"The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."


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Mar 11, 2003
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Yakky, Biggy and Kyle pull up to some castle with "G"-nomes all around it. Wonder what's happening?

Hairy Monstrous Kyle: Where is it? This is where the magic school has alway been.

Human Yakky: Are you sure about this?

Hairy Monstrous Kyle: Yes! I know I am. Vic's uncle showed me.

Human Biggy: I just can't seem to be amazed how good I look.

Human Yakky: That's my line.

Human Biggy: Whoops. *hands script to someone off screen* Sorry about that. *a stage hand show's Biggy his line* Oh ya. Thank you. *clears throat* How are we ever going to get in there?

Human Yakky: I'm still amazed how good I look in these clothes. *holding a mirror*

Hairy Monstrous Kyle: Could stop that! *slap mirror out of hand*

Human Yakky: You do know about the 7 years bad luck?

Hairy Monstrous Kyle: I could't really care. I look hideous! And I smell bad too. *smells of self*

Human Biggy: So do I. I hate this smell of human smell. Yucky!

Human Yakky: Ok. But we still need to find out where the magic school is.

Human Biggy: *sees a guy dressed up as a grimm reaper* Hold on.

Human Yakky: What?

Human Biggy: Is that who I think it is?

Hairy Monstrous Kyle: I think that's Jack. JACK! JACK!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Gnome, waking up in the middle of the night: Sometimes I have trouble falling aslee...
Oh, wrong show.

Wha? Hey you kids, get off of my lawn!
*Shaking fists at humanized Yakey and Biggy. Now git!
*To Hairy monstrous Kyle: Come on in, soup should be almost ready.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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(OOC: Since Father is caught...I figured I'd bring in someone else I play so talentlessly...Hevej)

Father: Hey, do you mind if I get a bit of that stew, hmm?


*meanwhile down at the ship yard, a huge ship sails in, evil wind blowing around it's gailly masts and blustery sails...and beside it a lone pirate rows up to shore in a paddleboat*

Hevej: Now I know some'n here who knows a thing or two about what I know, you know? And what's more...he has cash. *adjusts pirate hat* So it's hey ho, hey ho, off to ye olde Moppet's I go.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Leaves cupper of stew and strips of crusted bread at foot of prison for Father.
Hmmm... Better check in with Lucca, make sure noone's trying to topple the new U-Mun regime.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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(OOC: I'm confused...is Cole still a monster? And is he good or bad?)

Hevej: *strolls up main street, whistling and drinking rum from a round-ended bottle* *sings (to tune of A Pirates Life) Yo, ho, ho, it's married family life for me, I'll sit me down and done a gown and sup a cup of tea, yo ho ho, it's happy family life for me...*to lamppost* Hi lamppost, I'm Moppet...no who'm I kiddin' I'm Hevej fair and square, you got me. *walks into the Moppet living room and is surprised to see Red-Coated Guards there* Heh...armed, red-coated, and expendible? Is this mystic-mountain or Star Trek? *smiles* I'm Captin Hevej Skullington, and you must be...ack...never mind the name, have a swing. *offers bottle around to the guards*

Guard one: *tastes a sip...and drops to know knee, bowing, hands the bottle on*
Guard two: *same*
Guard three: *etc*
Guard four: *ok, this is getting tedious*

Hevej: *snatches bottle back* Alrighty, what be going on here?

Guard one: Oh holy Hevej, was something so obvious so long hidden before our eyes? The ancient book states that he who brings the Water of Life is the god we have been searching for.

Hevej: Water of life? *smug smile* I guess this is pretty good rum...

(OOC2: Note, the red-coated guards arn't necesseraly U-Mans or anything....they are just a little side-line story while there's mysticism going on around MopFam
OOC3: Hevej isn't really a god...)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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OOC1: Yes, Mr. Cole is still a monster at the moment. Is he good or bad? You'd have to ask Christy that, they're brother and sister you know.
OOC2: Yeah... Just treat the red guards like extras, or patrollers for the U-Muns, is hokay.
OOC3: Course he tisn't a god... So have that sensible fourth guard show 'em that Hebbage tain't such.

Gnome: No reply... Guess he's not home now. Just as well, caught this snooper here tryin' to cut my home down. He was probably trying to undermine the roots of our new world order.
*Leaves to do whatever it is gnomes usually do.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Father: *eyes shift left and right* Quick, while he is not here, I can make a plan. Quick, while he's gone I can run up the steps and get out of this tree system. Quick...I have no idea who I am talking to.


Hevej: As a newly appointed god of all things...godish...I say get more Water of Life from the supermarket, ye'll find change in any number of the house-owner's coats...


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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What?? *entering covered in fig leaves* You think this man is a god?? *rummages in pockets* I'm the one who has...THIS!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Red Guard 1: He has that!

Red Guard 2: He has that!

Red Guard 3: Actually, he has THIS!

Red Guard 4: What is this anyway...?

Hevej: I can explain! The blue fellow is not, you know, a god...but he does look good in figleaves...but you know who would look best in figleaves? *waves fingers at self*


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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Yeah whatever, Hevej, if that is your real name. And it's actually just my thumb, but I did trick you all. Mwuh ha, therefore I must be your god!