Tabby: <fur stands up on back> <prepares to pounce> You watch who you mess with, Mr. Don...
Ann: <prepares to either pounce or run, whichever...> I AM A BATTLE TESTED WARRIOR!
Tabby: Knock it off, Ann, and let's DO something before he- does whatever he's planning to do...
Kelly: I still don't get what a penguin is...
Ann: Forget it, Kell, this is self-defense here!
Kelly: Oh!
<the girls huddle together slightly>
Kelly: What's he gonna do?
Ann: He said we're not gonna be kittens...
Tabby: ...That's IT! Why don't we just change to humans?
Ann: But Dad said not to use our magic in-
Tabby: But this counts as an emergency!
Ann: ...Well...
Kelly: Why not hide behind Jack?
Tabby: ...Yeah!
Ann: That works.
<the girls "hide" behind Jack>