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The 100 Greatest Muppets! By Lisa and Prawnie!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Here comes some MOOOOOOOORE!

80. Earl Sinclair (Dinosaurs)

P - I LOVE Earl, he's just so funny. He's the typical family man, and he hates it. He reminds me of Fred Flinstone, except more outspoken.
L - ...That's an interesting comparison, considering that Fred Flinstone used dinosaurs as, like... household appliances...
P - Indeed, and Earl kept a caveman as a pet.
L - Really?
P - Yeah. Actually, it might've been a cavewoman... but it was a human.
L - I guess I should actually WATCH Dinosaurs at some point, shouldn't I? Because all I remember of when it was on is that the rest of my family loved it, and even though I'm the baby of the family, my sister told me I wasn't allowed to use the "I'm the baby, gotta love me," trick.
P - Haha, yes, well, that's true, that whole hitting people on the head with a frying pan thing... is painful.
L - Nah, only for the person getting hit...
P - Which is usually me.
L - ...Your point?
P - ...Never mind. Anyway, I really like Earl's relationships with other characters too, he's got a different one for all of them. He's a snivelling coward in front of his boss B.P. Richfield, he's the mooching husband around Fran, the cautious father with Charlene, the "father/son time" craving father with Robbie, and the frying pan avoider with Baby. I love it.
L - Well said.
P - Thanks.

79. Skeeter (Muppet Babies)

P - I miss her. I will never understand why she never became a Muppet and why no explanation was given for her dissapearance.
L - She SHOULD be an actual MUPPET Muppet. She deserves more than a spot in a cartoon that's no longer being made. And yes, I know, we both know, Muppet Babies was created AFTER everyone in the world knew all of the adult Muppets and lacks in accuracy in more ways than one, but STILL! Skeeter is a Muppet character, and a good one. Besides, seeing an actual sibling relationship within the adult Muppets would be FUN!
P - Exactly! All we get to see with siblings are Andy and Randy! And Skeeter was not only a great character, but possibly one of the best babies, maybe it was because she was an original character, I don't know, but she was great. I wonder what made them create her for the show?
L - Piggy needed competition.
P - Ah. Yes. But why didn't they use an existing Muppet? I know Janice appeared once or twice as a baby, but why not a permanent? I bet if she did she'd be a lot more popular today.
L - ...I have no idea.
P - Well okay then. Have you ever seen Muppet Babies?
L - Yes, actually, I HAVE! Some of my friends came over to my house with a bunch of Muppet Babies tapes not long before I went to Israel last summer.
P - Oh! Well why didn't you tell me? How cool! I still have a bunch of my old tapes too. My favorite episode is when they parody Star Wars and The Jetsons and Scooter gets mad at Skeeter for letting Bean take all of his roles.
L - ...I... DID tell you... But anyway. Skeeter's awesome.
P - You did? ...But yeah, she's great. I wonder who'd perform her if she became a real Muppet.
L - Yes, I did. And I don't know, but there is SO much potential there...
P - I know! I think Jerry could do it. But then again I think Jerry could do anyone he set his voice to, but that's just me.
L - Yeah, it amazes me that we've got the BBB, SWAEHB, RHLC, and nobody for Jerry. We should work on that. But isn't Jerry kinda pulling back, anyway?
P - Yeah... but still, he's Jerry!
L - He IS! And he has several more characters later on in the list, so- shall we?
P - Indeed.

78. Ma and Pa Gorg (Fraggle Rock)

P - Hey, he has a character here on the list! One of my all time favorite characters too, Pa Gorg!
L - Ma and Pa Gorg. They are SO flirty with each other, which is nice to see, considering that they didn't seem to have any other choices for dating...
P - Although I heard Junior was going to ask out that radish friend of his.
L - Oh, really? But that's an option for Junior, not for Pa. You know?
P - Oh yeah, Ma would murder him. Or... you know, store him in the cellar.
L - Neither of which sounds all too appealing. But anyway, Pa and Ma are AWESOME.
P - I know! And they SO don't give a Doozer's behind about Junior's obsession with the Fraggles, which is kind of funny, 'cause when you think about it, if Junior caught enough Fraggles they could have their own little army to defend the castle of the King and Queen of the Universe.
L - Yeah, but defend against whom? Who is IN that universe, anyway? That's part of their awesomeness. As far we can tell, they are King and Queen of absolutely nothing.
P - Wander McMooch. Wander McMooch is in that universe. And the Trash Heap, and Philo and Gunge.
L - Oh. ...Do the Gorgs know about any of them?
P - Well Junior sold Wander McMooch the house, so yeah.
L - Oh, okay.
P - I like Pa.
L - I like Ma.
P - And we'll get to Junior later, moving on?
L - Yup!

77. Baby Bear (Sesame Street)

P - Numbow seventy-seven is Baby Beaw! Whewe'd I put my powidge?
L - ...Pwobably <ahem> I mean, Probably where you picked up the speech impediment. I can't really complain about the way Baby Beaw- <ahem> Baby Bear talks, because I used to have trouble pronouncing my R's. My big sister's name was "Sawa" for the LONGEST time... Which is why I'm trying not to slip into Baby Bear talk, because I might have trouble slipping back out.
P - I used to talk like that too, I think, geez, half thing much. I also really like Baby Bear's friendship with Telly, and I always saw Baby Bear as a cocky character, he actually reminds me of my brother.
L - You THINK you used to talk like that? I had to get pulled out of class in school for YEARS to sit with a speech thewapist! ...Therapist. But anyway, isn't Baby Beaw- <aHEM> Baby Bear. Isn't he Jewish? Was that established at some point, or did I imagine it?
P - Yes he is! In some Elmo's World thing Telly went over to Baby Bear's house to see how Hannukah was celebrated.
L - WHEEE! It's celebrated by lighting the menowah and spinning a dweidel! ...Er, lighting the MENORAH and spinning a DREIDEL. Anyway, I love that Baby Bear is Jewish, which probably has something to do with the fact that I'm Jewish and I love teddy bears, but who knows? The point is, Baby Bear is cool.
P - Yup! And his best fw- friend is Telly, who wouldn't want that?
L - Let's move on before we pewmanently lose the ability to pwonounce the letter R.
P - Vew- ...Yes.

76. The Amazing Mumford (Sesame Street)

P - A la peanut butter sandw- ...What she said! Maybe you could do a DUCKumentary!
L - <Giggles!> Now, unforunately, I don't know Mumford too well...
P - I really don't either, I just know him from the Sesame 25th anniversary music thingie, but he was great, couldn't make the crowd "la la" but he could make them "baa baa" and "quack." Talented fella.
L - Quite.
P - I think he also likes to use Grover as a lovely assistant.
L - That, or Grover just sort of insists on it.
P - Which is totally something he would do. I know I saw Mumford at the Celebration of Grover at the Flyer's Club Roost.
L - Hm, cool!
P - Sha! And he's Jerry, which totally boosts his cool factor.
P - Hehe, moving on?
L - Might as well!
P - Now watch as I make this character disappear! A la peanut butter sandwiches! *turns into a goat* What a baaaad trick...

75. Placido Flamingo (Sesame Street)

L - We seem to be in a Sesame Street streak.
P Indeed, it continues after this, too. But anyway, his singing is for de birds!
L - It is! ...In a good way! And you forgot your dash.
P - *blink* Oh, sorry. I never was very dashing. But anyway... his duet with Placido Domingo was awesome!
L - I wouldn't know, unfortunately, but I've heard him singing about scrubbing a tub and how he loves a ringing telephone, and I love it.
P - Oh those are so funny... Richard really gave him an awesome voice. Definitely one of my favorite Richard characters.
L - He DOES have an awesome voice! So happy-making.
P - I know! I think all of Richard's characters do that, though.
L - I think most Muppets are like that, really. Part of the whole "millions of people happy" thing.
P - Indeed! Very, very true! But Placido especially.

74. Abby Cadaby (Sesame Street)

P - We're expecting big things from you! But... not too big. *glares in Elmo's general direction*
L - Easy, Prawnie, easy. I don't see any mad street-conquering in her yet. I see an adorable fairy-god-daughter who turns everything into pumpkins!
P - Especially the Sloppy Jalopy. I think that was my favorite episode last season, seeing something pink interact with Oscar was priceless.
L - "Something pink interact with Oscar." Yeah, that DOES sound priceless! I've really gotta get to watching Sesame on a regular basis, but I've been in school when it's on for the past thirteen years, and I have no means of recording it that I am competent enough to use. But I don't think I have any classes when it's on this semester... Hm, maybe I WILL bring a small TV to college... My roommate won't mind, will she?
P - No, of course not! Doesn't she teach preschool?
L - She's majoring in Elementary Education, so... maybe? Well, whether she minds or not, she's just going to have to deal with the fact that I'm a child at heart. I still haven't decided how many of my thirty-seven teddy bears I'm going to bring...
P - Hehehehe! Your poor roommate. Wait till you tell her that Chef lives with you too.
L - We'll be the only people on campus to utterly adore all dorm food. ...Or, maybe not. Have I mentioned there's a Ben and Jerry's on campus?
P - Ooh! No, you haven't! ...Which Muppet were we talking about?
L - Abby Cadaby, of course! I LOVE saying her name. Abby Cadaby! Abby Cadaby Abby Cadaby Abby Cadaby Abby Cadaby!
P - She has the cutest little voice, too.
L - She DOES. She's adorable. I can't wait to get to know her.
P - And I think everyone will if they watch Season 38, since she's supposed to be in every episode.
L - Ooh! How exciting!
P - Or frightening. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out.
L - I guess so. While we're waiting, shall we move on?

73. Zoe (Sesame Street)

P - Or as the other list of Top Muppets called her, "Girl Elmo."
L - Sheesh. She's really not as bad as the other list made her out to be.
P - Yeah, I know, I just thought it was funny. I really actually like Zoe, and all of Fran Brill's characters.
L - Oh, of course. So, yes, about Zoe...
P - I really do like her! But I liked her when she didn't have her tutu all the time...
L - She has it all the time now?
P - Yup. A very odd choice if you ask me.
L - Quite. Poor Zoe. Tutu's aren't all that comfortable. Although I think the one I had was too small...
P - Ha! Sheesh... well, Zoe looks pretty comfortable. ...Or maybe THAT's why her voice is so high.
L - Sheesh! The poor monster! Well, tutu or no tutu, she's fun!
P - Indeed! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that she has a pet rock.
L - Me too! Heck, I just love the idea of a rock being a pet. So easy to care for. And I betcha pet rocks never eat the eyes off of teddy bears.
P - Hahaha! And Elmo is SO jealous of that rock. He feels that Zoe takes him for GRANITE!
L - <Giggles!> ...I'm trying to come up with a snappy pun to counter that, but I fail miserably... Zoe rocks.
P - I think you just came up with that snappy pun.
L - Ooh, so I did! YAY!
P - Shall we continue?
L - Sure.

72. Hilda the Wardrobe Lady (The Muppet Show)

P - Ah, a character very close to my... can I say pants?
L - You just did.
P - Oh. Well, I don't mean she's close to my pants in a... non-family forum friendly way, I mean she's close to my pants as in... she's mended all of them at one point or another.
L - Ah, see, I have my mother for that. Anyway, Hilda has also been your dance partner...
P - Indeed she has! We got toppled by the Rolling Stones!
L - Ah, typical. But anyway, Hilda definitely should've stuck around longer than she did. I mean, no one even replaced her, ever... Who ELSE is supposed to take care of the Muppets' costuming needs?
P - I know! It's not like Piggy's gonna do it! And who wants to give Gonzo a sewing machine?
L - Not I, that's for certain. Anyway, Hilda is WONDERFUL. I love her glasses.
P - Yes! And the way she talks is just so cool!
L - It IS! Wonderful, so wonderful...
P - I really do love her, just not as much as she thinks I do.
L - Good. ...<Ahem>
P - *smirks* I think we'll continue.

71. Dr. Phil van Neuter (Muppets Tonight!)

P - My absolute FAVORITE Muppets Tonight anything was when Dr. Phil got drunk on egg nog. Awesome. Incredibly awesome.
L - I wouldn't know, but I DO know that he was pretty funny in Muppets From Space.
P - Oh totally! Loved the HMO thing. "...Good question."
L - I was just about to comment on that. Yeah, the HMO thing. Good stuff. And he befriended the rats at the end.
P - Hahahaha! Oh that was so funny! He was melting a marshmallow on the end of a shot needle!
L - Was he? I never noticed that!
P - Totally! See, you've watched MTI and KSY more times than you can count, well, I've watched MFS more times than I can count. Love it. He's just so funny. Did you know Bill does his hands?
L - I don't even know who does his head.
P - Really?
L - Really. Care to enlighten me?
P - Brian Henson!
L - Ooh! Shame on me for not knowing. Good for Brian! Fun character, very fun.
P - Indeed, and the last one for this post.
L - This one took longer than usual. Next time, don't crash so much, silly Prawnie. <giggles>
P - *frowns* Not my fault...
L - I know, I know, I'm just teasing. Very difficult to convey with plain ol' text.
P - Indeed. So are we done?
L - Done? There's another seventy Muppets to go! ...But done with the post, yes, I think so.
P - ...Sheesh.
L - You said it. How long do we wait before doing the next ten?
P - After I get back from my movie.
P - Maybe.

L - You and your movies. Maybe your computer will be done with the crashiness by then. Oh, but I can't stay up too late tonight! I have work in the morning.
P - I have to be up early to leave for a week.
L - Curses. Looks like the list will have to take a break.
P - Indeed. Sorry gang.
L - Aye. But the list WILL return!
P - Sha!
L - Oy. Oh, and by the way? I have no idea what I was talking about with the whole, "Life is tomatoes" thing last night. I think I just put Pete lines in a blender or something...
P - And I was too tired to pay any attention.
L - <shrug> It works.
P - Kind of.
L - Ish.
P - ...That's enough of that.
L - Indeed.
P - Oh just post. :stick_out_tongue:
L - I was about to, and then you talked.
P - Well I'm not now.
P - Oops.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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1 Betina and Belinda... First of all, shouldn't it be Belinda and Betina instead, for alphabetical purposes? Secondly, they're individual characters and should be treated as such, not as one single entry.
2 There are two different characters named Yorick who are skulls. The one from S&F is a purple skull that ate Kermit, the one from TMS is a blue skull who had cameos in the Christopher Reeves episode.
Additionally, the question was what other Muppet can say they've eaten Kermit. Piggy, Fozzie, Robin, Rowlf have all eaten Kermit?
And to answer the question correctly, Gorgon Heap ate Kermit in the Talk Panel spot in the Vincent Price episode.
3 Again, Mahna Mahna and the Snowths should be separated into individual entries.
4 Prawny, talk to KermiClown to get an almost complete JHH six-disc set.
5 Again, Wayne and Wanda should be separated into individual entries.
6 Again, the Toms should be separated into individual entries: Old Tom, Really Old Tom, and Dead Tom.
7 Actually, it's not the Long John Silver Muppet, it's more of a Tim Curry Muppet as Long John Silver... Which is why he's in the listings as Tim Curry/Long John Silver Muppet.

Sorry, Ed, but I think you are being a little bit too overly critical with the way Prawnie and Lisa are making their list. This is their list. Let them do it the way they want.:smirk:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Uh Bry... You did red the post above where I said it was okay and all that other stuff fright?
Anyway... Like I said, would've loved to be part of this you two crazy kids.
As for no JN club here at MC... Try thinking of a good acronym and what it stands for, and please send it to me.
Actually, I think more of Karen performing a grownup Skeeter.
Zoe was named because Fran didn't want any Muppet named after herself, so she got the name from a J.D. Sallinger poem. And yet, this last season, she finally got a self-named character, Fran, who served as David Letterguy's stage manager.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Uh Bry... You did red the post above where I said it was okay and all that other stuff fright?
Anyway... Like I said, would've loved to be part of this you two crazy kids.
As for no JN club here at MC... Try thinking of a good acronym and what it stands for, and please send it to me.
Actually, I think more of Karen performing a grownup Skeeter.
Zoe was named because Fran didn't want any Muppet named after herself, so she got the name from a J.D. Sallinger poem. And yet, this last season, she finally got a self-named character, Fran, who served as David Letterguy's stage manager.

It's no problem, Ed. I read it. You know I love ya, man. I just think you can get a bit too nitpicky with certain things. But to each his own, I guess. Anyway...I love this list and am enjoying reading the commentary. By the way, I am still not really back. I am just viewing a few of the threads. Won't be back for a couple more days.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Sorry about that... Let's just forget about it and sweep it under the rug. Rully looking forward to whenever this gets started up again, after the prawn gets himself out of da hot water of his current mini-vacation.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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This is a good list. Concerning pairs that get one spot, have you thought about giving a spot to 2 completely unrelated characters, like Miss Finch and Sprocket? Or Grover and Lips? Or Thog and Irving Bizarre?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Considered it? Possibly. Done it? Possibly. Clarifying that before the entire list is posted? As if we would be so kind! It's far more fun to be mysterious about it, which means that you can either patiently wait and see what we've got planned, or you can eternally loathe us for the teasing. Or, I suppose you could potentially do both, or neither, or some other variation thereof. And if none of that works, you could always just pat your head, rub your tummy, hop up and down on one foot, and spin around in circles while reciting the Gettysburg Address.

Winslow Leach

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2007
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And if none of that works, you could always just pat your head, rub your tummy, hop up and down on one foot, and spin around in circles while reciting the Gettysburg Address.
Hmmm...I have tried this once, and it was kinda successful, but by the time I got to "four score and--" my head was somehow encased in a large roast turkey...:confused:


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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You guys are really funny. But honestly, Baby Bear? Did you guys add that for comic relief or do you actually like him, Because I love me some Blind Pew and Mildred, and could do without Baby Beaw.