Not so much weird as it was just plain stupid, but I skimmed through this Forbes article that was written only very recently, where the author and a friend had a friendly debate that Google+ would soon beat Facebook as the "best" social media on the internet (for the record, the author was of the opinion that would never happen), he goes into detail about how he took a look into the subject and was surprised that in spite of Google+'s feeble existence when it first surfaced, it's really boomed in activity since October of this year, and now sees what his friend (and some other people) mean when they say Google+ will be the new Facebook.
This author clearly must really live under a rock if he has no idea that the reason Google+ boomed was because it was forced on every single YouTube account, and anytime someone comments on or shares a video on YouTube, it's also automatically counted as activity on your new forced Google+ account.