Take it easy girls. One at a time please.
1 I know where you hid your charm because like I told you, sometimes magic can be used to read minds. And I was reading yours at that moment as an example of that type of magic while explaining what magic was to you all.
2 Yes, it's possible that you might turn yourselves into rocks. But if that happens, all you need to do is contact your sisters or Mommy or Daddy and we'll help turn you back.
3 Yes, you'll gain individually distinct powers as you grow up. After all, you are magical beings.
4 Yes, when you change from form to form, that's magic.
Kelly dear...
5 So long as you're here with your family, and with the rest of the Moppets, you may change from kitten to baby/girl and back again. If we're out in public and we're alone, you may use that trick, but you should be careful not to let others catch you performing such a feat. If we're out in public and there's other people around, it'd be best to remain in one form or the other.
6 That little flight was a demonstration of the powers I have which I used to explain to you what magic is.
Now, are there any questions I missed? If you have no more questions, then we can go ahead and read the rest of that nice story before having a dinner together.
Come on girls...
*All exit playroom and go to reading room.