
A Well-Known-Member at last!! Yes!! Yes!! Ok, I'm done celebrating now.)
*After a moment, shivers compulsively.*
Alan: Yes. And that is all that I know at present. *His white eyes stare off at the wall for a moment as he thinks. He cries out suddenly in exultation and spreads his wings.* That's it! I was looking for more information on why those Dual-Changers were disappearing when I was attacked. My attacker was some sort of huge beast-thing. Kind of reminded me of the creature from the serpant-spider legend.
Oh, wow.
Alan: Just before I was killed, I thought that I must teleport away to allies. The next thing I know, I'm with you.
Rachel: This is all very mysterious and requires some looking into, but not now. You, Alan, need to rest and recover before we do anything.
Alan: Oh, alright.