Sorry, I didn't mean to just run off on you!
Well, the show was very exciting1! Is it my imagination, or is there an episode of Fraggle Rock where Red says: "I never knew music could be so boring!"? Well that's what I was afraid might happen, and in fact that was my exact thaught after hearing the headliners. Oddly enough though, despite my forbodings ever since Christmas, the closer Iit got to the actual time of the concert, the more excited I was! I didn't know any of the songs he sang,, but I don't think there was one I didn't like.
You know though, the real thing that made this special, was the amount of respect and admiration I felt listening to him on stage.Most of you probably know he's in his eighty's, 81 to be exact. Just that alone is a talent; nevermind anythiing else!

Also, and I'll try to explain this feeling as best I can, I was kinda in awe of how real it was. Most of us spend most of our lives listening to music of one kind or another. This however, was not a radeo, CD, or tape. This was actually a singer and band, sitting there on stage in realtime! Being a bit of a singing enthusiast myself, I could sort of appreciate it from his position too, just a little of course. Then of course, because I'm not anywhere near that talented, famous or in demand, and I don't have a band, I was of course a bit starstruck.
As if that weren't enough, he was hilarious, and talked and joked almost more than he sang! All in all, a wonderfuldown-to-earth seeming guy!
One more note, his nefue is in the band! I remarked afterward that it must be a somewhat unnerving experience, not only having such a talented uncle,

(Hey, not only a relative, but an uncle! Check out that connection!)
but to work along side of him as well!
Edit: This wasn't going through for some reason, and on about my fourth try I read the thing that said I had too many smileys! Who'd 'o thunk that would prevent it from submitting?