In the hallucination world (here, everyone speaks in loud, theatrical voices)
Father: *shakes snow of self* What the...why...I never even wished that I'd never been bathed! *pause* I have no idea where I was going with that. So, I was drenched in tea and shut out of my house, what a wonderfull life. *wink, wink* *heads to door, but it is opened suddenly from inside*
Hevej: I am the ghost of christmas past!
Father: Which special are we in again?
Hevej: Hush! We are visiting your if you were never born. Aye. As if I had been a pirate all by myself, do you know where I was? I was galavanting o're dem seas in a beautifull pea-green boat, I were when all a suddon the anti-pirate agency did clap me in fearfull irons and made me do their ironing, they did fer sure.
Father: That's terrable!
Hevej: Oh aye! And all I wanted was the peace and quiet to follow my heart, alone, at sea. Aye.
Father: Oh, Hevej...*frowns*...Oh, Ghost, that's dreadfull! It reminds me of my own condition, seeking for peace from that blue-skinned brother-in-law...and I don't mean Cole...
Hevej: Beware! Because locked away in a pirate's dungeon, that be peacefull alright...but there'll be no tea! *slams door*
Father: What next, oh weird hallucination dream? Where to next?