Ohh, I did see that one! So funny!
"Quiet...quiet please...quiet...QUIET!"
I was able to go to The Museum of TV and Radio the other day. After awhile I was getting ready to leave, when I noticed they were showing
The Muppets at Walt Disney World on the big screen, (yay!). At first I thought, "Nah, I have to get going." But something told me to stick around. Of course, it was very funny and touching, as expected. Then they got to the part when Kermit and Piggy participate in the Indiana Jones Stunt Show.
I already knew from Muppet Wiki that David Rudman had a small cameo during this scene, sitting in the audience. As the scene started, I briefly had a thought, "Gee...I wonder if anyone else had a cameo in audience!" I doubted it. I mean, if there was, Muppet Wiki would have reported it by now, right? But I decided to take a quick look at the screen anyway.
And to my utter amazement...well...it turned out my instincts were right! Sitting right there in one of the aisle seats was our very own Richard H! He was right in front there, with a red shirt and sun glasses clipped to his shirt collar.
I'm shocked that Muppet Wiki never noticed this! Then again, he is just sitting there, listening attentively to the show's announcer. He pretty much blends in with the rest of the audience unless you're looking. And I'm really glad I did! And just that day I was lamenting that there seemed to be no more footage around of him!
I really hope they put this on DVD someday!