Father: *swings sword and slices the pinicle of a guard's hat* You, listen to me. This is my house, my sofa, my tv, and where are my children because I could really use their help right now.
Moppet: Hey, I'm childish.
Father: You'll do...
Moppet: Do you like these curtains?
Father: Why, I...
Moppet: *sword spin, kick, sofa pounce, curtain rip, spin, wrap, leap, roll, slice, and boom-badada!* Why...I, actually.
Father: Oh, that was nice...*stares at the bad guys all tied and gagged on the floor with the curtains* Heh heh heh! Mess with my alter ego will ya, you bunch of raving loonies! Now, you listen to me...
Guards: *dissapear*
Father: *jaw drop* Ok, I need to speak with my near neighbour and brother in law...*dials Adam's cell-phone* Hi..er...are you there? It's Moppet...Beauregard, rather...look, about the missile thing and the patent thing and the shadowy voice at my office, I'm sorry, buddy...but look, I really really need some help here. If you get this message, call me back.