” he grinned. “That’s a nice thing for you to say.”

Huffing with a roll of her eyes, Piggy retorted, “Rethinking this marriage thing…”

“Oh come on,” he said, giving her a quick squeeze. “Don’t do that. You’re gonna ruin your present and I certainly can’t give it to Fozzie now. It has your name and everything engraved in it and it would be really weird…”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Wait... Er Kermit, is that wise? Kind of feel that him telling Piggy about the ring goes against the secrecy he wanted to preserve when meeting with Scooter at that coffee shop near the theater earlier in the month/fic. Then again, if they're both flushed they probably won't remember any of their discussion when they wake up in the morning.

*Goes back to the buffet to snatch a couple of the seven-layer bar cookies.
In :insatiable: voice, hey, me hungry okay. Besides, better get 'em before Fozzie and Rizzo eat up all the desserts.
Thanks for posting. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Guys, I haven't forgotten this story, I totally haven't. I just...haven't had any thoughts past this point. :embarrassed:


But this is gonna be a long story, remember? Cause there's a wedding at the end of this, so we're over the first hurdle of the proposal! I'll put this on my stuff to do over the weekend list, yeah?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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So long as you come back and finish it, we can wait.

*Lifts tablecloth, don't think you can hide under there cause we got you covered.
If you need ideas we can bounce them in PM. Especially since I'm caught in other good loooong fics lately.

Now back to my own particular plottings.
*Leaves some choc chip cookies from Charlie's party for Gina. :insatiable:


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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OMG, you guys I'm totally totally totally sorry!

On one hand, work has been crazy, but a good crazy. On the other hand, it's kept me updating this like I had wanted to. Here is our latest chapter of Two Ball and because it's been a while, here's your summary of the last chapter -

Scooter, having been trying to get up the courage to propose, makes a surprising proposal to Amanda during Thanksgiving dinner. Meanwhile, Kermit finally admits to Piggy that he has indeed gotten her an engagement ring, though he's willing to give it to Fozzie if she doesn't behave.

And now, our next chapter!

Chapter VI

One Month Later

It was amazing how much time can pass from one moment to the next. That was especially true after Scooter Grosse stopped being a bachelor and become someone’s fiancée.

After his impromptu proposal during Thanksgiving, Scooter was still a bit in shock; literally overnight he went from being Scooter Grosse to being Scooter Grosse, Fiancée. By the same time next year, he would be a married man – and who knew? Maybe even a father! – and the thought did nothing to dampen his spirits as he looked forward to the new year and his new life. Amanda was even more delighted, the realization of her becoming Mrs. Scooter Grosse was exciting, thrilling, and terrifying all at once.

Unlike some couples, who would take perhaps the year (or years) to plan out their wedding, Scooter and Amanda knew immediately they didn’t want to wait that long, in fact they didn’t think they could wait that long, with everything going so well so far. They had spent time discussing what they wanted out of life, what they would want if they were to get married, and their lives together. They didn’t want to spend more time just planning to be married, they wanted to be married.

However, there was a lot to do when a person got married - there was finding a church, finding a minister, choosing a band, choosing the food, the clothing, the theme, and on and on.

The one thing the two didn’t have any issue with was choosing the day – Valentine’s Day would have been the perfect day for them; it was the day they had said ‘I love you’ to each other for the first time, with Scooter serenading his true love during their Sunday show. That was the dream of course, but even they knew that would be pushing it; everyone got married on Valentine’s Day and while that was the day they wanted, they were smart enough not to hold on to it in the case they couldn’t find a church or a minister.

The next best day was March 20th, Lillith Cosgrove’s birthday. Amanda knew that her mother couldn’t be with her on this special day, at least not physically, but it was a day that every mother should be a part of. It had been Scooter’s idea, as a way of honoring Amanda’s mother, for without her, there would be no Amanda and thus no wedding. It had brought a tear to her eye, that her fiancée would be so thoughtful as to think of that, which of course prompted her to wonder about him.

She knew he thought the Muppets were all the family he needed, often times painting himself an orphan in the sea of misfits that were his core group of friends. She had never said it out loud, but it disheartened her to think that Scooter had been all alone in the world; his mother had died when he had been but a baby and he had never known nor met his father. His uncle had been a difficult man to love at times and it was only upon his death had he told his nephew had much he had meant to him.

The redhead was glad Scooter had found his place finally, with the Muppets, at Google, and with her.

And that brought up another interesting prospect – while they were currently living in Scooter’s townhome, they had been discussing getting their own house one day. After all, neither were shy in the idea of having children together and the Whatnot had made it clear to her future husband that she was more than ready to be the mother of his children one day and if that day happened to correspond to their wedding night or honeymoon, the more’s the better.

On top of their wedding preparations, the two had been casually looking at houses for sale, those that were smack in the middle of both of their work places. It went without saying that any house they chose needed to be in a good area and close to good schooling for their future children. They had a number of places in mind, but none of them seem to fit their ‘dream’ home – a cozy little place reminiscent of Kermit and Piggy’s, with two floors, a gorgeous kitchen, a large backyard, maybe a pool, an office area for the two of them to work at home…

So far, neither of them had found that perfect home, though the ideal of it wasn’t going to leave their minds any time soon.

As the new year began to approach, the couple split their wedding assignments between the two of them – Scooter would handle the entertainment, the minister, and the flowers, while Amanda would pick the church, the caterers, and the clothing. On paper, it should have been an easy task; in reality, trying to find these things at the holiday season and have them ready within three months seemed to be a tall order. To be honest, Scooter actually did wrack his brain for a few days before the answers came to him easily.

Weddings were expensive and he knew Chase would be taking the brunt of it, so the page tried to minimize as much as he could. And that meant getting readily available help. The entertainment was by far the easiest thing he could come up with – the Electric Mayhem were always looking for side gigs, just to have the excuse of doing something that wasn’t a weekly TV gig and along with the Muppet orchestra, he was sure they could come up with a playlist that would keep people on the floor dancing.

Finding a minister wasn’t hard either. With all the practice he had at trying to secure ministers for the upcoming, eventual wedding of Kermit and Piggy, Scooter just needed to look up his contact list under ministers and ceremonies to find what he needed. Even the flowers were easy to find – he knew Piggy after all and Piggy knew tons of people in Hollywood.

Amanda had the same idea, as she went to Piggy to help find a caterer and a good tailor. The diva was ecstatic to help, making the comment that she had already had a list of the things either of the couple needed, ready and waiting should either of them come to her for help. It was that helpfulness and the fact that the blonde had been such a friend that put her in Amanda’s bridesmaids listings.

Scooter had also chosen his own groomsmen, though he had been very hesitant in going to the person he wanted to be his best man. He wasn’t sure how right it was to ask your boss and father figure if he would stand up with you at your wedding; Scooter was smart enough to know that should Kermit ever, ever decide to marry his diva, Fozzie and Gonzo would no doubt stand up for him and the page certainly wouldn’t be saddened by that happening, however it did make him pause before he went to ask.

So instead of asking Kermit, he decided he’d ask the best person who knew Kermit better than he did.

“If I asked Kermit to be my best man, do you think that’s acceptable?”

One slim eyebrow was raised at him. “When have we ever done things that were acceptable?” came the retort.

Kermit had been extremely nice to him, knowing that he was planning a wedding, and that meant some of their weekly meetings were getting postponed or were cut short so that Scooter wouldn’t be taken away from his soon to be husbandly duties. That meant he was free to invite his favorite diva out of lunch, something the two of them rarely did these days. The page had an alternate reason for asking her to lunch that day – he needed to know if it would be okay to ask that Kermit stand by his side and more importantly, if the frog would actually accept his offer.

Scooter couldn’t help but smirk. They were the Muppets after all and they usually didn’t do anything by conventional methods, so of course his request was going to be anything but. “I thought I would ask,” he murmured, not stopping the blush that was rising on his cheeks.

Piggy softened her smile, something she always did whenever she was around the boy, no no, the man that he was. Of course wouldn’t mind being Scooter’s best man, he would be ecstatic for sure; in fact, the two of them had already decided they would take up any fees for this wedding, whether the redhead liked it or not. They had spoken with Chase recently, who had been a little surprised and a bit concerned when he learned his daughter wanted to get married in the equivalent of 3-4 months.

“We aren’t expecting little Grosses, are we?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at the two.

“Not for a while,” Kermit shot back.

“Not if he knows what’s good for him,” Piggy added.

The three had met up with Chase at his own home, a sanctuary he found just as safe and welcoming as he did his pool hall. Since Scooter began dating his daughter, he had spent some time with the power couple, enjoying the frog’s very down to earth outlook and the diva’s no nonsense attitude; oh, the rest of the Muppets he still thought were slightly unhinged and there were times he was sure the power couple barely hung on to sanity themselves, but he knew these were to be his in-laws in some fashion, so for Amanda’s sake, he would get along with them.

They were sitting in his living room, discussing the upcoming wedding or rather, discussing who would be paying for said wedding. The trio didn’t know that Scooter was planning on taking on most of the cost, correctly figuring that Chase would want to put most of his money on his only daughter’s wedding, however Kermit and Piggy had known the redhead for decades and figured his mind would be along those lines.

“He’s figured that you’ll probably be taking care of the cost of the wedding,” Kermit said. “He doesn’t know that we’re gonna take of the cost for the wedding.”

“No hold on there,” Chase interrupted. “I know he’s like a son to you, but this is my daughter he’s marrying. As much as I’ve never looked forward to her finding another man to replace me, I have seen this coming at some point. No way, I’m paying for the wedding.”

“Chase, now wait a minute…”

“Gentlemen, a moment if you would,” Piggy interrupted, taking a sip of her drink as though she wasn’t in the middle of an argument. “The answer, of course, is to split the cost of the wedding. Which should actually be a rather small and simple affair; our favorite couple have already started on getting the most for their money. Getting the Mayhem to play the reception and Moi is guessing that some of the staff at the pool hall will be helping usher people in and out.

“The only thing we should be worried about are flowers, food, and venue. Moi can certainly afford the flowers, if you lovely gentlemen could handle the food and venue?”

Chase’s eyes seemed to glaze over before he shook himself out of it. “No wonder she get can get you to do anything she wants,” he muttered, throwing a look to Kermit.

“Not everything,” the diva quipped.

“Careful, darlin’.”

The conversation continued to flow easily, when Chase brought up another aspect for the future in-laws. “You don’t happen to have gotten him a wedding present, have you?”

The two looked at each other, both of them blushing from embarrassment. “Actually…” the frog began.

“Can I show him?” Piggy asked, a huge smile on her face and pulling out her phone.

“As if I could stop you.”

With a little squeal, Piggy happily jumped over to the couch that Chase was sitting on and quickly brought up an image on her phone. Chase let out a whistle once he saw it. “You two don’t give small gifts, do you?”

“It was the pig’s idea,” Kermit grumped.

“The frog of course helped,” Piggy smiled. “Whether he admits it or not.”

“You’re gonna make my present look skimpy,” Chase complained, though he did have a smirk on his face.

“What’s your present then?”

Looking at the two of them in turn, Chase nodded before standing up and heading down the hallway towards the bedroom area. He returned within a few minutes, carrying a small velvet case in his hands before he took his seat once more next to Piggy. “This,” he whispered, opening the case. Upon seeing the contents, Piggy let out a small gasp.

“Chase, it’s beautiful!”

Kermit, having wondered what could be in the case, stood up and leaned over the diva’s shoulder. “Gorgeous,” he whispered, seeing the piece of jewelry.

“It was Lily’s,” Chase began. “Mandy’s mother. Family heirloom that gets past down the generations, so she told me. She was gonna give this to her when she got married.”

“Now whose gift looks skimpy?” Kermit joked.

“Do you have everything you need, dearheart?”

Scooter nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. Like Kermit, Scooter could drink coffee at any time of the day and never truly felt its effects. “I think so,” he said, brow narrowing in thought. “We’re looking at places to hold the wedding and reception today. And of course, we need to figure out what we plan on wearing. I mean, everyone else I guess. I can easily get a tux from anywhere…”

“Stop,” she said, giving him a look. “Do you really think I’m just going to just let you wear whatever you’d like at your wedding?”

“Well, I figured I’d wear whatever you’d want at your wedding…” he stated, watching her roll her eyes at him before going to her phone. “Do I dare ask who you’re calling?”

Piggy opened her mouth to comment, but instead perked up once the person on the other line answered. “Darling!” she cooed. “Moi has a project for you. How do you feel about a wedding?”
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The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Runs in to read latest update.

Hee, you know you could just as easily go to the local courthouse and get the judge/justice of the peace marry you via legally binding contract, which is what a marriage ultimately is right?

Love how Scoot and Mandy are going about the various wedding errands, with help from their friends whether they know it or not.
March 20, hey, that's :wisdom:'s birthday too.
*Is very appreciative of the sense of family portrayed here, what with the connections between Lily and Amanda.
Split the wedding costs? What a novelle idea, how come you guys didn't think of that?

Please let that be who I think it is Piggy's dialed for the groom's tuxedo. :smirk:

Thankses for this. *:insatiable: leaves an extra choc-flavored merangue frosted brownie cupcake his mom made, leaving it for Gina.
BTW: I'm glad you're still with us here at MC. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Counters, my Counters!

I messed up. This should be chapter 6 (VI) and not 4 (IV)(Why I did this, I do not know). Would you, could change the chapter numbering for me?

If I tell you I'm working on chapter VII, will you do it? :big_grin:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Done, changed the chapter's Roman numeral just like that. *Snaps fingers.
If only it were that easy to number each of the spooks/monsters/creepy characters to keep building the roster of my own fic-type realm. But at least I'm getting it done one haunter at a time.