Steve Swanson: This new show on Disney+ is where Matt Vogel really proves himself to be the current Kermit the Frog, and I think he's gonna do it and pull it off. He's gonna do everything in his power to bring Kermit as he is in our minds and our hearts, he's gonna make us laugh, he's gonna make us cry, it's gonna be great.
JD Hansel: Unless, what if this new show on Disney+ is just different versions of the Rainbow Connection in every episode? Like it's nothing but Matt Vogel's Kermit singing RC.
Steve: I would actually be okay with that. In fact I demand that every episode of that show end with not just Kermit, but the entire cast of Muppets coming together to sing RC.
Clayton Roederer: No, no, no! (crying)
JD: Clayton, it's okay! Breathe in, breathe out, relax! Sing it with me: He's a Caribbean Amphibian, this song is not the Rainbow Connection, Caribbean Amphibian, Kermit has other songs.