The Nellingston residence is now blooming orange and white flowers, and hundreds of shamrocks have sprung up in the yard.....
Leprechaun 1: All right boys! Bring 'er in!
A group of leprechauns heave in a large bottle of grape nehi
Leprechaun 2: Aw, cum on man! Why kint we 'ave Guinness? Joost the wunce!
Goldie: *interrupts* Because you boys do enough damage on soda!
Leprecaun 2: Stinkin Saint Patty's day an' we can' e'en have green beer nor Guinness!
Leprechaun 1: Well, we can 'ave green nehi....
Leprechaun 2: Oy, tha's brilliant! *leaves to go work on creating green grape nehi*
Leprechaun 1: *to the rest of the group* Put tha' bottle down and get started on tha roads!
Leprechaun 3: But sar, they've already started! *points to the street*
A group of leprechauns are painting the street gold
Leprechaun 1: Ay, that they 'ave.... well, then get started on somethin else! We've only got a week an' a half!
Leprechaun 4: A week an' a day, sar.
Leprechaun 1: *smacks #4 upside the head* Get to work, smart mouth!
The rest of the leprechauns scurry off to prepare for the Irish holiday....