*At the Coles' home, the mailman arrives, dressed in his standard letter carrier's uniform... A few patches of holly are clipped to the buttonholes of
his shirt, his tie is festively grnished with holly berries, and there's even a fringe of white fur around the brim of his cap.
Mailman Johnson, in a New England accent: Oh, hello thaar Izzy. The girls been behaving thamselves? Little Tabby, she's a taarnaado of aactivity, aalways
buzzing about. Mrs. Kat-a-line, she been haaving those headaches again? Well, a good dose of fish staack with some claam chowder will cure what ails
Before I forget... Here are the Christmas caards from your neighbors... And that paarcel you were hexpecting for Mr. Cole. Hope you have a haappy holidays, and give my best to everybody.
The mailman leaves his brown-bagged bundles with the meowvelous matriarch before Izzy closes the door, giggling over the surprise she has planned.