*arriving back at work*
It sure is raining some...I'll be surprised if we don't have floods. Now, I got a Z, it's in a pockets here somewhere. *hunts around* Ah, yes, here it is. *pastes the Z* Ahh, now is says, "SuZ." Let me just cut this An from the word, "Andrew Loyd Webfootedtoes" and there, SuZan.
Which reminds me...where is that girl?
What was next. Ah, we need a "Will" I'll take that from this article about the Prince and the Scadel in Wales. "Knot" I'lll snip that from this sailer's advice column, "Knot's and Crosses"
Right, "SuZan will knot..."
We need a bee...wonding if this picture will do for that, from Honey Bugs Illustrated. After that, Untied...*heads back to the Knots and Cross-bones column*
(Out of Character, don't vorry Count, my friend, it's all in fun. *smugs evilly, and plans next move*)