Well then, happy belated birthday! You are sorely missed.
*aside* By some people, although I'm not too fond of the Beatles to tell the truth.
Channeling charcters's energy sounds awesome, and I dare any preformer/writer to tell me they haven't attempted it at least once! I have, and it worked fairly well, and I know some of the best writers on here use that techiique. Imagine yourself standing outside a window, looking into a room. You ask yourself, and sometimes the other characters questions, such as: Where are we? Who's there with you? What is happening, and what are you talking about? You get the idea. It must be similar for actors getting to know their characters.
I'm interested in that Harry Belifante story. When I said that all the muppets were basically good, I meant it, but we all know they have done their fair share of damage! This must have been some horific scene!