The Moppet Family: The Reunion


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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christyb said:
Toga, Iz coming Iz coming got two hands only!
Well, technically, between the two of you, you've got four hands... <Giggles> Is okay, I understand, collaboration complicates things, and can slow things down, and <cough>Prawnie<cough> I know how that goes.

A mini message from Beau:

Father: As if!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well, technically... Don't they have twelve arms among them? Christy, Mother, Nicki, Bo, Father, and Moppet?
Then again, math never was my strong suit.

More soon please. Oh, and if you want, I can pass a message along to Bo seeing as how I kinda run into him over at CMX.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Another mini-message from Beau:

Father: Never, dear.
Moppet: Always, honey.
Father: Er...I mean, can I help you at all?
Moppet: Does she look like she needs help?
Father: I was not implying anything, I wasn't!
Moppet: *turns on heels, slips in film reels*


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Mother: Do you really want to mess with me right now, Sailor? *places hands on her hips still covered in film*

Me: Eh however many hands we have I'll tell you our process. I write a piece, Beau and I get on MSN and talk it out. Beau edits, we get back on MSN and talk, then we post....after editing some more.

Next Chapter!!!!

Chapter Eight - Closing In

Christy sighed as she sat in the windowsill of her cabin. She leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes. For a moment she let the salt spray of the ocean below hit refreshingly. The night before had been one of the longest and most tiring. Maybe she wasn’t cut out for this life anymore. The ship rocked gently and relaxed her like nothing else ever could. Placing her hands unconsciously upon her stomach she let her mind wander.

A cloud of purple sparkles entered the room and a tiny cough filled the silence. From the windowsill Christy groaned and watched the being appear. Sugarbritchez her long time fairy godmother and troublemaker straightened her skirt and fixed her hair before glaring Christy's way. "You probably know why I'm here."

Christy stood up, placed her hands calmly behind the back and met the fairy's stare, "To take me home. You're too late. I've got things to do Angie."

"You belong at home. Not off chasing some old fantasy!"

"This is not a fantasy. I've got to get to the Isle. The security system has been penetrated. Do you realize what Randall can do if he obtains the power and technology there? Not to mention the millions of dollars in gold."

"It's not your problem! What are you trying to prove?"

"That I am not a trophy for some pigheaded businessman. Good-day Angie. If you want to do something worthwhile go keep an eye on the twins," Christy said closing the issue and leaving her cabin. Not to be outdone Angie fluttered nearby.

Making their way below to the galley the argument continued. The crew skittered out of their way sensing the trouble. Below Friggin and Vic had been set to work peeling potatoes. Ted was doozing in a nearby corner of the galley. Both boys stopped and looked at the two who had just entered the galley. Dooley the cook just chuckled and went about his business.

"That pigheaded businessman loves you. You have three beautiful children and a dog. You have more than what most people ever dream of. Especially for a criminal. Why not go home where you belong?" Angie waved her wand around as her voice grew louder.

Calmly Christy turned around to face her again, "Maybe I just don't belong at home." Then she laughed and smiled mischievously at Angie. She inched her head so that she could see Dooley. Eyes twinkling she asked, "Dooley remember that night all those years ago when Ron tried to get me to stay ashore?"

"Aye Cap'n. Twas the night you told us you were expectin' Little Vic here," Dooley stated taking the potatoes from the table and putting them in the boiling pot.

"Care to share to our friend here what happened that night?"

"I dunno the details, but Cap'n Ron was limpin' for a week afterwords."

"Thank you Dooley. Little Vic remember that story I used to tell you at night? The one about the adventurer."

"Mom I don't see what this has to do with any..." Vic started but was cut short by Christy's sharp look, " All right, any sailor knows that if you want to hide treasure sail southwest. That's where a pirate could hole up for ages. That's where the treasure of treasures is stored..." Vic went on to tell the age-old bedtime story. Angie and Friggin watched fascinated. Christy's chest swelled with pride.

"Why didn't you ever tell me about this?" Angie accusingly looked at Christy.

"Because you have a big mouth and would have blabbed it to the world. That's why. Now be gone Angie a ship is no place for a fairy," Christy replied.

"Well I never! What about Vic? He's here and Father is going to come looking for him."

Christy leaned against the table and took an apple. For a few minutes she nibbled on the fruit and watched her expectant audience. "Why he's gone insane haven't you heard? Poor boy, his Mother disappears, and he loses it. The neighbors think she's left her husband. First there's the deal with ferrets. The family isn't talking about that. Then no sooner does he return to normal does he go bananas." She paused and walked over to her son. Dooley ceased his cooking and watched with fascination. Ted cocked his head waiting for the punch line. Christy placed a hand on Vic's shoulder and continued, "Don't believe me Angie? Go check it out for yourself. You see. I have the real Vic here. While there is a shell that is shall we say not the most functional in the world. I'm afraid I skipped that class in school to go be with Ron. So I never did get the trick quite right."

"Well don't that beat all. Just when I thought I knew a person. Don't that beat all," Dooley muttered and continued with his work.

"Mom, you mean Ted and I can stay?" Vic asked expectantly.

"For the time being," Christy answered.

"All right!" Vic shouted along with his new friend Friggin.

"As for you Angie. When I said I can't have anyone following me. I meant it. There's a greater evil, please watch my other two babies for me. I'll take care of the ones in my care now," Christy said taking off a ring that always stayed on her right hand. With a swift move she placed it on Angie's wand. "I'll let you back once this is done. Be careful Angie. Don't betray me please."

With that Angie disappeared.

And reappeared in a far less comfortable position.

Red carpet stretched over a cobblestone iron floor. Hooves smashed across the carpet, running towards the brilliant castle building in the gold-rimmed clouds. Leather bridles and whips held the black furred unicorns in place, dragging the black-carriage behind them. Inside, two hard stone figures with long beards and wings watched the small, pink, Fairy Godmother. Angie stared at them fiercely, her feet shackled to the carriage.

Beyond, inside the castle, a Fairy Godfather walked towards a high balcony overlooking to courtroom. He lifted a gavel, slammed it against the stonework and the sound rang hard against the walls. Below, Angie was now standing in a dock, defiant yet hurt.
She raised her eyes.

"Angela, you have been accused of losing your client, how do you plead?"


"Angela, you have been accused of carelessness in her upbringing which
resulted in her marrying a man inferior to herself, how do you plead?"


"Angela, do you have anything to say in your defense?"

Angela bit her lip, closed her eyes, and then opened them. "Godfather, Christy Nicola Cole is a woman free to do as she pleases. Not to mention
she's hardheaded and never listens. It is not my prerogative to make every decision for her, and believe me, I know. A fairy-god-mother is a guide, not a God. I discovered that the last time we had a feature length episode of the Moppet Family. Er, I mean, if that ever were to change, I would want nothing to do with it. If I want her to buy a banana and strawberry split with sprinkles, and she wants fresh, healthy, delicious strawberries, my godfather, I'd want her to take the strawberries. Because she is free to do what she likes. Right now, I have a responsibility to look after her husband and children, because there is a greater evil right now."

The Godfather smiled, condescendingly. "Greater Evil? Balderdash, there hasn't been anything we can't handle with a flick of the wrist." The Fairy Godfather lifted a quill pen, wrote a sentence of gold parchment, rolled it, and tossed it to the floor. " Alright, Sugarbritchez, you are under arrest, and subject to three hundred years in the jail of the lost. Your rights and privileges as a Godmother are revoked until such a time as..."

Angie fell down on her knees in shame. A flash of lightning exploded through the courtroom. Fairy Godfather clutched his stomach and collapsed at his desk. Thunder resounded as diabolical laughter ran throughout the room. Angie's body shook violently with the fear coursing through her veins. In a moment the horrific scene was over and the skyline of New York replaced it.

Angie picked herself up and looked around curiously. Leaning cockily against a TV antenna Randall smiled, "Not bad for a human huh?"

Angie's eyes grew wide in shock, "Randall? What did you do?"

"What no big hug hello? No thank you kiss? If it wasn't for what I just did Gramps would have put you in the slammer. What a waste it would have been to put such a beauty behind bars," Randall walked over to Angie casually placing his arm around her shoulders.

"Now don't you want to tell me everything about Christy? It's been such a long time since I've seen my dear sister in law. You know where she's headed. You know how to get there. What's a couple of secrets between friends? After all she belongs home doesn't she?" Randall stared into Angie's eyes.

"Yes, but..."

"Shhh....I'm family you can tell me. You want to tell me. It's for her own good. You're supposed to protect her. Sending a big strong man like myself is a good idea. I can go and bring her back."

"Yes...Yes you could! Randall you're a genius. I don't see why they ex-communicated you. She's gone to the isle. The Forgotten Isle."

"Tell me more about this Island."

Angie opened her mouth, but said nothing. She started to shake her head, "No, you see-"

"Shh," Randel said, pressing a finger to her lips. "I have a better idea. Think, Double Triple Chocolate Sprinkle Icecream."

A few minutes later they sat across from each other at a table in a local ice cream parlor with two of the above. Randel lifted a scoop of DT CSI from his fluted bowl, and lent across the table to pop the spoon into Angie's mouth. "You do know where the island is?"

Angela almost felt something buzz in her mind, but shook it off. "Well, if you sail southwest as far as you can go…"

From across the busy Manhattan street a small girl watched them carefully. Viola, the littlest fairy and muse, had survived Randall's attack and followed Angie here. Something was wrong. Before Fairy Godfather always said she was too small to have an assignment. Now it seemed as if she was betraying the family she had to protect. Well, if Angie was being fooled by the man with the big nose, Viola would have to look after two twins all by herself, and she knew just how to do it.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Whoosh! Another great chapter. So that's why Vic, er the Vic shell went insane. Great reference to the ferret scene. Happy to see Angie aka Sugarbritchez appear. Fighting and betraying with Christy? Why oh why... And yaey for Viola coming in at the end. Hope she can take care of the family, what with the man with the big nose now closing in on his prey.

You know, I kinda thought when the good ship Reunion docked at Glendale to stock up on supplies, the scene with Mother breaking into her own home... That'd lend itself to when we had that infestation of zombie penguins. Oh well, maybe for another chapter.
And I'm a bit lost on the familial relations between Randall and Angie. Christy's his sister-in-law, but how are he and Angie and the Fairy Godfather related? Got a bit lost there.
Thank you for this marvelous romp.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Great chapter! I loved how you explored Angie's character more! Really, we're getting a nice glimpse of everyone's characters a little bit more. This has been helpful for me since I joined up later than everyone else! Keep it coming!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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redBoobergurl said:
Really, we're getting a nice glimpse of everyone's characters a little bit more. This has been helpful for me since I joined up later than everyone else!
Then you'd be happy to know that getting a glimpse and re-introducing every character was my true goal. When I left last year I knew it'd be a while for me to be able to get back in. So I was just as befuddled as you Beth. That was a reason to set out and write this story. Then you guys kept playing and making things more and more complicated. Go figure. :smile:

The Count said:
And I'm a bit lost on the familial relations between Randall and Angie. Christy's his sister-in-law, but how are he and Angie and the Fairy Godfather related? Got a bit lost there.
Okay I can see how that reads tricky. Lemme clarify. Angie and Randall are not related. In the story, Randall was merely tricking her into spilling the beans. He was saying "Since I'm Christy's brother in law you can tell me where the island is". You have to read closely when Randall's in the scene b/c his ultimate goal is to confuse his victims. Does that help? If not I'll try and explain again. The last thing I need ya'll to get is confused before we hit the climax.

*from deep inside the writing room*

Me: *arms full of papers* Penguins...Penguins....where did they go?

Mother: *from the filing cabinet* Did they get cut out in version three?

Father: *from the desk* No that was 45.2b cutting down the ferret scene to only a brief mentioning.

Me: *head first inside the box* C'mon people it's inside one of these drafts!

Beau: *enters* We cut them out b/c well they really didn't fit anywhere.

Me: Oh that's right. BTW, we gotta get on the ball. They've caught up to us.

Beau: *closes writing room door*

Mother: No more story until the last half is finished.

Father: Which just may be never at this rate.

Me: So, Beau in this chapter I was thinking we could have Adam.....

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks. Actually, I did understand Randall's tricking/twisting Angie around so she'd reveal the secret location. And I can understand how Randall would be Christy's brother-in-law since she did marry his twin brother. Just confused a bit when he calls the Fairy Godfather "Gramps" and then says that family can share anything with each other.

Looking forward to whatever's next. *Worriedly, or should I?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Well I can tell you no more until I'll give you a commercial

Beau and I seriously gotta catch up. Anyways, things are getting darker and darker. Randall's already destroyed everyone but Viola and Angie in the world of Fairy's....Next Week On The Moppet Family: The Reunion

"Mom you're not just going to leave him to swim in open water are you? There are sharks out there!" Vic called after his Mother's retreating back.

"Your decision Cap'n. The ship is flying your colors."
"Aye, I see that," Christy said tossing the telescope to Mac. By this time the crew had stopped their tasks and looked expectantly at their Captain. "Helmsman! Plot your course to that ship. Let out those sails and catch that breeze. Men, I want all hands on deck and prepared for battle. Let's show this turkey who Nicky really is."

Meanwhile, inside the Moppet's house, Jack began to worry. His girlfriend had been gone too long.

"Beauregard!" Christy said, "Helmsman, head into that storm!"

Evil Kyle sat up quickly. "I'm…back! I'm back!" He rubbed his knees where he had fallen. "I'm…bruised."

Vibs looked at him sideways. "Viq, you are not normal."

"Dad," Vic said. He was dressed in pirate garb. A white shirt rose above his cutoff jeans. A bandana kept his shoulder length hair at bay. "Dad....."I said get out," Father said and twisted from Vic's grasp.

Adam dropped Randell, thudding him onto the ground, and caught Izzy before she fell. "Izzy! My beautiful wife!"

"But I've already won. It's pointless," Randall sneered.


Note From Management:

The authors are not responsible for the above commercial making sense. That is all and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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(Of course they're not, why make sense when it's more profitable to make dollars? No, I will not let that joke die.)

NO MORE UNTIL MONDAY? <Groans>... That means no more for another six weeks... <Sigh.> Oh, the price I pay for taking a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... What am I complaining about?

Well, for the sake of others: MORE PLEASE!

Such an intriguing commercial! Oh, it's more torturesome than my old previews for future fanfics used to be. I love it! I'll have to start reading right away when I get back. And somebody had better take up nagging duty while I'm gone...