The Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Okay, okay, okay, now as most of you know, several years ago I used to belong to FanFiction.Net, and one of the stories I wrote was a screenplay (sort of) for a Sesame Street movie called "The Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street" in which a few of our favorite muppet pals travel the world in search of a mythical giant sesame seed that's said to have established Sesame Street. And as you all also know, eventually I was banned from FanFiction.Net, and all my stories were erased because nobody told me that script format is the same thing as "chat format" which they don't allow. Since then I've debated on whether or not to re-write the story here for you guys, but I finally decided to, so here it is: The Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street!

Chapter One: Ernie's Obsession

Our story opens up on a familiar inner city street, filled with laughter and singing, the sun was just rising, taxi cabs were pulling up in front of apartment buildings, while school buses were stopping at the end of the street. Music was playing in the background as all this happened, a very catchy tune that made you think about sunny days sweeping the clouds away. We then find ourselves in a rather dim apartment, where we find two familiar beds with two familiar figures sleeping in them, when suddenly...

RADIO ANNOUNCER: Good morning, good morning, good morning, and what a morning it is, huh? The sun is shining, and we're expected to reach temperatures of the high 70s/low 80s on this lovely spring day here on Sesame Street, and now, stay tuned for a blast from your past with Little Jerry and the Monotones!

An orange hand reaches out and taps the alarm off. It's Ernie. Ernie yawns and stretches his arms out before he leaps out of bed and focuses his attention on his buddy, Bert, who slept through the alarm because Ernie kept him up all night. Ernie then made his way over to Bert's bed.

ERNIE: Bert? Bert? (Starts singing) I can see clearly now, the rain is gone/I can see all obstacles in my way...

BERT: (Slowly wakes up, grumbling) Er-Ernie?

ERNIE: Gone are the dark clouds that held me back...

BERT: (Groans) Ernie...

ERNIE: (Sits Bert up) It's going to be a bri-i-i-i-i-i-ght...

BERT: (Groans) Bright?

ERNIE: Bright! Sun shining day!

Ernie then lets go of Bert, who falls straight back onto his pillow, still groaning. Ernie then walks over to the other side of Bert's bed, and pulls his feet out of bed.

ERNIE: Come on Bert, get up! It's a bright sunny day! A day for playing ball, a day for playing games, a day for working on puzzles, a day for...

BERT: Errrrrrrrrrrnie... I'm not quite ready to get up just yet, why don't you go get you some breakfast or something? I'm going to try to catch another extra five or ten minutes... (Gets back in bed)

ERNIE: Oh... okay, Bert! Suit yourself!

Moments later, the doors of 123 open up revealing Ernie, all dressed up with places to go; he merrily skipped his way down the stoop, and on his way to Hooper's Store where he bumps in Big Bird.

ERNIE: Good morning, Big Bird!

BIG BIRD: Oh, hi Ernie!

ERNIE: What are you doing today?

BIG BIRD: Snuffy and I are going to hold a Birdkateer meeting in the park.

ERNIE: Sounds like fun!

BIG BIRD: It will be, want to come along?

ERNIE: Aw, thanks Big Bird, I'd love to, but Bert and me are going to be playing ball, playing games, and working puzzles today!

BIG BIRD: Oh, sounds like fun!

ERNIE: Sure does, see you later, Big Bird!

BIG BIRD: Bye, Ernie!

Ernie skipped his way down the sidewalk, waving to Grover who was sitting behind the divider wall in front of his and Bert's apartment, as well as waving good morning to Elmo and Zoe playing catch in the arbor. At that moment, Baby Bear was just finishing up his bowl of porridge inside Hooper's Store.

ALAN: So, Baby Bear, how's the porridge today?

BABY BEAR: That is cewtainly one delicious bowl of powwidge, Alan! I especially liked the brown sugaw and waisins you added.

ALAN: I thought you might like to try something a little different today.

BABY BEAR: Well, it was scwumptious!

ALAN: I'm glad!

Baby Bear finished he porridge, and slid off the stool, and was on his way.

BABY BEAR: Thanks for the tasty bweakfast, Alan!

ALAN: You're welcome!

BABY BEAR: Oh, hi Ewnie!

ERNIE: Hey there, Baby Bear!

Ernie walked up to the counter and grabbed himself a stool.

ERNIE: Good morning, Alan!

ALAN: Good morning, Ernie... my, aren't you in a chipper mood today?

ERNIE: And why shouldn't I be? It's a bright sunny day, a day for playing ball, a day for playing games, a day for working puzzles...

ALAN: Sounds like a fun day!

ERNIE: I think so.

ALAN: So, what would you like for breakfast this morning?

ERNIE: Well, I'm not sure... what's good today?

ALAN: Well, let's see... I've got cold cereal, ham and eggs, oatmeal, porridge...

ERNIE: I think I'll have the cereal... not too much milk.

ALAN: Coming right up!

Alan then got out a bowl and a box of cereal and fixed it up for Ernie, as Ernie noticed the newspaper someone had left on the counter next to him; he then glanced at an article that caught his eye just as Alan placed the bowl of cereal in front of Ernie.

ALAN: Here you go, one bowl of cereal, not too much milk!

Ernie didn't notice.

ALAN: Ernie?

Still no response.

ALAN: Ernie?

Still no response.

ALAN: Hey, Ernie?

ERNIE: Hmm? Huh?

ALAN: Cereal.

ERNIE: Oh, yeah, thanks Alan!

Ernie then prepared to eat his cereal but he couldn't take his eyes off the newspaper on the counter, thus dribbling some cereal on his sweater.

ALAN: Anything interesting in the paper today, Ernie?

ERNIE: Hmm? Oh, no... why do you ask?

ALAN: I was just wondering because you kept glancing over at the paper, and you're spilling cereal on your sweater...

ERNIE: Oh? (Looks down) Oh...

Ernie snickered as he brushed the cereal off his sweater.

ERNIE: Oh, thanks for the cereal, Alan!

Ernie jumped off the stool and dashed outside, leaving Alan in the store, smiling and shaking his head as he cleaned up Ernie's mess.

ALAN: You're welcome, Ernie.

Moments later, Ernie was sitting on a stone bench in the garden in the back of the arbor, reading another newspaper, with his mouth hanging wide open as his eyes danced across the page he was reading.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Oh wow, this is great! I'm glad you decided to post it here after all! It's really terrific!
You know, it's funny. Even though this is obviously a modern SS story, in my mind as I'm picturing this, I keep hearing Jim's Ernie.

Looking forward to reading more!
:wisdom: (Seemed like an appropriate place to try it out, lol.)


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Wow, I agree with Fraggie there. :0
Yes. Fraggie. -Snugs her friend-

I do hear Jim's Ernie...
I'm afraid we've gone somewhat insane!

Good job Snowthykins!
Let's see what's in store!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Chapter Two: A Plan

Ernie was sitting alone in the garden, absolutely drowning himself in the newspaper he was reading, not noticing that Cookie Monster was walking towards him.

COOKIE MONSTER: Ernie! Ernie! Errrrrrrrrrrrrnieeeeeeeee!

ERNIE: (Looks up) Hmm? Oh, hi Cookie Monster!

COOKIE MONSTER: Hi, Ernie! What you doing?

ERNIE: Oh, I was just reading the newspaper here.

COOKIE MONSTER: OH! You reading newspaper! (Pause) What for?

ERNIE: Check it out - there's an article here about a recent sighting of the Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street!

COOKIE MONSTER: (Gasp) Get out of town, really?

ERNIE: Sure, really, listen to this: "Townsfolk in Rome, Italy are up-in-arms of the recent sightings in the skies the other night, a lot of people have said it was an unidentified flying object they have observed, while others are pretty sure what they saw in the sky was the legendary, and mythical Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street, a giant sesame seed that's said to have established the street in New York City, U.S.A. where anything and everything happens."

COOKIE MONSTER: Oh wow! Me always wanted to see Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street!

ERNIE: Me too! I don't care what other people say, I believe the Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street really exists!

COOKIE MONSTER: Oh, me too! Me too!

Just then...

ELMO: (Walks over) Did Elmo hear somebody says something about the Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street?

Ernie and Cookie Monster exchange looks of disbelief with each other before looking back at Elmo.

ERNIE: You mean YOU believe in the Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street, too, Elmo?

ELMO: Is Ernie kidding? Elmo not only believes in the Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street, Elmo is POSITIVE Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street is real!

COOKIE MONSTER: Oh yeah! That Giant Sesame Seed GOT to be real! Yeah-yeah-yeah!

ERNIE: Yeah... (Sighs) Boy, wouldn't it be awesome if we could prove that it IS real?

COOKIE MONSTER: Yeah-yeah-yeah...

ELMO: Maybe we CAN prove it's real!


ERNIE: How can we do that, Elmo?

ELMO: Easy, didn't Ernie just say the paper said the Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street was last seen in... uh... in.... uh, where was it seen last time?

ERNIE: Oh, uh, it was Italy!

ELMO: Isn't Italy where spaghetti comes from?

ERNIE: That's right, Elmo!

COOKIE MONSTER: Oh, yeah, and let us not forget pizza! Yum! Me like pizza with pepperonis, and little bitty anchovis... mmmmm!

ELMO and ERNIE: Ewww...

ELMO: Sooooooooo, anyway, why don't Elmo, Ernie, and Cookie Monster go to Italy to find the Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street?

COOKIE MONSTER: That sound like wonderful idea little Elmo!

ERNIE: Hmm, that does sound like a wonderful idea Elmo... but how are we going to get to Italy?

COOKIE MONSTER: Federal Express?

ELMO and ERNIE: (Pause) Uh... no...


ELMO: No Cookie Monster... maybe we can fly to Italy?

ERNIE: Now you're talking! We can catch a plane from Sesame Street to Italy, and go hunting for the Giant Sesame Seed of Sesame Street.


COOKIE MONSTER: So when do we leave?

ERNIE: Well obviously we can't leave right this minute... after all, Bert and I were going to spend the day playing ball, playing games, working puzzles...

ELMO: Yeah, and of course, Elmo has to go home and feed his goldfish, Dorothy...

COOKIE MONSTER: Oh, yeah-yeah-yeah, and me got to meet Prairie Dawn, me like to pester her.

ERNIE: (Snaps finger) I've got it! When everyone is asleep tonight, we can meet outside my house, catch a ride on the subway to the airport and be on our way to Italy.

ELMO: Wait a minute, Ernie, why do we have to do this in the middle of the night?

ERNIE: Well, you see, the Earth is round...

ELMO: Yeah, Elmo knows that...

ERNIE: Well, because the Earth is round, and that it keeps rotating, when the sun goes down in certain parts of the world, it rises in other parts, so by the time we take the subway to the airport and we land in Italy, it should just be tomorrow morning when we get there.

COOKIE MONSTER: That seem pretty logical.

ELMO: Elmo guesses so...

ERNIE: So it's settled then, we'll all meet out by the stoop tonight after everybody falls asleep, then we'll take it from there.

ELMO: Sounds good, Ernie.

COOKIE MONSTER: Yeah, me can hardly wait!

Later that evening, Ernie was sitting in bed, reading pamphlets and books about Italy just as Bert walked out of the bathroom from brushing his teeth, and heading for his bed, when he noticed Ernie's sudden over indulgence in reading.

BERT: Ernie? What are you doing with all those books about Italy?

Ernie was now embarassed... he didn't want to admit the truth to Bert... what if Bert would laugh at him? What if Bert would make fun of him for believing in something a lot of people don't? What if Bert called him...

BERT: Ernie?

ERNIE: Uh, what was that, Bert?

BERT: I asked you why are you reading all of those books about Italy?

ERNIE: Oh! Well... uh... you see Bert, world travelling is very exciting, you know?

BERT: True.

ERNIE: And I thought to myself, in case we were ever to decide to go on trips around the world sometime, I should learn as much as I could about certain countries we might visit, so I decided to catch up on my reading about Italy.

BERT: Ohhhhhhhhhhh, well, that's a good idea, Ernie. Maybe sometime in a few years or so we can take a trip around the world, and get a little culture in our lives. But, it's time to go to sleep now, so why don't you put all those books up and get some rest?

ERNIE: Yeah, you're right Bert... (Fake yawn) I am a little tired...

Ernie got out of bed, and gathered up all of his books and dropped them underneath his bed... meanwhile, as Bert was getting in his bed, he couldn't help but wonder if Ernie was up to something... I mean, why the sudden interest in world travel? Bert was pretty sure Ernie was up to no good, but he decided he'd wait until tomorrow morning to see what it is he's up to. Just then, Ernie hopped back in bed, and faked another yawn.

ERNIE: Well, good night, Bert ol' buddy!

Ernie rolled over and acted like he was getting nice and cozy for a good night's sleep.

BERT: Yeah, good night Ernie.

Bert did the same thing, something suddenly told him not to go to sleep right away, so he lied in bed, awake, listening to what Ernie was doing, meanwhile, Ernie was lying in bed, waiting to listen for Bert to do something like breathe heavily, or snore, which seemed like was taking Bert forever to do. Eventually, after a couple of hours, Bert ended up drifting off to sleep anyway, snoring real loudy... Ernie was finally about to give up and fall asleep as well until he heard Bert snoring.

ERNIE: (Shout whispering) Yes!

Ernie quietly slipped out of bed, and tip-toed over to the dresser where he pulled out one of his sweaters, and a pair of blue jeans, as well as a few pairs of underwear and socks to drop in the little suitcase he was taking. After a few minutes, Ernie walked out of the bathroom, and finished packing his suitcase, but not before he made sure Rubber Ducky would be able to breathe inside the suitcase, so he grabbed a straw, and stuck in between the sides of the suitcase, so Rubber Ducky could use the straw as a snorkel to breathe. Now Ernie was set, so he quickly, yet quietly snuck out of the apartment, but unfortunately, before he made it to the door, he accidentally tripped over a toy lying on the floor, causing a loud thump, which woke Bert up. Now Ernie was in a predicament! Bert, at that moment, started wiggling around in his bed, mumbling Ernie's name, so Ernie got up and quickly dashed out the door before Bert noticed; Bert then sat up in bed, and rubbed his eyes.

BERT: Ernie? Was that you?

Bert noticed Ernie was gone, with his bed well made, with a note ontop of it. Bert then got out of bed, and flipped on the light so he could read the note left on Ernie's bed.

BERT: (Reading the note) "Dear Ol' Buddy Bert, In case you start to begin where I'm at, by the time you read this note, I'll probably be sleeping in a hotel in Italy." WHAT? ! (Continues reading) I should be back in a couple of days or so, I know you'll be very lonely without me, Bert, but I think this would be for the best. See you later!" Signed, your buddy, Ernie. Oh, I don't believe this! ERNIE!

Bert rushed over to the window where he saw Ernie, Elmo, and Cookie Monster out by the stoop.

ELMO: (Quietly) What took Ernie so long?

ERNIE: (Quietly) Oh, it took Bert forever to fall asleep tonight.

COOKIE MONSTER: (Quietly) So, we ready to go now?

ERNIE: Oh yeah, sure, let's go!

Ernie, Elmo, and Cookie Monster then made a beline for the subway as Bert watched from the window.

BERT: What are they up to? !

With that, Bert raced over to the dressed, grabbed himself a sweater and pants, raced into the bathroom to change, then he raced out the door, through the hallway, up the flight of stairs to the main floor of 123, dashed out the double doors just as the doors to the subway closed and the three made their way underground to the station. Bert raced after them and dashed down into the subway; once underground, he looked around until he spotted at the end of the station Ernie, Elmo, and Cookie Monster standing by a lamp-post when a train zoomed up and stopped, opening its doors and letting inside off the train, and to let everyone outside in. Bert knew what he had to do, so when he saw an open door to another car in front of him, he dashed inside, just as the train prepared to take off again; now furious and confused at the same time, he calmly made he way furthur back, walking through car after car. Meanwhile, in the very last car of the train...

ERNIE: Oh boy, this is so exciting!

ELMO: Elmo knows, Elmo can't wait!

COOKIE MONSTER: Oh, yeah, this going to be one great adventure.

ERNIE: I'll say it will be!

Just then...

BERT: (Off camera) And just what adventure would that be, Ernie?

This took everyone by surprise, as they slowly turned around to find Bert standing behind them, his eyebrow turned down and his hands on his hips.

BERT: Well?

Did I mention I originally wrote this around 2002/2003?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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HAHA! Tutter_fan, when you posted that...I laughed because your icon and the just matched. LOL!

Like Beaker's expression..and what I see is Beaker doing that. LOL!

Sorry...I'm weird.

This is so awesome, Snowth!
Shame on Fanfiction to ban you. :frown:


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2003
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I can't help but do that! It's like a mystery! You'll never know what could happen!

BTW, I think we all are weird sometimes!