The last two busts have been revealed.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I have to disagree with your characterization of how Weta's Fozzie looks. The Sam PVC has a great face and should not be compared to this Fozzie. There is no connection.

This looks like Fozzie's slow-witted cousin they don't talk about. Everything about his face proportions are off. This doesn't look like any Fozzie I have seen. Head shape, eye position, nose and even hat are off. I hope it is fixed prior to release. I see they fixed Harry. Would you shell out 60 bucks for this Fozzie? I will to complete my set, but I'm not happy about it. :embarrassed:

On the other hand, Animal and Teeth look very good. Also, if they do release yellow headed Piggy, I will put a wash over her hair myself. Might as well. Would greatly improve the bust.

Link Hogthrob

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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frogboy4 said:
I have to disagree with your characterization of how Weta's Fozzie looks. The Sam PVC has a great face and should not be compared to this Fozzie. There is no connection.

This looks like Fozzie's slow-witted cousin they don't talk about. Everything about his face proportions are off. This doesn't look like any Fozzie I have seen. Head shape, eye position, nose and even hat are off. I hope it is fixed prior to release. I see they fixed Harry. Would you shell out 60 bucks for this Fozzie? I will to complete my set, but I'm not happy about it. :embarrassed:

On the other hand, Animal and Teeth look very good. Also, if they do release yellow headed Piggy, I will put a wash over her hair myself. Might as well. Would greatly improve the bust.
See, now this I do not understand...if you dislike it that much, don't buy it. I understand the completist mind and I understand the collector's mind, but I don't understand ranting about something as badly as you did and then ending my own rant with: "but...I will pay $60 for it!" In 20 years if the only Muppet bust you don't have is Fozzie you can sit back and say, "Well, I'm one Muppet bust short, but at least I didn't waste $60 on something that is such a horrible piece of merchandise!"
And Piggy, why would you paint her hair? Her hair has been this color on every piece of Piggy merchandise for the past 10 years! Have you repainted the hair on EVERY Piggy piece you have? And, although I really can't say unless I see it in person, I imagine that if you paint her hair, it won't look "greatly improved", but rather tacky. IMHO :halo:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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How can you have a collection without Fozzie? I'm allowed to be upset by the bust. I'm buying it. Others complain about items they will never buy. I just don't see how they could have gotten Fozzie so wrong.

These are realistic representations of the characters, not cartoon versions. The initial press release from Sideshow noted how these would be as close to the puppets as possible.If you took a look at the first Miss Piggy bust you would understand the dramatic difference in color now. It is possible Henson could have had it changed because of some arbitrary rule, but that doesn't mean I can't gently wash over the hair with another color to neutralize the yellow. That is a proactive solution to my problem with the sculpt. It has also been done to the EB Piggy figure by fan artists over at the Palisades board to great success. Piggy once was the best bust of the line, but is now one that some will skip. If they offered a choice, more people would buy the early prototype.

Ultimately this is a forum - a place where we discuss these issues with other fans. We're allowed to rant about such things. If not here, where? So, Fozzie will likely go to the back of the collection, but he has to be included. It would negate the reason for buying the entire set and makes no sense to me. I just wish they allowed fan input into these. That's what has helped Palisades so much. Both companies are very talented in their own right, but fan input gives it that extra edge and shows that the company cares about their consumrers.

BTW, have you purchased any of these?

Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I have to disagree with your characterization of how Weta's Fozzie looks. The Sam PVC has a great face and should not be compared to this Fozzie. There is no connection.
Hi Jamie, :sympathy: I sadly have to say that I feel you shut out my opinion, I know your a mod and all but this is how a feel. The connection is they are Muppet products and when you boil it down it's just a silly peice of plastic and a hunk of ploystone.

If Fozzie was my number 1 favorite, I would buy this bust and be happy with it. it could be better, it could be a lot better, but there is still nice quality's to it in my eye's. I just got Rowlf and I think that's all i'm getting and I'm very happy with him.

If you don't like the Fozzie but your are still buying him, that's fine, but I also think it's fine for me to say that there are still nice quality's to Fozzie and i'm not buy him.



Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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It's fine for you to say that and perfectly fine for me to disagree. That's what we all do in forums. I see no connection to the likeness of a mini PVC worth a couple of bucks and of a sixty-dollar polystone bust. Apples and oranges. In fact, I am disappointed with how a couple of the PVC minis came out. The Fozzie mini isn't the best either.

The Fozzie Bear bust sticks out like a sore thumb among Weta's other products. As a committed collector of the line I have a legitimate complaint. I do hope it looks better in person. Ultimately forums are about communicating - agreeing and disagreeing. You should never take any post personally. I'm sorry if you did, but all I said is that I disagreed with you.

Technically none of the busts are really worth the hefty price tag. They are outrageously overpriced, but are also some of the best Muppet product ever made. Can’t pass them up – even the lack-luster Fozzie (or Fozzie’s cousin as I like to think of him). They’ve had a year to improve it, but haven’t done so and do not appear to be open to fan input. Such issues could have been easily solved with a little help from the fans. Some of the busts like Fozzie, Link and Piggy have not lived up to the promise in their initial press release. Consumers have a right to call them on it. * Especially one who's sunk nearly 600 bucks into it so far.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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why can't they just put the second dress on the first doesn't even look puppet-y!

Link Hogthrob

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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AH!! Now, this I can agree upon with you...the busts are severely overpriced! And, I do agree that Fozzie looks very bad!! I guess I just don't understand paying so much for something that I dislike so greatly even if it does complete my collection.

And, as unpopular as it seems to be, I really like the newPiggy. The hairstyle looks more like the actual Piggy's, the purple dress, etc. BUT, the hair coloring is a bit to "vibrant"...I guess I've just gotten used to it. People have been complaining about her ears looking like a rabbit's (which they do), but I think the original prototype's ears look just as rabbit-like!

So, because I respect your right to say what you feel (and my right to disagree :big_grin: ) I raise my glass and toast your soon to be completed collection of Muppet busts, Jamie! :wink:

Oh, and yes, I have bought several (6...and waiting on Link) and I agreed w/ a much earlier statement you made about Scooter not looking like he should...very bumpy


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Which ones did you buy? Curious. I think the real Piggy bust is somewhere in the middle of the two. The new one just doesn't have that spark. The first one is so alive. And even though I like the purple, she actually looks better with the red coloring. It warms her up. Wonder if there's a color in between.

I suspect Henson is behind some of the changes because the bust looks so much like the other Piggy merchandise. I hope it looks better in person. I'm looking into just how I'd add a light brown wash to the hair. You know, it would be semi-transparent and fall in some of the cracks to give it more dimension.

Was just thinking - a Pepe bust would be so cool. Too bad he wasn't on The Muppet Show, but how would they do his hair?

Fozzie is a disappointment, but he'll peek out from the back of my collection. I still don't get how so many elements are off, but maybe they will be fixed.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2002
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I'm sorry I didn't get more info for everyone. Sideshow was spending a lot of time and money on The Lord of the Rings stuff. I wish now that I would have asked if Piggy and Fozzie were finalized. Like I said, to me Fozzie looks better up close, but you're right. His face is off.