There once was a man, who was about to experience THE day... Judgment Day!
He was approaching the Pearly Gates, on his way into paradise, but first, he had to answer a little questionare.
The gatekeeper looked over the man's records...
"Well, let's see... you never smoked, you never drank, you never had sex before marriage... we see that you are a good man... but have you ever done ANYTHING to help another, less fortunate person?"
"As a matter of fact, I have!" Said the man, "I was walking down the sidewalk, on my way home from work, and there was the little old lady heading towards the same direction I was heading from, when all of the sudden, this HUGE man, must have weighed about 250-300 pounds or so jumped her! He was after her purse, but she wasn't giving up without a fight, he started beating and kicking her to get her to let go of her purse, but she had a death grip on that purse; so that's when I made up my mind - I ran over the scene, and I managed to help the old lady free from his grasp, and help her make a getaway, while I, with ALL my might, I gave that guy the hardest, strongest punch in the face that I could give him!"
The gatekeeper was most certainly impressed. "Wow, that certainly IS a good deed! And when did all of this happen?" asked the gatekeeper.
The man replied "about two minutes ago".